In Eclipse with CDT, version "Oxygen", one used to be able to go in the menu: Window / Show View / Others..., then there was a Folder "Remote Systems" containing an item again called "Remote Systems". You could set this up to view files in a remote target file system from within a window in Eclipse.

I tried this now with the current Eclipse 10.4 (aka "2021-9"), as gotten from here. The whole "Remote Systems" folder is gone and entering "remote" in the search textbox on the Window / Show View / Other dialog yields no results.

Edit: Forgot to mention that the newest thing about the topic I found is this, but that Remote System Explorer is also absent from my Eclipse-CDT installation under Perspectives.

Has this been renamed, or replaced by something different? Is this functionality still part of Eclipse-CDT?

1 Answer 1


Ok, apparently it used to come installed by default with the CDT installers I used in the past, but it's not currently. Under Help / Install New Software..., I entered "Remote Systems" in the search, installed the "Remote Systems Exlporer End User Runtime" that popped up. Now it is there.


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