I am having an issue with the new Android Navigation Architecture component when I try to navigate from one Fragment to another, I get this weird error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: navigation destination XXX
is unknown to this NavController

Every other navigation works fine except this particular one.

I use findNavController() function of Fragment to get access to the NavController.

Any help will be appreciated.

  • Please provide some code for better understanding.
    – Alex
    Commented Jun 27, 2018 at 18:54
  • So far the rate of occurrence of this bug has been reduced with newer releases of the library, but I think the library is not well documented yet. Commented Sep 21, 2018 at 7:44

40 Answers 40


In my case, if the user clicks the same view twice very very quickly, this crash will occur. So you need to implement some sort of logic to prevent multiple quick clicks... Which is very annoying, but it appears to be necessary.

You can read up more on preventing this here: Android Preventing Double Click On A Button

Edit 3/19/2019: Just to clarify a bit further, this crash is not exclusively reproducible by just "clicking the same view twice very very quickly". Alternatively, you can just use two fingers and click two (or more) views at the same time, where each view has their own navigation that they would perform. This is especially easy to do when you have a list of items. The above info on multiple click prevention will handle this case.

Edit 4/16/2020: Just in case you're not terribly interested in reading through that Stack Overflow post above, I'm including my own (Kotlin) solution that I've been using for a long time now.


class OnSingleClickListener : View.OnClickListener {

    private val onClickListener: View.OnClickListener

    constructor(listener: View.OnClickListener) {
        onClickListener = listener

    constructor(listener: (View) -> Unit) {
        onClickListener = View.OnClickListener { listener.invoke(it) }

    override fun onClick(v: View) {
        val currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()

        if (currentTimeMillis >= previousClickTimeMillis + DELAY_MILLIS) {
            previousClickTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis

    companion object {
        // Tweak this value as you see fit. In my personal testing this
        // seems to be good, but you may want to try on some different
        // devices and make sure you can't produce any crashes.
        private const val DELAY_MILLIS = 200L

        private var previousClickTimeMillis = 0L



fun View.setOnSingleClickListener(l: View.OnClickListener) {

fun View.setOnSingleClickListener(l: (View) -> Unit) {


override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

    settingsButton.setOnSingleClickListener {
        // navigation call here
  • 39
    The edit about using 2 fingers and clicking 2 views at the same time! That's the key for me and helped me to replicate the issue easily. Great updating with that information. Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 16:19
  • During the debug phase I happened to click while the app was stuck waiting for continue the execution. Seems like another case of two subsequent clicks in a row to the IDE
    – marcolav
    Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 20:54
  • 1
    Thanks for this. Saved me a few crashes and some head scratching :)
    – ibyte
    Commented Apr 27, 2020 at 12:09
  • 9
    This solution is hack to get around the real problem: the navigation component. It's also prone to fail on slower devices. Creating and inflating a new fragment can definitively take over 200ms. After that delay, a second click event could be sent before the fragment is shown and we're back to the same problem.
    – Nicolas
    Commented Aug 16, 2020 at 21:15
  • Doesn't really work in my app. I still can click fast enough to produce the crash at least with a debug build. Looks like a problem with thread safety although there should actually only be one ui thread. Strange. Commented Oct 28, 2020 at 8:45

Check currentDestination before calling navigate might be helpful.

For example, if you have two fragment destinations on the navigation graph fragmentA and fragmentB, and there is only one action from fragmentA to fragmentB. calling navigate(R.id.action_fragmentA_to_fragmentB) will result in IllegalArgumentException when you were already on fragmentB. Therefor you should always check the currentDestination before navigating.

