I can't find a definitive answer for this. As far as I know, you can't have multiple __init__ functions in a Python class. So how do I solve this problem?

Suppose I have a class called Cheese with the number_of_holes property. How can I have two ways of creating cheese objects...

  1. One that takes a number of holes like this: parmesan = Cheese(num_holes=15).
  2. And one that takes no arguments and just randomizes the number_of_holes property: gouda = Cheese().

I can think of only one way to do this, but this seems clunky:

class Cheese:
    def __init__(self, num_holes=0):
        if num_holes == 0:
            # Randomize number_of_holes
            number_of_holes = num_holes

What do you say? Is there another way?


16 Answers 16


Using num_holes=None as the default is fine if you are going to have just __init__.

If you want multiple, independent "constructors", you can provide these as class methods. These are usually called factory methods. In this case you could have the default for num_holes be 0.

class Cheese(object):
    def __init__(self, num_holes=0):
        "defaults to a solid cheese"
        self.number_of_holes = num_holes

    def random(cls):
        return cls(randint(0, 100))

    def slightly_holey(cls):
        return cls(randint(0, 33))

    def very_holey(cls):
        return cls(randint(66, 100))

Now create object like this:

gouda = Cheese()
emmentaler = Cheese.random()
leerdammer = Cheese.slightly_holey()
  • 51
    @rmbianchi: The accepted answer may be more in line with other languages, but it is also less pythonic: @classmethods are the pythonic way of implementing multiple contstructors. Commented Mar 22, 2012 at 1:34
  • 27
    @Bepetersn There are instance methods (the normal ones), which have an instance object referenced as self. Then there are class methods (using @classmethod) which have a reference to the class object as cls. An finally there are static methods (declared with @staticmethod) which have neither of those references. Static methods are just like functions at module level, except they live in the class' name space.
    – Ber
    Commented Apr 22, 2013 at 11:10
  • 6
    An advantage of this method over the accepted solution is that it easily allows to specify abstract constructors and enforce implementation of them, especially with python 3 in which the usage of @abstractmethod and @classmethod on the same factory function is possible and is built into the language. I would also argue that this approach is more explicit, which goes with The Zen of Python.
    – mach
    Commented Sep 4, 2014 at 13:16
  • 4
    @ashu The other constructors call the __init__() method by instantiating the class via cls(...). Therefore, the number_of_holes is always used in the same way.
    – Ber
    Commented Aug 23, 2018 at 11:37
  • 3
    @RegisMay (1/2) Rather than having a bunch of ifs in __init__(), the trick is to have each of the unique factory methods handle their own unique aspects of initialization, and have __init__() accept only the fundamental pieces of data that define an instance. For example, Cheese might have attributes volume and average_hole_radius in addition to number_of_holes. __init__() would accept these three values. Then you could have a class method with_density() that randomly chooses the fundamental attributes to match a given density, subsequently passing them on to __init__(). Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 20:28

Actually None is much better for "magic" values:

class Cheese:
    def __init__(self, num_holes=None):
        if num_holes is None:

Now if you want complete freedom of adding more parameters:

class Cheese:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # args -- tuple of anonymous arguments
        # kwargs -- dictionary of named arguments
        self.num_holes = kwargs.get('num_holes', random_holes())

To better explain the concept of *args and **kwargs (you can actually change these names):

def f(*args, **kwargs):
   print('args:', args, 'kwargs:', kwargs)

>>> f('a')
args: ('a',) kwargs: {}
>>> f(ar='a')
args: () kwargs: {'ar': 'a'}
>>> f(1,2,param=3)
args: (1, 2) kwargs: {'param': 3}


  • 113
    For those interested, kwargs stands for keyword arguments (seems logic once you know it). :)
    – tleb
    Commented Aug 3, 2016 at 6:29
  • 58
    There are moments that *args and **kwargs are an overkill. At most constructors, you want to know what your arguments are.
    – user989762
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 9:26
  • 1
    @user989762 Yes! For sure! Commented Apr 15, 2020 at 0:30
  • 13
    @user989762 Yeah, this approach is not self-documenting at all (how many times have you tried to use a library and tried to intuited the usage from method signatures only to discover you have to do a code dive to see what arguments are expected/allowed?) Moreover, now your implementation takes on the added burden of argument checking, including the choice of whether to accept or except (teehee) unsupported arguments.
    – GlenRSmith
    Commented Jul 22, 2020 at 15:36
  • 33
    For folks from google in 2020, scroll down this page a bit - the answer by 'Ber' further down is solid and more pythonic than this route for most scenarios.
    – Tom H
    Commented Nov 12, 2020 at 13:40

One should definitely prefer the solutions already posted, but since no one mentioned this solution yet, I think it is worth mentioning for completeness.

