I didn't find any helpful topics over the webs by this question. These all about how to uninstall python or uninstall ruby but there are no information about the #{TOPIC}.

The main problem is that I used other interesting answers to try to uninstall an application using PowerShell script but all that didn't help me because that script with several variants of -Query "query" never finds my application even by unrigorous mask like '%APPL_NAME%' or by version number.

Seems like table Win32_Product filled uncorrectly or any function works bad now. Moreover, for me, it's not so cool to use PowerShell if I have such flexible languages.

So i'm interested in ways how to uninstall any program through the ruby or python.

Thank you for any ideas :-)

Edit: Let's I ask the question to another way. How to uninstall ordinary program which was installed thruogh the MSI installer

Edit: Why so strongly ? I'm not a perfect IT man moreover I'm from russia and don't know english well. I do not deserve minus ratings. You can stay it on zero. Thank you.

Edit: Thank's for all responses. I appreciate it.

  • Did you use WMI to install your application? If not, as noted in the linked question, the answers there will not find your application. Commented Aug 8, 2011 at 6:22
  • Oh okay, i will try to install WMI. Thank you. And sorry for my inattention. But now I'm interested in realisation of this method using ruby or py. :-) Commented Aug 8, 2011 at 6:49
  • It would be hard or impossible. Python and Ruby are designed for Unix, not Windows. Commented Aug 8, 2011 at 7:43
  • It would would be quite easy with Python on windows, you would just need to run a command line. I can't comment on Ruby having never used it though.
    – Matt
    Commented Aug 8, 2011 at 9:48

3 Answers 3


You can invoke WMIC command in ruby or python. the process is as following:

wmic product get name

This command will list all the software with a formal name, for example, to the office product, the name could be 'Microsoft office 20003 Pro' or 'Microsoft office 2003 Home & Student', you can use ruby or python to filter out what is the extacly name and then execute

wmic product where name='Microsoft office 2003 Home & Student' call uninstall

replace 'Microsoft office 2003 Home & Student' with the application you like.

if you prefer no to execute the wmic directly , and you can import python wmi or ruby wmi instead.


"uninstall any program" - evil/badly designed program may create files hidden in many places - and I see no way to create program that can find all of them. (For example: any includes all kinds of malware)

  • Okay. Let's I ask the question to another way. How to uninstall ordinary program which was installed thruogh the MSI installer. Commented Aug 8, 2011 at 6:43

you can do plenty with msi based installation via the msiexec command. You could run\spwan this from your scripting language of choice.

msiexec /?

You'll need the package information (mainly the GUID) - this can be found here:


The Product subkey is probably the most interesting for you.

HTH, Matt

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