In my case , I use std::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms) to sleep 10ms.

If the Android app is in foreground, will sleep about 10ms. But if app in background ,it will sleep about 50ms~.

I also tried usleep(),nanosleep(),std::condition::wait_for(), and also java Thread.sleep(), NONE of them works fine in this case.

But this code works fine always:

int64_t startTimeStemp = now_ms();
while(true) {
  int64_t nowTimeStemp = now_ms();
  if(now - start > 10) {

How can I solve this problem? Thanks.

  • I don't think you can get guaranteed just 'at least'. Related at least conceptually: Investigation of optimal sleep time calculation in game loop Commented Jan 25, 2022 at 4:10
  • I'll try scheduleAtFixedRate, and then post the result.Thanks @MorrisonChang Commented Jan 25, 2022 at 7:38
  • scheduleAtFixedRate is still not accurate when in background , maybe 10ms ~45ms. Orz Commented Jan 25, 2022 at 15:07
  • You should probably explain what you are trying to do. Realize that Android isn't a RTOS so background processes have few guarantees (and power management/battery life requirements means that should be expected). Commented Jan 25, 2022 at 19:06
  • I am coding a media player , when audio and video syncs , it needs to sleep in the accurate time , or at least without a large difference. @MorrisonChang Commented Jan 26, 2022 at 11:08

1 Answer 1


So there is a solution. Its called foreground notification service. First I was doing wake lock but this is insufficient:

Now my code looks like this (sorry I use a lot of custom extensions)


So I keep app alive and working fine in background.

class LooperPlayNotificationService : Service() {

    companion object {
        val NOTIFICATIONS_CHANNEL = "${app.packageName} notifications"

    override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder? = null

    override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int {
        super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId)
        return START_STICKY

    override fun onCreate() {

    private val playButtonActionId = "play_button_action"
    private lateinit var playButtonAction: BroadcastReceiver
    private var started = false

    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6619143/start-sticky-foreground-android-service-goes-away-without-notice
    // There's a bug in 2.3 (not sure if it was fixed yet) where when a Service is killed and restarted,
    // its onStartCommand() will NOT be called again. Instead you're going to have to do any setting up in onCreate()
    private fun start() {
        if (started) return
        started = true
        startForeground(647823876, createNotification())
        playButtonAction = register(playButtonActionId) {
            main.looper?.player?.asStarted { it.stop() }

    override fun onDestroy() {

    private fun createNotification() = Builder(this, NOTIFICATIONS_CHANNEL)
        .setContentIntent(getActivity(this, 0, Intent<InstrumentsActivity>(this),
        .addAction(ic_stop_circle_black_24dp, "Stop",
            getBroadcast(this, 0, Intent(playButtonActionId),

this is basically just a service, it has to be defined in manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

        android:exported="true" />

And so on, there is bunch of examples about this matter, but overall it was not so trivial to implement due to various details you can see in code I posted.

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