I would like use latest date value from my table in Scorecard, Any idea how to import this Date value in DataStudio report ? There is no option like "Max Date", similiar to Max value used in Digit Values. There is only Count option:

Or advice how to insert date as Label to another ScoreCard chart.

enter image description here

2) One more question: Is it possible to insert date function in Text field? Probably not right ? If I wanna join my line of text with some Date enter image description here

Hi Nim thanks for help and what about if I want show last data from last 3 days in 2 item dimension table ? In one item I can just use row filter, but how in 2 item ? In my case for example most 5 countries by last 3 days, by now I can only show most 5 countries by last day: ...Actually I can setup in the bottom option : date range (last 7days), but I have still too many rows, solution should be somehow limit number of rows per day...somehow

enter image description here enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Question 1: How to display the Max Date LIKE a Scorecard?

1.1) Data Tab
- Chart Type: Table
- Dimension: Date
- Sort: Date in descending order
- Rows per page: 1

1.2) Style Tab
- Show Header: Deselect
- Row Numbers: Deselect
- Show Pagination: Deselect
- Table Labels Font Size: As required (e.g. 24px)

1.3) Text Box
- Add a Text Box stating Max Date if required
- Precision Movement: Use Shift + Movement keys to finely place the components exactly where required.

Google Data Studio Report and GIF to expand on the above:

Question 1 (Original Post - Currently doesn't work as expected): How to display the Max Date on a Scorecard?

At the Metric field of the Scorecard, create a Chart-level Calculated Field that explicitly aggregates the Date field by MAX:


Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to demonstrate:

Question 2: How to display the latest Metric?

2.1) Data Tab
- Chart Type: Table
- Dimension: Date
- Metric: As required (e.g. Sessions)
- Sort: Date in descending order
- Rows per page: 1

2.2) Style Tab
- Show Header: Deselect
- Row Numbers: Deselect
- Show Pagination: Deselect
- Table Labels Font Size: As required (e.g. 24px)

2.3) Overlay
- Add a shape or text box over the Date field part of the Table to ensure that it's not visible and set the colour of the shape to a solid colour that blends in with the background (such as White for a White coloured background).
- Order: Ensure that the shape or text box is placed in front of the Table.
- Precision Movement: Use Shift + Movement keys to finely place the components exactly where required.

Google Data Studio Report and GIF to elaborate:

enter image description here


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