if (navController.currentDestination?.id == R.id.fragmentA) {
  • 3
    I have a search app that navigates with an action with arguments. Thus it could navigate from the currentDestination to itself. I ended up doing the same except navController.currentDestination == navController.graph.node . It felt kinda dirty though and I feel like I shouldn't have to do this. Commented Jan 3, 2019 at 9:22
  • 175
    The library shouldn't force us to make this check, it is indeed ridiculous. Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 19:07
  • I had the same issue. I had an EditText, and a 'save' button to store the content of the EditText in the database. It always crashed on pressing the 'save' button. I suspect that the reason has to do with the fact that, in order to be able to press the 'save' button, I need to get rid of the on-screen keyboard by tapping the back button.
    – The Fox
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 10:34
  • This checks for an error condition, but it does not solve the issue. Interestingly, this condition is true if the navigation backstack becomes empty for unwanted reasons.
    – Mike76
    Commented Nov 25, 2019 at 16:43
  • 2
    even in iOS though sometimes multiple ViewController gets pushed when you press the button multiple times. Guess both Android and iOS have this problem. Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 17:55

You can check requested action in current destination of navigation controller.

UPDATE added usage of global actions for safe navigation.

fun NavController.navigateSafe(
        @IdRes resId: Int,
        args: Bundle? = null,
        navOptions: NavOptions? = null,
        navExtras: Navigator.Extras? = null
) {
    val action = currentDestination?.getAction(resId) ?: graph.getAction(resId)
    if (action != null && currentDestination?.id != action.destinationId) {
        navigate(resId, args, navOptions, navExtras)
  • 1
    This solution won't work for any actions defined outside of the currentDestination's action list. Say you have a global action defined and use that action to navigate. This will fail because the action isn't defined in the currentDestination's <action> list. Adding a check like currentDestination?.getAction(resId) != null || currentDestination?.id != resId should resolve it but also might not cover every case. Commented Oct 2, 2019 at 19:22
  • @wchristiansen, thank you for notes. I've updated code with usage of global actions
    – Alex Nuts
    Commented Oct 15, 2019 at 9:33
  • 1
    @AlexNuts great answer. I think you can remove ?: graph.getAction(resId) -> currentDestination?.getAction(resId) will return an action for both Global or non-Global actions (I've tested it). Also, would be better if you made use of Safe Args -> rather pass in navDirections: NavDirections than resId and args separately.
    – Wess
    Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 11:41
  • 1
    @AlexNuts Note this solution does not support navigating to the same destination as the current destination. I.o.w. navigating from destination X with Bundle Y to destination X with Bundle Z is not possible.
    – Wess
    Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 11:52
  • 1
    Thanks for the idea! But from my point of view, it's much easier to just handle exceptions in navigateSafe wrapper. I ended up with the following solution: vadzimv.dev/2021/07/26/…
    – VadzimV
    Commented Jul 27, 2021 at 14:43

What I did to prevent the crash is the following:

I have a BaseFragment, in there I've added this fun to ensure that the destination is known by the currentDestination:

fun navigate(destination: NavDirections) = with(findNavController()) {
        ?.let { navigate(destination) }

Worth noting that I'm using the SafeArgs plugin.

  • 3
    This should be the accepted answer. Accepted answer does not support navigation to a dialog Commented Feb 18, 2021 at 2:11
  • 2
    I think this is the best answer here, thanks Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 17:09
  • 1
    Thank you so much for this answer, I've been facing this problem for about a month Commented Mar 22, 2022 at 8:50

It could also happen if you have a Fragment A with a ViewPager of Fragments B And you try to navigate from B to C

Since in the ViewPager the fragments are not a destination of A, your graph wouldn't know you are on B.

A solution can be to use ADirections in B to navigate to C

  • In this case, the crash doesn't happen every time but only happens rare. How to solve it? Commented May 14, 2019 at 14:07
  • You can add a global action inside the navGraph and use it to navigate Commented Jul 5, 2019 at 10:59
  • 1
    As B shouldn't need to be aware of its exact parent, it would be better to use ADirections via an interface like (parentFragment as? XActionListener)?.Xaction() and note you could hold this function as a local variable if that is helpful
    – hmac
    Commented Sep 17, 2019 at 7:50
  • can you please share a sample code to illustrate this as I have same issue Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 13:41
  • anybody could plz a sample code, i am stuck at the same issue. Have a fragment and then a tabfragment Commented Mar 24, 2020 at 17:25

TL;DR Navigation controller changes faster than UI and you send two identical navigate(R.id.destn_id) to the navigation controller in two different states.

