When include()ing urlconf from the Django app to the project's urls.py, some kind of app's name (or namespace) should be specified as:

  • app_namespace in include((pattern_list, app_namespace), namespace=None) in main urls.py


  • app_name variable in app's urls.py.

Since, I guess, Django 2, the second method is the preferred one Although I copy-pasted first function signature from Django 3 documentation. But that's not the main point.

My current understanding of namespace parameter of include() is that it's what I use when using reverse().

What is the purpose of app_name in app's urls.py or app_namespace in main urls.py?
Are these exactly the same thing?
How is it used by Django?

Existing questions (and answers) I've found here explain HOW I should specify it rather than WHY.


6 Answers 6


In this answer, I am taking the DRF package and its URL patterns. If you want to try any of the snippets mentioned in this answer, you must install (pip install djangorestframework) and add rest_framework to INSTALLED_APPS list.

The application namespace can be set in two ways, [Ref: Django doc]

  1. in urls.py using app_name varibale.

    You can see that DRF has set the app_name in urls.py. Django will use this app_name as the application namespace only if we are included the patterns with module reference.

    That is, include(module, namespace=None)


    urlpatterns = [  
     path('drf-auth/bare/', include('rest_framework.urls')),  
  2. in include((pattern_list, app_namespace), namespace=None) function using app_namespace parameter.

    In this method, you can set an additional app_namespace for the application, if you want.

    Most importantly, we are passing a pattern_list instead of module


    from rest_framework.urls import urlpatterns as drf_urlpatterns
    urlpatterns = [  
       path('drf-auth/foo/', include((drf_urlpatterns, 'foo-app-namespace'))),  

Complete Example

from django.urls import path, include, reverse  
from rest_framework.urls import urlpatterns as drf_urlpatterns  
urlpatterns = [  
  path('drf-auth/bare/', include('rest_framework.urls')),  
  path('drf-auth/foo/', include((drf_urlpatterns, 'foo-app-namespace'))),  
  path('drf-auth/bar/', include((drf_urlpatterns, 'bar-app-namespace'))),  



  1. What is the purpose of app_name in app's urls.py or app_namespace in main urls.py?

Both are used to set the application namespace. The app_name can be used as a default application namespace, if defined in the urls.py.

  1. Are these exactly the same thing?


  1. How is it used by Django?

The application namespace and instance namespace are used to retrieve the URL path. In Django, whenever the reverse(...) function get executed, Django looking for an application namespace first, than any other. You can read more about how Django resolve the URL here, Reversing namespaced URLs


app_name in app/urls.py and app_namespace in include((pattern_list, app_namespace), namespace=None) in main urls.py are the same referenced as application namespace which describes the name of the application that is being deployed.

One can either pass the whole app/urls.py or a string reference of app/urls.py with app_name to include()

# blog.urls
from django.urls import path

from . import views

app_name = 'blog'
urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index(), name='index'),
    path('<int:pk>/', views.post(), name='detail'),
# project urls
from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('blog.urls')),


a tuple of url patterns and app_namespace to include()

# project urls
from django.urls import include, path
from blog.urls import urlpatterns as blogpatterns

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include((blogpatterns, 'blog'))),

app_namespace will be the default application namespace when provided in include(). If app_namespace is not provided, then it will look for app_name in blog/urls.py and that will be the default namespace.

Without the app namespace, urls are added to global namespace which may lead to url conficts.

URL namespaces and included URLconfs | Term application namespace | include()


For years, we've (at Django) been skirting around the (confusing) distinction between an application name(space) and an instance namespace. We've always just recommended using instance namespace, as per the examples in the docs.

What's happened with Django 2.0 (and onwards) is they've made it so you can't use an instance namespace without also (first) using an application name. Instead of fixing code, we should update our examples to the correct usage.

The include needs to go like this:

urlpatterns += [ url('API/', include((router.urls, 'pikachu')) ]

The tendency is to include the second namespace='pikachu' instance namespace parameter as well, but that's not needed — it defaults to None and is set to 'pikachu' in this case automatically.

Generally, users want to be including an app-level URLs module explicitly setting the app_name attribute there, rather than including the router by hand.


From https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/http/urls/#introduction :

URL namespaces allow you to uniquely reverse named URL patterns even if different applications use the same URL names. It’s a good practice for third-party apps to always use namespaced URLs (as we did in the tutorial). Similarly, it also allows you to reverse URLs if multiple instances of an application are deployed. In other words, since multiple instances of a single application will share named URLs, namespaces provide a way to tell these named URLs apart.

  • 1
    If I understand correctly this paragraph explains purpose of (instance) namespaces, not APP namespaces. The question is about the latter. Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 17:10

app_name help in rectify ambiguity between same name(for urls) from different apps in a project.



app_name sets the namespace for the URLs of the current app. Namespacing is useful when you want to reverse URLs (i.e., generate URLs) using the reverse function. It ensures that the URLs of this app won't conflict with URLs of other apps.

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