With the following package structure

├── my_package
│   └── __init__.py
├── setup.cfg
└── setup.py

Contents of setup.py

from setuptools import setup

Contents of setup.cfg

name = my_package
version = 0.1

packages = find:

I can build wheel or a source distribution for my_package like this

pip wheel --no-deps -w dist .
# generates file ./dist/my_package-0.1-py3-none-any.whl
python setup.py sdist
# generates file ./dist/my_package-0.1.tar.gz

But according to maintainer of setuptools, a declarative build configuration is ideal and using an imperative build is going to be a code smell. So we replace setup.py with pyproject.toml:

├── my_package
│   └── __init__.py
├── setup.cfg
└── pyproject.toml

Contents of pyproject.toml

build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]

And you can still build a wheel the same way as before, it works. But sdist doesn't work:

python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

So how should you actually build the .tar.gz file using setuptools? What's the user-facing tool to create sdist? I do not want to change the build backend. It looks like other packaging tools all write their own build entry points, but I thought the whole point of defining a declarative build system in the metadata was so that you didn't have to get hands-on with the build system, learning how each different packaging tool expects to be invoked or having to go into the interpreter and calling a Python API manually. But the PEP for build system requirements is over 2 years old now. Am I missing something obvious here?

How to build a source distribution without using setup.py file?

3 Answers 3


This is a somewhat controversial topic, and the answer for the moment is that there is no one single tool that everyone agrees is the "right way" to build source distributions, nor what that tool would be. You can see a long thread about it on the Python Packaging discourse.

I hesitate to give too much packaging advice in durable formats because the sands are always shifting, but as of November 2019, setup.py sdist is not deprecated, but it does have all the downsides that PEP 517 and PEP 518 were intended to fix - namely that you have to create the build environment yourself (and know about all the build dependencies), and it only works with setuptools/distutils and their equivalents.

It is not an "official" recommendation, but the current (Dec. 2020) best replacement for setup.py sdist and setup.py bdist_wheel is using pypa-build. Install once with

pip install build

and use as

python -m build --sdist --wheel

This builds source distribution and wheel at the same time. This is how I build my PEP 517-compatible packages.

This requires that your project have a pyproject.toml, and the pyproject.toml must have build-system.requires and build-system.build-backend keys, but it will work for any project with a PEP 517-compatible backend (including flit).

Other tools

Why not use flit or poetry or hatch? Those tools are all available for those who want to use them, but they are not an answer to this question. This question is asking about projects build with setuptools that use the declarative setup.cfg format. Neither flit nor poetry act as generic PEP 517 build front-ends, and so they only work as build commands for projects using their respective backends.

I am not familiar enough with hatch to say whether or not it can manage projects with backends other than setuptools, but (again, as of November 2019), it is not a PEP 517 frontend, and it will not work if you don't have a setup.py (it will raise the error "can't open file setup.py", and it will ignore your pyproject.toml file).

  • 1
    Why focus on pep517.build which is only meant as an experiment, a temporary crutch when there are productive tools such as flit, poetry, hatch, and probably even more?
    – sinoroc
    Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 20:43
  • 3
    Because it was a successful experiment in my estimation (I and many other PyPA people use it), as it has the right semantics for the job, and because it is the only general-purpose PEP 517 build front-end that I know. flit and poetry are vertically integrated in that they expect you to use their backend. hatch appears to do many other things. pep517.build is a simple tool built for exactly this purpose.
    – Paul
    Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 20:48
  • 1
    Ah right, good point. I was focusing on the build back-ends. And I actually thought pep517.build was one of them. But not at all, it's actually a build front-end. Also hatch is not PEP517 ready as I see now.
    – sinoroc
    Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 21:01
  • Yes, perfect. I delete my answer.
    – sinoroc
    Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 21:05
  • 1
    Will the absence of setup.py affect editable installs? pip install -e folder
    – jerivas
    Commented Apr 7, 2020 at 17:10

If you don't want to install a 3rd party tool and dont want to create a temporary setup.py, you also could use

python -c "import setuptools; setuptools.setup()" sdist

There's nothing "obvious" when it comes to Python packaging. Indeed, for the time being, at least if you are using distutils/setuptools it is necessary to create a (nearly) empty setup.py file, even if you are using a fully declarative setup.cfg:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup

I also recommend chmod +x setup.py.

In this case you are just writing the "entry point" to the build system yourself, and setup() is just the main() function for it--but now all the arguments that were traditionally passed to setup() can be read from setup.cfg instead.

Now you can still use setup.py sdist if you want to make a source tarball:

./setup.py sdist

You could also try one of the alternative build systems that are enabled via pyproject.toml, such as Flit.

  • 1
    Not sure why this is being downvoted; it's basically correct even if there are other solutions.
    – Iguananaut
    Commented Nov 8, 2019 at 9:42
  • 2
    The question title is "How to build a source distribution without using setup.py file?" This answer seems to just demonstrate "here's how to recreate the same setup.py file that you've just deleted", which is not useful.
    – platypus
    Commented Nov 8, 2019 at 17:48
  • 1
    Yes, but that was based on a misunderstanding that writing a declarative setup.cfg means that a setup.py isn't necessary anymore to use setuptools, which isn't true. Just because the title of the question is misleading doesn't mean the answer is. They wrote in the body of the question "So how should you actually build the .tar.gz file using setuptools?" which this answers correctly.
    – Iguananaut
    Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 23:03
  • 2
    It actually is true. setuptools doesn't require a setup.py file if you are using PEP 517.
    – Paul
    Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 13:58
  • 2
    "if you are using PEP 517" Except most people aren't. It's still provisional, and is barely even mentioned in packaging.python.org . It's not something you would have unless you know to go looking for it. If you just want setuptools to work as it always used to this is correct.
    – Iguananaut
    Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 14:32

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