I am trying to get a version of VS Code that will run on 32-bit Windows 7.

This page points to the release notes for 1.70 which has a 64-bit download.

This page provides a link to download the Insiders version, for use with 32-bit. But that version doesn't support Windows 7.

Where can I find such a version of VS Code?

  • 3
    Windows 7 is out of support and vscode has subsequently dropped support for that OS. You'd need to download a really old version and you'd find most extensions won't work on that anymore. Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 9:24
  • @jessehouwing I'm aware. That's why I'm asking.
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 9:31
  • 1
    Looks like you might be able to leverage vscodium: github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 9:58
  • @jessehouwing I went with VSCodium. Do you think it should be a separate answer?
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 21:55

3 Answers 3



Taken from here and here.

Though for some reason these don't work on my computer (Code.exe starts by dies after a bit). Who knows why...

Then there's a video downloading 1.50 and comments saying thank you, so I guess it worked (I didn't try because...) - very old version though. Not sure why 1.70 doesn't work on me, but anyway, according to Microsoft, it's the last one working on Windows 7, and here are the 2 links for its 32-bit Windows version. Hopefully it works for you and anyone else. This is a 2006 Pentium M DDR RAM PC anyway.

EDIT: I did get to try now, 9 months later xD. 1.55.2 is the last one that works on my computer, in case anyone finds it useful. 1.56.0 breaks it here.

Also, there is a ZIP somewhere for 1.70.3, but I only found the 64-bit version. EDIT: take a look at Alex Koster's answer - the 32-bit version of the ZIP is there.


The vscodium project still releases builds for many officially unsupported platforms formerly or never supported by vscode.

You can grab a release from here:



Building on the other responses to this question above, to be able to use some of the latest features VSCodium might be your best option, unless you need Microsoft Account-enabled features. As of April 19, 2023 I was able to run the latest release of VSCodium 32-bit build from the ZIP archive on 64-bit Windows 7 SP1. Note, I did not test on 32-bit Windows 7 but I imagine the 32-bit builds should run as well. Note there are messages indicating that VSCodium will soon stop receiving updates for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2. The funny thing is that upon clicking on the Learn More hyperlink or button you are directed to a URL from the VS Code documentation indicating versions greater than 1.70 will not run on Windows 7.

Visual Studio Code

If you are looking specifically for VS Code, I was able to find the other 32-bit (and 64-bit) build links from the VS Code Documentation FAQ page under heading "Previous Release Versions" which I found from a StackOverflow question (# 49346733) titled "How to downgrade vscode": (Not linking to these relatively easy to find FAQ and SO question pages as I don't have enough reputation to post more than 8 links at this time and would prefer to provide direct links to the builds for download)

32-bit builds:

ZIP: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-archive/stable

System Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32/stable

User Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-user/stable

64-bit builds:

ZIP: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64-archive/stable

System Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64/stable

User Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64-user/stable

With regard to the final VS Code update for Windows 7, version 1.70.3 for the ZIP archive builds, I was able to find direct links to the latest version 1.70.3 by clicking on the Gear icon in the lower left and using the built-in Download Updates option which directed me to the following URLs for the 32-bit and 64-bit editions:

32-bit VS Code 1.70.3 ZIP archive:


64-bit VS Code 1.70.3 ZIP archive:


Unfortunately, I could not find a direct URL to download the system or user installers for version 1.70.3, although the built-in updater (accessed from the Gear icon menu in the lower left) seemed to download an updater package, creating a new directory vscode-update-[system/user]-[ia32/x64] underneath C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\ under which an .EXE file and sometimes a .flag file were written. For the system installer versions I received a UAC prompt and was able to track down the directory and file locations from there. (Though there was no UAC prompt for the user installer versions, I did find similar directories adjacent to the system directories under AppData\Local\Temp which I am assuming are the updaters for those versions). Here are the SHA-256 hashes of those files, their file sizes and locations:

32-bit system installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-system-ia32\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: 0c64ea2647a54b7cdc4d3a3c91fbcebbe43b250417c75c0437fca252572a692d

Size: 79,271,448 bytes

64-bit system installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-system-x64\

File 1 name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash of file 1: 63a0e5beb949cbf70a8e8e78a8f2d0d8be48e6f59966769789f236fb7643711c

Size of file 1: 82,838,336 bytes

File 2 name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.flag

SHA-256 Hash of file 2: 807d0fbcae7c4b20518d4d85664f6820aafdf936104122c5073e7744c46c4b87

Size of file 2: 4 bytes

32-bit user installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-user-ia32\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: 1d136adc8d36a7785bd2379b643c003caeace78a3c122910ec83ec76c76cfce5

Size: 79,271,592 bytes

64-bit user installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-user-x64\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: b1332b48970ade9aaf4f0948fee417cabd0207aca44985798f4f941afefa32f3

Size: 82,838,544 bytes

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