I want to convert binary data to hexadecimal, just that, no fancy formatting and all. hexdump seems too clever, and it "overformats" for me. I want to take x bytes from the /dev/random and pass them on as hexadecimal.

Preferably I'd like to use only standard Linux tools, so that I don't need to install it on every machine (there are many).

  • I had to use /dev/urandom, /dev/random just froze Commented Apr 11, 2015 at 22:18
  • 3
    @AquariusPower random blocks when it does not have enough random data, while urandom does not (IIRC loops over what it has)
    – davka
    Commented May 20, 2015 at 7:10

9 Answers 9


Perhaps use xxd:

% xxd -l 16 -p /dev/random
  • 9
    xxd is part of vim, so it might not always be installed. Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 22:47
  • 3
    Note that you can use -c to change the number of bytes per line. Unfortunately you can only set it to 256 after which you need to have some newlines.
    – Kevin Cox
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 18:27
  • I just wanted to say thank you and that this is the fastest ive ever seen for generating data without doing overthe top work. i literally did a 2gb file in a few seconds I needed 32 byte strings in hex and this did the trick time xxd -c 32 -l 1024000000 -ps /dev/urandom 32bytehexnewtest1.txt ; real 0m17.484s
    – cigol on
    Commented Oct 8, 2020 at 8:34

Watch out!

hexdump and xxd give the results in a different endianness!

$ echo -n $'\x12\x34' | xxd -p
$ echo -n $'\x12\x34' | hexdump -e '"%x"'

Simply explained. Big-endian vs. little-endian :D

  • 7
    Use echo -n $'\x12\x34' | hexdump -e '/1 "%x"' to get the same endianness.
    – user2350426
    Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 0:14
  • 3
    Also watch out! hexdump will strip leading zeros. Commented Jun 24, 2018 at 16:12

With od (GNU systems):

$ echo abc | od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d ' \n'

With hexdump (BSD systems):

$ echo abc | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02x"'

From Hex dump, od and hexdump:

"Depending on your system type, either or both of these two utilities will be available--BSD systems deprecate od for hexdump, GNU systems the reverse."

  • 2
    After 4 years (not much, I know), most times I read a thread about *nix, I learn about something really old and still completely new for me. +1 for the od, never heard about it, very useful and present even on Cygwin. ;-) Commented Sep 7, 2013 at 1:47
  • 1
    Note the -v option and the leading zero %0 in the format are crucial for hexdump to work properly. Many other answers on this page are missing those.
    – user9645
    Commented Jan 12 at 12:52
  • If you have bash, then you can save the tr command and use a temporary variable: "r=$(echo whatever | od -A n -v -t x1); echo ${r// }"
    – EnzoR
    Commented Mar 23 at 11:15

Perhaps you could write your own small tool in C, and compile it on-the-fly:

int main (void) {
  unsigned char data[1024];
  size_t numread, i;

  while ((numread = read(0, data, 1024)) > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < numread; i++) {
      printf("%02x ", data[i]);

  return 0;

And then feed it from the standard input:

cat /bin/ls | ./a.out

You can even embed this small C program in a shell script using the heredoc syntax.

  • 5
    C, for this? That's an overkill.
    – user405725
    Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:33
  • 2
    Well, but you have full control over the formatting and the behaviour :-) Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:34
  • that's always an option, but I was quite sure it's been solved before :)
    – davka
    Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 13:26
  • 1
    @user405725 - This seems to be the simplest solution for a C programmer. The best I can tell, all the other solutions do not hex encode a binary file. I am befuddled at how difficult this task has become. Is it really that f**k'ing hard to hex encode a binary file?
    – jww
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 1:39
  • 2
    Incredible, but this may well be the best answer to this question.
    – mnistic
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 12:44

All the solutions seem to be hard to remember or too complex. I find using printf the shortest one:

$ printf '%x\n' 256

But as noted in comments, this is not what author wants, so to be fair, below is the full answer.