The @classmethod approach can be modified to provide an alternative constructor which does not invoke the default constructor (__init__). Instead, an instance is created using __new__.

This could be used if the type of initialization cannot be selected based on the type of the constructor argument, and the constructors do not share code.


class MyClass(set):

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self._value = load_from_file(filename)

    def from_somewhere(cls, somename):
        obj = cls.__new__(cls)  # Does not call __init__
        super(MyClass, obj).__init__()  # Don't forget to call any polymorphic base class initializers
        obj._value = load_from_somewhere(somename)
        return obj
  • 15
    This is the solution that indeed provides independent constructors instead of fiddling with __init__'s arguments. However, could you provide some references, please, that this method is somehow officially approved or supported? How safe and reliable is it to call directly __new__ method?
    – Alexey
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 14:11
  • 1
    I did things this way and then came here to ask the above question to see if my way was right. You still need to call super otherwise this won't work in cooperative multiple inheritance, so I added the line to your answer.
    – Neil G
    Commented Mar 1, 2020 at 23:22
  • 1
    I wonder if one could define a decorator 'constructor' (that wraps up the new and super stuff) and then do: @constructor def other_init(self, stuff): self.stuff = stuff
    – Tom Winch
    Commented Oct 30, 2020 at 16:36

All of these answers are excellent if you want to use optional parameters, but another Pythonic possibility is to use a classmethod to generate a factory-style pseudo-constructor:

def __init__(self, num_holes):

  # do stuff with the number

def fromRandom(cls):

  return cls( # some-random-number )

Why do you think your solution is "clunky"? Personally I would prefer one constructor with default values over multiple overloaded constructors in situations like yours (Python does not support method overloading anyway):

def __init__(self, num_holes=None):
    if num_holes is None:
        # Construct a gouda
        # custom cheese
    # common initialization

For really complex cases with lots of different constructors, it might be cleaner to use different factory functions instead:

def create_gouda(cls):
    c = Cheese()
    # ...
    return c

def create_cheddar(cls):
    # ...

In your cheese example you might want to use a Gouda subclass of Cheese though...

  • 7
    Factory functions use cls: use cls instead of Cheese. If not, what is the point of using class methods instead of static methods?
    – rools
    Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 11:53

Those are good ideas for your implementation, but if you are presenting a cheese making interface to a user. They don't care how many holes the cheese has or what internals go into making cheese. The user of your code just wants "gouda" or "parmesean" right?

So why not do this:

# cheese_user.py
from cheeses import make_gouda, make_parmesean

gouda = make_gouda()
paremesean = make_parmesean()

And then you can use any of the methods above to actually implement the functions:

# cheeses.py
class Cheese(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #args -- tuple of anonymous arguments
        #kwargs -- dictionary of named arguments
        self.num_holes = kwargs.get('num_holes',random_holes())

def make_gouda():
    return Cheese()

def make_paremesean():
    return Cheese(num_holes=15)

This is a good encapsulation technique, and I think it is more Pythonic. To me this way of doing things fits more in line more with duck typing. You are simply asking for a gouda object and you don't really care what class it is.

  • 2
    I tend to opt for this approach because it is remarkably similar to the Factory Method pattern.
    – 2rs2ts
    Commented May 30, 2013 at 0:21
  • 8
    make_gouda, make_parmesan should be classmethods of class Cheese
    – smci
    Commented Jul 17, 2018 at 23:11


For the specific cheese example, I agree with many of the other answers about using default values to signal random initialization or to use a static factory method. However, there may also be related scenarios that you had in mind where there is value in having alternative, concise ways of calling the constructor without hurting the quality of parameter names or type information.

Since Python 3.8 and functools.singledispatchmethod can help accomplish this in many cases (and the more flexible multimethod can apply in even more scenarios). (This related post describes how one could accomplish the same in Python 3.4 without a library.) I haven't seen examples in the documentation for either of these that specifically shows overloading __init__ as you ask about, but it appears that the same principles for overloading any member method apply (as shown below).

"Single dispatch" (available in the standard library) requires that there be at least one positional parameter and that the type of the first argument be sufficient to distinguish among the possible overloaded options. For the specific Cheese example, this doesn't hold since you wanted random holes when no parameters were given, but multidispatch does support the very same syntax and can be used as long as each method version can be distinguish based on the number and type of all arguments together.


