I have a geopandas Dataframe with one GeoSeries.

There is only one entry for this column, a shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString.

LineString (first_lon first_lat, second_lon second_lat, ...)

I could not find an easy way to get the coordinates of this LineString as a DataFrame like

LON           LAT
first_lon     first_LAT
second_lon    second_LAT

Is there a build in function for this?


1 Answer 1

x,y = LineStringObject.coords.xy
pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x,y)), columns=['LAT', 'LON'])

seem to do the job ok.


x,y = LineStringObject.coords.xy
  • Wouldn't this work just fine without the list() ? What does LineStringObject.coords.xy look like, why are you unpacking the result?
    – AMC
    Commented Feb 21, 2020 at 18:37
  • LineStringObject.coords.xy are of type tuple. x,y are arrays. Did not get it to work without the zip
    – Paul
    Commented Feb 22, 2020 at 17:38

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