To fix wrap your navigate calls with try-catch (simple way), or make sure there will be only one call of navigate in short period of time. This issue likely won't go away. Copy bigger code snippet in your app and try out.

Hello. Based on a couple of useful responses above, I would like to share my solution that can be extended.

Here is the code that caused this crash in my application:

public void onListItemClicked(ListItem item) {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putParcelable(SomeFragment.LIST_KEY, item);
    Navigation.findNavController(recyclerView).navigate(R.id.action_listFragment_to_listItemInfoFragment, bundle);

A way to easily reproduce the bug is to tap with multiple fingers on the list of items where click on each item resolves in the navigation to the new screen (basically the same as people noted - two or more clicks in a very short period of time). I noticed that:

  1. First navigate invocation always works fine;
  2. Second and all other invocations of the navigate method resolve in IllegalArgumentException.

From my point of view, this situation may appear very often. Since the repeating of code is a bad practice and it is always good to have one point of influence I thought of the next solution:

public class NavigationHandler {

public static void navigate(View view, @IdRes int destination) {
    navigate(view, destination, /* args */null);

 * Performs a navigation to given destination using {@link androidx.navigation.NavController}
 * found via {@param view}. Catches {@link IllegalArgumentException} that may occur due to
 * multiple invocations of {@link androidx.navigation.NavController#navigate} in short period of time.
 * The navigation must work as intended.
 * @param view        the view to search from
 * @param destination destination id
 * @param args        arguments to pass to the destination
public static void navigate(View view, @IdRes int destination, @Nullable Bundle args) {
    try {
        Navigation.findNavController(view).navigate(destination, args);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        Log.e(NavigationHandler.class.getSimpleName(), "Multiple navigation attempts handled.");


And thus the code above changes only in one line from this:

Navigation.findNavController(recyclerView).navigate(R.id.action_listFragment_to_listItemInfoFragment, bundle);

to this:

NavigationHandler.navigate(recyclerView, R.id.action_listFragment_to_listItemInfoFragment, bundle);

It even became a little bit shorter. The code was tested in the exact place where the crash occurred. Did not experience it anymore, and will use the same solution for other navigations to avoid the same mistake further.

Any thoughts are welcome!

What exactly causes the crash

Remember that here we work with the same navigation graph, navigation controller and back-stack when we use method Navigation.findNavController.

We always get the same controller and graph here. When navigate(R.id.my_next_destination) is called graph and back-stack changes almost instantly while UI is not updated yet. Just not fast enough, but that is ok. After back-stack has changed the navigation system receives the second navigate(R.id.my_next_destination) call. Since back-stack has changed we now operate relative to the top fragment in the stack. The top fragment is the fragment you navigate to by using R.id.my_next_destination, but it does not contain next any further destinations with ID R.id.my_next_destination. Thus you get IllegalArgumentException because of the ID that the fragment knows nothing about.

This exact error can be found in NavController.java method findDestination.