Here is an example of how to use either method (some of the details are in order to please mypy which was my goal when I first put this together):

from functools import singledispatchmethod as overload
# or the following more flexible method after `pip install multimethod`
# from multimethod import multidispatch as overload

class MyClass:

    @overload  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __init__(self, a: int = 0, b: str = 'default'):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def _from_str(self, b: str, a: int = 0):
        self.__init__(a, b)  # type: ignore[misc]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"({self.a}, {self.b})"

    MyClass(1, "test"),
    MyClass("test", 1),
    MyClass(1, b="test"),
    MyClass("test", a=1),
    # MyClass(),  # `multidispatch` version handles these 3, too.
    # MyClass(a=1, b="test"),
    # MyClass(b="test", a=1),


[(1, test), (1, test), (0, test), (1, test), (1, test), (0, test), (1, default)]


  • I wouldn't usually make the alias called overload, but it helped make the diff between using the two methods just a matter of which import you use.
  • The # type: ignore[misc] comments are not necessary to run, but I put them in there to please mypy which doesn't like decorating __init__ nor calling __init__ directly.
  • If you are new to the decorator syntax, realize that putting @overload before the definition of __init__ is just sugar for __init__ = overload(the original definition of __init__). In this case, overload is a class so the resulting __init__ is an object that has a __call__ method so that it looks like a function but that also has a .register method which is being called later to add another overloaded version of __init__. This is a bit messy, but it please mypy becuase there are no method names being defined twice. If you don't care about mypy and are planning to use the external library anyway, multimethod also has simpler alternative ways of specifying overloaded versions.
  • Defining __repr__ is simply there to make the printed output meaningful (you don't need it in general).
  • Notice that multidispatch is able to handle three additional input combinations that don't have any positional parameters.
  • Thank you for this answer and the reference to multimethod package. In some situations multiple dispatch just feels so natural. Having worked in Julia for a while, it is something I miss in Python.
    – Erik
    Commented Sep 7, 2021 at 12:23

Use num_holes=None as a default, instead. Then check for whether num_holes is None, and if so, randomize. That's what I generally see, anyway.

More radically different construction methods may warrant a classmethod that returns an instance of cls.


The best answer is the one above about default arguments, but I had fun writing this, and it certainly does fit the bill for "multiple constructors". Use at your own risk.

What about the new method.

"Typical implementations create a new instance of the class by invoking the superclass’s new() method using super(currentclass, cls).new(cls[, ...]) with appropriate arguments and then modifying the newly-created instance as necessary before returning it."

So you can have the new method modify your class definition by attaching the appropriate constructor method.

class Cheese(object):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):

        obj = super(Cheese, cls).__new__(cls)
        num_holes = kwargs.get('num_holes', random_holes())

        if num_holes == 0:
            cls.__init__ = cls.foomethod
            cls.__init__ = cls.barmethod

        return obj

    def foomethod(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "foomethod called as __init__ for Cheese"

    def barmethod(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "barmethod called as __init__ for Cheese"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parm = Cheese(num_holes=5)
  • 12
    This is the sort of code that gives me nightmares about working in dynamic languages--not to say that there's anything inherently wrong with it, only that it violates some key assumptions I would make about a class. Commented Mar 30, 2009 at 16:07
  • 1
    @javawizard Would it be easy to explain in a comment what makes it non thread-safe, or give a pointer so I can read about it somewhere else?
    – Reti43
    Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 9:04
  • 12
    @Reti43 Say two threads try to create cheeses at the same time, one with Cheese(0) and one with Cheese(1). It's possible that thread 1 might run cls.__init__ = cls.foomethod, but then thread 2 might run cls.__init__ = cls.barmethod before thread 1 gets any further. Both threads will then end up calling barmethod, which isn't what you want.
    – javawizard
    Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 9:23
  • Indeed, there is no reason to modify the definition of the class just to handle creation of one instance of the class.
    – chepner
    Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 16:55

I'd use inheritance. Especially if there are going to be more differences than number of holes. Especially if Gouda will need to have different set of members then Parmesan.

class Gouda(Cheese):
    def __init__(self):

class Parmesan(Cheese):
    def __init__(self):
  • 1
    Inheritance might be appropriate, but it's really an orthogonal issue to what is being asked.
    – chepner
    Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 16:57

