
I have a table called Prospect that looks like this and I'm trying to SUM the value so that I have only 1 column for GEORGIA, ALABAMA,TEXAS and the date kept in the date field be the latest date entry.

 Date            Sight        Blck   Knock  Purchased   Rate
 2020-02-13      GEORGIA       11      6      54.55     0.0385
 2020-02-13      GEORGIA        1      1      100       0.0035
 2020-02-14      GEORGIA        2      0       0        0.007
 2020-02-12      ALABAMA        2      0       0        0.007
 2020-02-15      ALABAMA        2      0       0        0.007
 2020-02-16      ALABAMA        2      1       50       0.007
 2020-04-08      TEXAS          2      0       0        0.007
 2020-04-18      TEXAS          2      0       0        0.007
 2020-05-10      TEXAS          1      0       0        0.005

I would like to have a resultset that looks like this

Date         Sight   Blck   Knock   Purchased   Rate
2020-02-14  GEORGIA   14     7      154.55      0.049
2020-02-16  ALABAMA    6     1      50          0.021
2020-05-10  TEXAS      5     0       0          0.019 

This is what I've tried, but it is not summing properly:

SELECT cast (Date as date)
    , Sight
    , SUM(CAST(Blck AS INT))
    , SUM(CAST(Knock AS INT))
    , SUM(CAST(Purchased AS money))
    , SUM(CAST(Rate AS money))
FROM Prospect
GROUP BY cast(Date as Date)
    , [Blck]
    , [Knock]
    , [Purchased]
    , [Rate]

Thanks for any feedback

  • 2
    Why so much casting? Aren't the columns in the correct datatype already?
    – Dale K
    Commented May 13, 2020 at 21:54
  • 1
    Why do you 'group by' so many things but don't select those things? And you need Sight in the group by clause. Commented May 13, 2020 at 22:08
  • 1
    downvote for [duplicate MSDN post(social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/…)
    – SMor
    Commented May 13, 2020 at 23:12

1 Answer 1


I think you want:

  1. Use max to get the latest date.
  2. group by sight only, as for all other columns you want aggregated amounts.
SELECT MAX(cast(Date as date))
    , Sight
    , SUM(CAST(Blck AS INT))
    , SUM(CAST(Knock AS INT))
    , SUM(CAST(Purchased AS money))
    , SUM(CAST(Rate AS money))
FROM Prospect

Do really need so much casting? If you have used the correct datatypes in your table definition then the following will work:

    , Sight
    , SUM(Blck)
    , SUM(Knock)
    , SUM(Purchased)
    , SUM(Rate)
FROM Prospect

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