An example of the Google Sheets file that is connected with Google Data Studio:

Fruit Color Period Amount
Apple Green 201901 3
Apple Green 201902 5
Apple Red 201812 5
Apple Red 201903 4
Grape Red 201902 4
Grape Purple 201902 6
Grape Purple 201903 1

For eg., I want to calculate the total amount for the fruit of green and red apples.

So the formula should be something like this:

SUM Amount WHERE Fruit = "Apple" AND Color = "Green" OR Color = "Red"

In this example, the total amount should be 17

I tried to use this formula in the calculated field, but unfortunately, it does not work:

SUM (Amount) WHERE (CASE WHEN Fruit = "Apple" AND Color = "Green" OR Color = "Red" ) then 1 else 0 END )

I get a syntax error. How can I solve this?

3 Answers 3


It can be achieved using the CASE statement below (the required aggregation can be selected, e.g. Average, Sum, Count, etc):

  WHEN Fruit = "Apple" AND (Color = "Green" OR Color = "Red") THEN Amount

Google Data Studio Report to demonstrate, as well as a GIF showing the process below using a Chart-level formula:



You can just apply a filter on the Data Studio graphic, selecting the fruits and colors that you want!

  • 2
    As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Dec 2, 2021 at 17:21
 "select Col4 
  where Col1='Apple' 
    and (Col2='Red' or Col2='Green')"))


but this will work too with that example:

 "select Col4 
  where Col1='Apple'"))

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