Since my initial answer was criticised on the basis that my special-purpose constructors did not call the (unique) default constructor, I post here a modified version that honours the wishes that all constructors shall call the default one:

class Cheese:
    def __init__(self, *args, _initialiser="_default_init", **kwargs):
        """A multi-initialiser.
        getattr(self, _initialiser)(*args, **kwargs)

    def _default_init(self, ...):
        """A user-friendly smart or general-purpose initialiser.

    def _init_parmesan(self, ...):
        """A special initialiser for Parmesan cheese.

    def _init_gouda(self, ...):
        """A special initialiser for Gouda cheese.

    def make_parmesan(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return cls(*args, **kwargs, _initialiser="_init_parmesan")

    def make_gouda(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return cls(*args, **kwargs, _initialiser="_init_gouda")
  • 2
    The idea of a class method is to separate creating a special instance into two independent pieces: first, you define a generic __init__ that can handle initializing Cheese without having to know about special kinds of cheeses. Second, you define a class method that generates the appropriate arguments to the generic __init__ for certain special cases. Here, you are basically reinventing parts of inheritance.
    – chepner
    Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 17:05

This is how I solved it for a YearQuarter class I had to create. I created an __init__ which is very tolerant to a wide variety of input.

You use it like this:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> temp1 = YearQuarter(year=2017, month=12)
>>> print temp1
>>> temp2 = YearQuarter(temp1)
>>> print temp2
>>> temp3 = YearQuarter((2017, 6))
>>> print temp3
>>> temp4 = YearQuarter(date(2017, 1, 18))
>>> print temp4
>>> temp5 = YearQuarter(year=2017, quarter = 3)
>>> print temp5

And this is how the __init__ and the rest of the class looks like:

import datetime

class YearQuarter:

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1:
            [x]     = args

            if isinstance(x, datetime.date):
                self._year      = int(x.year)
                self._quarter   = (int(x.month) + 2) / 3
            elif isinstance(x, tuple):
                year, month     = x

                self._year      = int(year)

                month           = int(month)

                if 1 <= month <= 12:
                    self._quarter   = (month + 2) / 3
                    raise ValueError

            elif isinstance(x, YearQuarter):
                self._year      = x._year
                self._quarter   = x._quarter

        elif len(args) == 2:
            year, month     = args

            self._year      = int(year)

            month           = int(month)

            if 1 <= month <= 12:
                self._quarter   = (month + 2) / 3
                raise ValueError

        elif kwargs:

            self._year      = int(kwargs["year"])

            if "quarter" in kwargs:
                quarter     = int(kwargs["quarter"])

                if 1 <= quarter <= 4:
                    self._quarter     = quarter
                    raise ValueError
            elif "month" in kwargs:
                month   = int(kwargs["month"])

                if 1 <= month <= 12:
                    self._quarter     = (month + 2) / 3
                    raise ValueError

    def __str__(self):
        return '{0}-Q{1}'.format(self._year, self._quarter)
  • I have used this effectively but with classes of my own instead of Python types. Given __init__(self, obj) I test inside __init__ with if str(obj.__class__.__name__) == 'NameOfMyClass': ... elif etc.. Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 22:40
  • This really isn't very Pythonic. __init__ should take a year and a quarter directly, rather than a single value of unknown type. A class method from_date can handle extracting a year and quarter from a datetime.date value, then calling YearQuarter(y, q). You could define a similar class method from_tuple, but that hardly seems worth doing since you could simply call YearQuarter(*t).
    – chepner
    Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 16:59
  • @chepner I gave it a huge update. Please tell me what you think.
    – Elmex80s
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 10:16
  • It's still a mess (even more so than before) of special cases. __init__ shouldn't responsible for analyzing every possible set of values you might use to create an instance. def __init__(self, year, quarter): self._year = year; self._quarter = quarter: that's it (though may be with some range checking on quarter). Other class methods handle the job of mapping a different argument or arguments to a year and a quarter that can be passed to __init__.
    – chepner
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 14:18
  • For example, from_year_month takes a month m, maps it to a quarter q, then calls YearQuarter(y, q). from_date extracts the year and the month from the date instance, then calls YearQuarter._from_year_month. No repetition, and each method is responsible for one specific way of generating a year and a quarter to pass to __init__.
    – chepner
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 14:34
class Cheese:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """A user-friendly initialiser for the general-purpose constructor.

    def _init_parmesan(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """A special initialiser for Parmesan cheese.

    def _init_gauda(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """A special initialiser for Gauda cheese.

