I need to install python-lzo-1.08. When i try to do it from gz-file, i getting error:
NameError: name 'CURL_DIR' is not defined
OS: win7
I can't anywhere find windows installer (google taking only gz or broken links to msi/exe).
Maybe anybody have this file? please, share! ( [email protected] ) Or help with error "name 'CURL_DIR' is not defined".


2 Answers 2


Check this:

This web is a treasure for the windows' people :) In that place you can download binary packages, and avoid all the usual installation and compiling.

  • Note that link-only answers are discouraged, SO answers should be the end-point of a search for a solution (vs. yet another stopover of references, which tend to get stale over time). Please consider adding a stand-alone synopsis here, keeping the link as a reference.
    – kleopatra
    Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 10:56

You can't simply install python-lzo on a windows based system. If you take a look at the windows install guide, you will find directions for building python-lzo on your system.

Unless you know that you already have a c/c++ compiler, I would recommend downloading something like cygwin or MinGW first, installing that, then follow the instructions in the readme linked above.

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