I had to replace the Hibernate call Connection conn = sessionImpl.connection() with the following, due to ".connection()" being deprecated in Hibernate. ref: session.connection() deprecated on Hibernate? A try;catch; is required, as doWork() throws a HibernateException.

try {
        new Work() {
            public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException 
} catch (HibernateException e) {

The problem is, I'm getting the following in Eclipse:

No exception of type HibernateException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable

As far as I can tell, HibernateException chains back to Throwable, so I don't know what it's talking about.

I'm using hibernate-core 6.1.0

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


So it turns out I didn't have the right library on my classpath. HibernateException extends jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException I did have the following in my POM


But I did NOT have the persistence API in my POM


I had checked my POM before, but didn't realize there was a difference between the two. Thanks rzwitserloot for enticing me to look again.

  • The compiler isn't lying to you. Possibly you have written your own class, perhaps to try this out as example, and you named it HibernateException. Commented Jun 24, 2022 at 3:28
  • Thanks. This is an inherited solution, but I did search for a custom HibernateException class that a prior dev may have added, but couldn't find one. When I trace the catch (HibernateException e) object, it's pointing to package org.hibernate; public class HibernateException extends PersistenceException which extends from package javax.persistence; public class PersistenceException extends RuntimeException. These are both Hibernate packages, not something built in the solution
    – Grant
    Commented Jun 24, 2022 at 17:02
  • The compiler error has only two explanations: [A] HibernateException or PersistenceException isn't on the classpath, or [B] you have a class named HibernateException in the same package or otherwise imported it, and it isn't hibernate-core's exception. Commented Jun 24, 2022 at 17:24


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