In my GitHub Repository i have a branch , with some commits that are unverified, is there any way to change them to verified ?

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Unverified means your signature is wrong.

This can be if you commit with the wrong E-Mail/Password, if you haven't uploaded the Signature on GitHub(on that account) or if you've uploaded it wrongly.

I think this is because you use the signature of your main account for committing with the other (maybe non-existing) account (maybe because you activated commit.autosign).

Your signature has to contain the E-Mail address of the account(that committed) and that account has to have the signature (with the E-Mail) uploaded on GitHub.

A commit from a non-existing user cannot be verified on GitHub too.

If you want to verify existing commits, you have to overwrite them.

This involves a force push that forces other people to re-clone the repo. Because of that, you should not force push to master or any other long-lasting branches you may work together with other people

You can do this by re-committing it:

git rebase -i <commit before first problematic commit>

After this, your text editor will open up. Change every pick to edit.

After that you'll have to re-commit every commit with the following command:

git commit --author="<name> <<E-Mail(once in brackets, see example)>>" -S --amend --no-edit
git rebase --continue

In the end, you'll have to overwrite the remote by doing

git push --force-with-lease

This is better than git push -f but you should also be careful.

example of the commit command:

git commit --author="testuser <[email protected]>" -S --amend --no-edit

You also could do this using the git filter-branch command.

See this for details.

  • 3
    as you can see in my image, my new commits become "verified" after fixing my email address, how i can change my old commits from "unverified" to "verified" ?
    – Yosefarr
    Commented Dec 16, 2019 at 6:18
  • This was an excellent answer - thank you!
    – BarryM
    Commented Oct 30, 2021 at 18:36
  • Thank you! Worked very well for me!
    – Arthur
    Commented Sep 29, 2022 at 17:03

Some times it is because of date/time problems Fix it by executing this these shell commands.... Replace with the last commit from where it is showing unverified. I think starting of your last commit hash is df7326e (shown in the picture)

$ cd path/to/your/git
$ git filter-branch -f --commit-filter 'git commit-tree -S "$@";' -- --all
$ git rebase --committer-date-is-author-date <HASH>

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