Is there a shortcut, extension that lets me add Keys and values into ARB files (default and other languages) as I type my code in dart file?

For ex: In my build method, I want to introduce/add a new Text widget and instead of following process of first adding the key-value in default ARB then copying into all other languages and finally coming to dart file and adding it as S.of(context).key, do it reverse and save time?

1 Answer 1


You can try to use Flutter Intl extension for VS Code and Android Studio that can generate keys and values in your intl arb files. Take a look at the "Extract to ARB files" section of their documentation.

enter image description here

  • 3
    Thank you Dominik. For Everyone not finding Extract to ARB files option on Command . , make sure to include the double quotes as well
    – jongull
    Commented May 23, 2020 at 17:50

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