    def make_parmesan(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        new = cls.__new__(cls)
        new._init_parmesan(*args, **kwargs)
        return new

    def make_gauda(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        new = cls.__new__(cls)
        new._init_gauda(*args, **kwargs)
        return new
  • 3
    No. This is utterly unPythonic, it's like Java masquerading behind Python syntax. You want one single __init__ method, and the other class methods either call it as-is (cleanest) or handle special initialization actions via any helper classmethods and setters you need (ideally none).
    – smci
    Commented Jul 17, 2018 at 23:18
  • 1
    I do not want a single __init__ method when I have multiple constructors with different initialisation routines. I do not see why someone would want it. "the other class methods either call it as-is" -- call what? The __init__ method? That would be strange to call __init__ explicitely IMO.
    – Alexey
    Commented Jul 18, 2018 at 8:35
  • 2
    Alexey, it is utterly unPythonic to have multiple constructors, as in multiple _init... methods (see other answers on this question.) Worse still, in this case you don't even need to: you haven't shown how the code for _init_parmesan, _init_gouda differ, so there is zero reason not to common-case them. Anyway, the Pythonic way to do that is to supply non-default args to *args or **kwargs (e.g. Cheese(..., type='gouda'...), or if that can't handle everything, put the general code in __init__ and the less-commonly-used code in a classmethod make_whatever... and have it cal setters
    – smci
    Commented Jul 18, 2018 at 21:42
  • "it is utterly unPythonic to have multiple constructors" -- the original question is still "What is a clean, pythonic way to have multiple constructors in Python?". I only showed how to have them, not why i would want them.
    – Alexey
    Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 6:48
  • 1
    Even when multiple initialisation routines can be achieved with the single default constructor by some (possibly awkward) dispatch inside __init__, if the routines are completely independent, i will call them _init_from_foo, _init_from_bar, etc, and call them from __init__ after dispatching by isinstance or by other tests.
    – Alexey
    Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 7:48

I do not see a straightforward answer with an example yet. The idea is simple:

  • use __init__ as the "basic" constructor as python only allows one __init__ method
  • use @classmethod to create any other constructors and call the basic constructor

Here is a new try.

 class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

    def fromBirthYear(cls, name, birthYear):
        return cls(name, date.today().year - birthYear)


p = Person('tim', age=18)
p = Person.fromBirthYear('tim', birthYear=2004)

Here (drawing on this earlier answer, the pure Python version of classmethod in the docs, and as suggested by this comment) is a decorator that can be used to create multiple constructors.

from types import MethodType
from functools import wraps

class constructor:
    def __init__(self, func):

        def wrapped(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            obj = cls.__new__(cls)        # Create new instance but don't init
            super(cls, obj).__init__()    # Init any classes it inherits from
            func(obj, *args, **kwargs)    # Run the constructor with obj as self
            return obj                
        self.wrapped = wrapped

    def __get__(self, _, cls):
        return MethodType(self.wrapped, cls)   # Bind this constructor to the class 
class Test:
    def __init__(self, data_sequence):
        """ Default constructor, initiates with data sequence """
        self.data = [item ** 2 for item in data_sequence]
    def zeros(self, size):
        """ Initiates with zeros """
        self.data = [0 for _ in range(size)]
a = Test([1,2,3])
b = Test.zeros(100)

This seems the cleanest way in some cases (see e.g. multiple dataframe constructors in Pandas), where providing multiple optional arguments to a single constructor would be inconvenient: for example cases where it would require too many parameters, be unreadable, be slower or use more memory than needed. However, as earlier comments have argued, in most cases it is probably more Pythonic to route through a single constructor with optional parameters, adding class methods where needed.


I don't think any of the answers here get it quite right, although some come close.

Many answers suggest something like the following:

  • Provide a "most general" __init__ function, which takes all possible arguments
  • __init__ should (in general) have some complex logic to check all the arguments for consistency, and then set member data depending on those arguments
  • Other "constructor functions" should have more specific combinations of arguments, and all of them should call __init__

I think this is the wrong design. Unfortunatly, the example given by OP is too simple to fully show why this is a bad design, as in this case the "cheese" type only takes a single integer value in all cases.

In order to realize why it is bad, we need to see a more complex example.