  • You can reproduce this issue? If so, please consider making a sample and write it here: issuetracker.google.com/issues/273600320 Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 0:06
  • Haven't tried for quite a long time. But I suppose this is still an issue. You can try force calling the navigate function twice and see for yourself if this is still an issue. Just write it one line after the other. Commented Mar 16, 2023 at 21:31
  • I tried now to call "navigate" twice and it caused a crash, but according to Google this is logical because it's done right away, so it doesn't let me to go from: issuetracker.google.com/issues/274016275#comment2 , so this I understand, but still I want to be able to avoid such issues when it's not quite in my control. What I'm interested in is about other cases, that for some reason won't let me navigate . I was told that if I'm on onResume, it should be safe, but it's actually incorrect: issuetracker.google.com/issues/273978797 Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 19:54
  • I've read the posts on the issuetracker you've linked. TBH, I do not think that with the current implementation of navigation library there is a "safe" place to call navigate function from. This is a perfect example of using global state (NavigationController is handled somewhere behind the scene) and side-effects caused by calling navigate. I genuinely believe that this won't be fixed unless it will be given a long deep thorough thought on the side of Android dev team. Commented Mar 18, 2023 at 21:31
  • I imagine that there could be a solution they could provide. For example (just off the top of my head): when calling findNavController it should return a navigation controller that has some specific information representing the state of the current fragment or activity you call that function in. Thus, as you discussed on issue tracker, it will have sufficient information for a developer to decide if a navigation function should be called. Commented Mar 18, 2023 at 21:35

Try that

  1. Create this extension function (or normal function):

UPDATED (without reflection and more readable)

import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.navigation.NavController
import androidx.navigation.NavDirections
import androidx.navigation.fragment.DialogFragmentNavigator
import androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator

fun Fragment.safeNavigateFromNavController(directions: NavDirections) {
    val navController = findNavController()
    when (val destination = navController.currentDestination) {
        is FragmentNavigator.Destination -> {
            if (javaClass.name == destination.className) {
        is DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination -> {
            if (javaClass.name == destination.className) {

OLD (with reflection)

import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.navigation.NavController
import androidx.navigation.NavDirections
import androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator

inline fun <reified T : Fragment> NavController.safeNavigate(directions: NavDirections) {
    val destination = this.currentDestination as FragmentNavigator.Destination
    if (T::class.java.name == destination.className) {
  1. And use like this from your Fragment:
val direction = FragmentOneDirections.actionFragmentOneToFragmentTwo()
// new usage

// old usage
// findNavController().safeNavigate<FragmentOne>(action)

My problem was

I have a fragment (FragmentOne) that goes to two others fragments (FragmentTwo and FragmentThree). In some low devices, the user press button that redirects to FragmentTwo but in few milliseconds after the user press button that redirects to FragmentThree. The results is:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Navigation action/destination action_fragmentOne_to_fragmentTwo cannot be found from the current destination Destination(fragmentThree) class=FragmentThree

My solve was:

I check if the current destination belongs to the current fragment. If true, I execute the navigation acion.

That is all!

  • 1
    @AlexShevchyshen I published an update without reflection and more readable. Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 18:19
  • +1 but you have to pass navDirections object in this extension function, not the action safeNavigateFromNavController(navDirection) Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 1:12

In my case I was using a custom back button for navigating up. I called onBackPressed() in stead of the following code


This caused the IllegalArgumentException to occur. After I changed it to use the navigateUp() method in stead, I didn't have a crash again.

  • I don't get what the difference is between onBackPressed and this, still stuck with the system back button and overriding it and replacing with this seems crazy Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 13:22
  • 2
    I agree it does seem crazy. Many of the things I've encountered in the android navigation architecture component feels a bit crazy, it's set up too rigidly IMO. Thinking about doing my own implementation for our project as it's just creating too many headaches Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 9:31
  • Does not work for me... Still getting the same error.
    – Otziii
    Commented May 7, 2019 at 13:28

In my case, the issue occurred when I had re-used one of my Fragments inside a viewpager fragment as a child of the viewpager. The viewpager Fragment(which was the parent fragment) was added in the Navigation xml, but the action was not added in the viewpager parent fragment.

