Possible Duplicate:
Can I see changes before I save my file in Vim?

Duplicate: Can I see changes before save my file in Vim?

Is there a way to see the diff of the saved version and the edited version of the same file in VIM?

This is the scenario: I've opened a file, editing something and I went away from the computer due to some work. After sometime I returned back and I forgot what I was editing and I would like to see the difference between the last saved and the current unsaved version of the same file. Is there a way to do it?

Of course, I can keep undoing till the last change and start redoing to go back to my unsaved version. But what I would like to see is a diff.


2 Answers 2

:w !diff % -
  • 4
    Could we get an explanation for this to make it easier to understand?
    – Marlun
    Commented Jan 30, 2014 at 9:41
  • 3
    @Marlun I have written an explanation in the question referenced inside the duplicate notification. Commented Mar 12, 2014 at 18:37

Apparently :DiffOrig does the same thing as the custom function did a couple links deep into Mr. Golubyev's post. It may only be in newer versions of Vim by default, though.

  • wikia tips does a few other things regarding the options set. Commented Jul 21, 2010 at 23:48

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