This is from something I am working on:

Using the above paradim this is what we end up writing:

class ExperimentRecord():

    def __init__(self, experiment_index=None, dictionary=None):

        if experiment_index is None and dictionary is None:
            raise ExperimentalDatabaseException(f'constructing instance of ExperimentalRecord requires either experiment_index or dictionary to be specified')
        elif experiment_index is not None and dictionary is not None:
            raise ExperimentalDatabaseException(f'constructing instance of ExperimentalRecoed requires either experiment_index or dictionary to be specified, but not both')
        elif experiment_index is None and dictionary is not None:
            self.experiment_index = dictionary['index']
            self.record_type = dictionary['record_type']
            self.data = dictionary['data']
            self.measurement_amplitude = dictionary['amplitude']
            self.measurement_mean = dictionary['mean']
            self.measurement_stddev = dictionary['stddev']
            self.measurement_log_likelihood = dictionary['log_likelihood']
        elif experiment_index is not None and dictionary is None:
            self.experiment_index = experiment_index
            self.record_type = None
            self.data = None
            self.measurement_amplitude = None
            self.measurement_mean = None
            self.measurement_stddev = None
            self.measurement_log_likelihood = None

The resulting code is, to put it bluntly (and I say this as the person who wrote this code), shockingly bad. These are the reasons why:

  • __init__ has to use complex combinatorial logic to validate the arguments
  • if the arguments form a valid combination, then it performs some extensive initialization, in the same function
  • this violates the single responsible principle and leads to complex code which is hard to maintain, or even understand
  • it can be improved by adding two functions __init_from_dictionary and __init_from_experimental_index but this leads to extra functions being added for really no purpose other than to try and keep the __init__ function managable
  • this is totally not how multiple constructors work in languages like Java, C++ or even Rust. Typically we expect function overloading to seperate out the logic for different ways of initializing something into totally independent functions. Here, we mixed everything into a single function, which is the exact opposite of what we want to achieve

Further, in this example, the initialization is dependent only on two variables. But I could have easily added a third:

  • For example, we might want to initialize an experimental record from a string or even a filename/path or file handle
  • We can imagine that the complexity explodes as more possible methods of initialization are introduced
  • In more complex cases, each argument might not be independent. We could imagine possible cases for initialization where valid initializations are formed from a subset of possible arguments, where the subsets overlap somehow in a complex way

For example:

Some object might take arguments A, B, C, D, E. It might be valid to initialize using the following combinations:

  • A
  • B, C, D
  • D, E
  • A, E

This is an abstract example, because it is hard to think of an simple example to present. However, if you have been around a while in the field of software engineering, you will know that such examples can and do sometimes arrise, regardless of whether their existance points to some shortcominings in the overall design.

With the above said, this is what I am working with, right now. It probably isn't perfect, I have only just started working with Python in a context which required me to write "multiple constructors" as of yesterday.

We fix the problems by doing the following:

  • make __init__ a "null" constructor. It should do the work of a constructor which takes no arguments
  • Add constructor functions which modify the object in some way after calling the null constructor (__init__)
  • Or, if the use case lends itself to inheritance, use an inheritance pattern as others have suggested. (This may or may not be "better" depending on the context)

Something like this, maybe

class ExperimentRecord():

    def __init__():
        self.experiment_index = None
        self.record_type = None
        self.data = None
        self.measurement_amplitude = None
        self.measurement_mean = None
        self.measurement_stddev = None
        self.measurement_log_likelihood = None

    def from_experiment_index(cls, experiment_index):
        tmp = cls() # calls `__new__`, `__init__`, unless I misunderstand
        tmp.experiment_index = experiment_index
        return tmp

    def from_dictionary(cls, dictionary):
        tmp = cls()
        tmp .experiment_index = dictionary['index']
        tmp .record_type = dictionary['record_type']
        tmp .data = dictionary['data']
        tmp .measurement_amplitude = dictionary['amplitude']
        tmp .measurement_mean = dictionary['mean']
        tmp .measurement_stddev = dictionary['stddev']
        tmp .measurement_log_likelihood = dictionary['log_likelihood']
        return tmp

With this design, we solve the following problems:

  • single responsibility principle: each constructor function is fully independent and does its own thing to initialize the object
  • each constructor function takes the arguments it requires for initialization, and nothing more. each possible method of initization requires its own set of arguments, and those sets of arguments are indepenent, and not mashed into one single function call

Note: Since I literally just thought of this, it's possible I have overlooked something. If that is the case please leave a comment explaining the deficiencies and I will try and think of a resolution, and then update the answer. This seems to work for my particular use case but there is always a possibility I have overlooked something, particularly as I didn't know have any need to investigate writing multiple Python constructors until today.

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