... to use above to output actual binary data stream:

printf '%x\n' $(cat /dev/urandom | head -c 5 | od -An -vtu1)

What it does:

  • printf '%x\n' .... - prints a sequence of integers , i.e. printf '%x,' 1 2 3, will print 1,2,3,
  • $(...) - this is a way to get output of some shell command and process it
  • cat /dev/urandom - it outputs random binary data
  • head -c 5 - limits binary data to 5 bytes
  • od -An -vtu1 - octal dump command, converts binary to decimal

As a testcase ('a' is 61 hex, 'p' is 70 hex, ...):

$ printf '%x\n' $(echo "apple" | head -c 5 | od -An -vtu1)

Or to test individual binary bytes, on input let’s give 61 decimal ('=' char) to produce binary data ('\\x%x' format does it). The above command will correctly output 3d (decimal 61):

$printf '%x\n' $(echo -ne "$(printf '\\x%x' 61)" | head -c 5 | od -An -vtu1)
  • @МалъСкрылевъ I have updated my answer, you are right, I missed the main point of question - I was probably looking for simplest way of converting decimal to hex in shell, and this answer shows up in google as first.
    – marcinj
    Commented Aug 27, 2017 at 6:27
  • hey, I know this is old but for the second code box couldnt you just skip the cat and just do the head directly? printf '%x\n' $(head -c 5 /dev/urandom | od -An -vtu1) or is there a specific reason for the cat command? Also, if you wanted to have the hex only separated by a new line at the end I came up with this echo $(printf "%x" $(head -c 5 /dev/urandom | od -An -vtu1)) although I dont know the performance costs for these and mainly why im asking about the cat command being cut out. I'm pretty new to command line but this information all helps.
    – cigol on
    Commented Oct 8, 2020 at 8:11
  • 1
    @cigolon head is better than cat. I often use time command to measure performance of commands.
    – marcinj
    Commented Oct 10, 2020 at 13:30
  • thats the reason why I was asking this. printf '%x\n' $(cat /dev/urandom | head -c 5 | od -An -vtu1) VS printf '%x\n' $(head -c 5 /dev/urandom | od -An -vtu1) the second command without the cat pipe is a little bit faster overall.
    – cigol on
    Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 15:25

If you need a large stream (no newlines) you can use tr and xxd (part of Vim) for byte-by-byte conversion.

head -c1024 /dev/urandom | xxd -p | tr -d $'\n'

Or you can use hexdump (POSIX) for word-by-word conversion.

head -c1024 /dev/urandom | hexdump '-e"%x"'

Note that the difference is endianness.

  • 2
    Use echo abc | hexdump -e '/1 "%02x"' to get network order and a 0 for 0x0a.
    – user2350426
    Commented Nov 15, 2015 at 23:04

dd + hexdump will also work:

dd bs=1 count=1 if=/dev/urandom 2>/dev/null  | hexdump -e '"%x"'
  • thanks, I started this way but couldn't make hexdump do what I want. I was quite sure that it has the option I need, but couldn't find this in the man page
    – davka
    Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 13:24
  • 2
    With this solution (hexdump -e '"%x"'): '\n' -> 'a' (missing leading '0'), 'abcde' -> '6463626165' (incorrect byte order). This could be very bad in non-random-data applications! Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 22:43

Sometimes perl5 works better for portability if you target more than one platform. It comes with every Linux distribution and Unix OS. You can often find it in container images where other tools like xxd or hexdump are not available. Here's how to do the same thing in Perl:

$ head -c8 /dev/urandom | perl -0777 -ne 'print unpack "H*"'

$ echo -n $'\x01\x23\xff' | perl -0777 -ne 'print unpack "H*"'

$ echo abc | perl -0777 -ne 'print unpack "H*"'

Note that this uses slurp more, which causes Perl to read the entire input into memory, which may be suboptimal when the input is large.


These three commands will print the same (0102030405060708090a0b0c):

echo "$a" | xxd -l "$n" -p
echo "$a" | od  -N "$n" -An -tx1 | tr -d " \n" ; echo
echo "$a" | hexdump -n "$n" -e '/1 "%02x"'; echo

Given that n=12 and $a is the byte values from 1 to 26:

a="$(printf '%b' "$(printf '\\0%o' {1..26})")"

That could be used to get $n random byte values in each program:

xxd -l "$n" -p                   /dev/urandom
od  -vN "$n" -An -tx1            /dev/urandom | tr -d " \n" ; echo
hexdump -vn "$n" -e '/1 "%02x"'  /dev/urandom ; echo

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