//reused fragment
    android:label="To Frag"
    tools:layout="@layout/fragment_to" >
    //issue got fixed when i added this action to the viewpager parent also
    <action android:id="@+id/action_to_to_viewall"
// viewpager parent fragment

Fixed the issue by adding the action to the parent viewpager fragment also as shown below:

//reused fragment
    android:label="To Frag"
    tools:layout="@layout/fragment_to" >
    //issue got fixed when i added this action to the viewpager parent also
    <action android:id="@+id/action_to_to_viewall"
// viewpager parent fragment
    <action android:id="@+id/action_to_to_viewall"


def navigationVersion = "2.2.1"

The issue still exists. My approach on Kotlin is:

// To avoid "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: navigation destination is unknown to this NavController", se more https://stackoverflow.com/q/51060762/6352712
fun NavController.navigateSafe(
    @IdRes destinationId: Int,
    navDirection: NavDirections,
    callBeforeNavigate: () -> Unit
) {
    if (currentDestination?.id == destinationId) {

fun NavController.navigateSafe(@IdRes destinationId: Int, navDirection: NavDirections) {
    if (currentDestination?.id == destinationId) {

In my case, I had multiple nav graph files and I was trying to move from 1 nav graph location to a destination in another nav graph.

For this we have to include the 2nd nav graph in the 1st one like this

<include app:graph="@navigation/included_graph" />

and add this to your action:

        app:destination="@id/second_graph" />

where second_graph is :

<navigation xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

in the second graph.

More info here


You can check before navigating if the Fragment requesting the navigation is still the current destination, taken from this gist.

It basically sets a tag on the fragment for later lookup.

 * Returns true if the navigation controller is still pointing at 'this' fragment, or false if it already navigated away.
fun Fragment.mayNavigate(): Boolean {

    val navController = findNavController()
    val destinationIdInNavController = navController.currentDestination?.id
    val destinationIdOfThisFragment = view?.getTag(R.id.tag_navigation_destination_id) ?: destinationIdInNavController

    // check that the navigation graph is still in 'this' fragment, if not then the app already navigated:
    if (destinationIdInNavController == destinationIdOfThisFragment) {
        view?.setTag(R.id.tag_navigation_destination_id, destinationIdOfThisFragment)
        return true
    } else {
        Log.d("FragmentExtensions", "May not navigate: current destination is not the current fragment.")
        return false

R.id.tag_navigation_destination_id is just an id you'll have to add to your ids.xml, to make sure it's unique. <item name="tag_navigation_destination_id" type="id" />

More info on the bug and the solution, and navigateSafe(...) extention methods in "Fixing the dreaded “… is unknown to this NavController”

  • 1
    I've studied a few different solutions to this problem, and yours is definitely the nicest. Makes me sad to see so little love for it Commented May 7, 2020 at 17:21
  • 1
    it may be useful to create a unique identifier in place of NAV_DESTINATION_ID with something like this stackoverflow.com/a/15021758/1572848 Commented May 8, 2020 at 15:16
  • Where's the tag coming from and why is it needed? I've problems where the actual id's on the navigation component don't match these from R.id.
    – riezebosch
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 13:19
  • R.id.tag_navigation_destination_id is just an id you'll have to add to your ids.xml, to make sure it's unique. <item name="tag_navigation_destination_id" type="id" />
    – Frank
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 13:58
  • Even with this solution, it is possible that the original crash still occurs when popping the backstack. You may wish to add fun Fragment.popBackStackSafe() { if (mayNavigate()) findNavController().popBackStack() } Commented Sep 21, 2020 at 14:34

I wrote this extensions

fun Fragment.navigateAction(action: NavDirections) {
    val navController = this.findNavController()
    if (navController.currentDestination?.getAction(action.actionId) == null) {
    } else {

I have resolved the same problem by putting check before navigate instead of boilerplate code for clicking instantly control

 if (findNavController().currentDestination?.id == R.id.currentFragment) {
/* Here R.id.currentFragment is the id of current fragment in navigation graph */

according to this answer



As mentioned in other answers, this exception generally occurs when a user

  1. clicks on multiple views at the same time that handle navigation
  2. clicks multiple times on a view that handles navigation.

