I've been tracking a bunch of dates (with format string) under the dimension 'Product' in Google Analytics.

In Data Studio, I then have a simple Line Chart with all these dates (x) and their respective List Views. Like this:

enter image description here

Is there a way to aggregate these days by month and year?

Like this:

and so on...

Thanks in advance for your help.

1 Answer 1



The below creates a Date field and then uses the Date field in a Time Series chart with Date Granularity.

1) Product_Date

Creating the TODATE Data Source-level Calculated Field below to extract a Google Data Studio recognised Date field (where Product represents the current Date field):

TODATE(Product, "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y%m%d")

GIF to visualise the process:

2) Date Granularity

  • Chart Type: Time Series
  • Date Range Dimension: Product_Date
  • Dimension: Product_Date; set the Granularity as required (Year, Year Month, etc)
  • Drill-down (Optional): Select and set multiple Date Granularity as well as a default Drill-down.

Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate to the above:


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