Using a timer to disable clicks is not an appropriate way to handle this issue. If the user has not been navigated to the destination after the timer expires the app will crash anyways and in many cases where navigation is not the action to be performed quick clicks are necessary.

In case 1, android:splitMotionEvents="false" in xml or setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(false) in source file should help. Setting this attribute to false will allow only one view to take the click. You can read about it here

In case 2, there would be something delaying the navigation process allowing the user to click on a view multiple times(API calls, animations, etc). The root issue should be resolved if possible so that navigation happens instantaneously, not allowing the user to click the view twice. If the delay is inevitable, like in the case of an API call, disabling the view or making it unclickable would be the appropriate solution.


In my case the bug ocurred because I had a navigation action with the Single Top and the Clear Task options enabled after a splash screen.

  • 2
    But clearTask is deprecated, you should use popUpTo() instead. Commented Sep 21, 2018 at 7:43
  • @Po10cio None of those flags were neeeded, I just removed it and it was fixed. Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 12:44

It seems that mixing fragmentManager control of the backstack and Navigation Architecture control of the backstack can cause this issue also.

For example the original CameraX basic sample used fragmentManager backstack navigation as below and it appears as if it did not correctly interact with Navigation:

// Handle back button press
        view.findViewById<ImageButton>(R.id.back_button).setOnClickListener {

If you log the 'current destination' with this version before moving from the main fragment (the camera fragment in this case) and then log it again when you return to the main fragment, you can see from the id in the logs that the id is not the same. At a guess, the Navigation updated it when moving to the fragment and the fragmntManager did not then update it again when moving back. From the logs:

Before: D/CameraXBasic: currentDest?: androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator$Destination@b713195

After: D/CameraXBasic: currentDest?: androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator$Destination@9807d8f

The updated version of CameraX basic sample uses Navigation to return like this:

 // Handle back button press
        view.findViewById<ImageButton>(R.id.back_button).setOnClickListener {
            Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(), R.id.fragment_container).navigateUp()

This works correctly and the logs show the same id when back at the main fragment.

Before: D/CameraXBasic: currentDest?: androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator$Destination@b713195

After: D/CameraXBasic: currentDest?: androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator$Destination@b713195

I suspect the moral of the story, at least at this time, is to be very careful mixing Navigation with fragmentManager navigation.

  • This sounds plausible, I will investigate further. Has anyone been able to verify or substantiate this claim? Commented May 6, 2020 at 11:23
  • @JerryOkafor - I have tested it in an app I was working on based on CameraX Sample and verified it but it would be good to see if someone else has seen this also. I actually missed a 'back navigation' in one place in the same app so just fixed it again recently also.
    – Mick
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 11:33
  • I can substantiate the "moral of the story" if not the exact code. Just took on a project that uses FragmentManager to (incorrectly) get the "current fragment" at which time it "safely navigates". This answer resonates with me because I noted the 2 fragments in question are often not the same (and hence the supposed safe navigation code still crashes the app). Thx Mick for the first suggestion that I was possibly on the right track after all. Commented Mar 15, 2022 at 15:37

A Ridiculous way but very powerful is: Simply call this:


Just Create this Extention:

fun NavController.navigateSafe(
    navDirections: NavDirections? = null
) {
    try {
        navDirections?.let {
    catch (e:Exception)
  • Thank you for this simple to understand yet powerful example. No need to mess around with click listeners and we can still use all of the APIs =D Commented Sep 12, 2020 at 6:19

After thinking over Ian Lake's advice in this twitter thread I've came up with following approach. Having NavControllerWrapper defined as such:

class NavControllerWrapper constructor(
  private val navController: NavController
) {

  fun navigate(
    @IdRes from: Int,
    @IdRes to: Int
  ) = navigate(
    from = from,
    to = to,
    bundle = null

  fun navigate(
    @IdRes from: Int,
    @IdRes to: Int,
    bundle: Bundle?
  ) = navigate(
    from = from,
    to = to,
    bundle = bundle,
    navOptions = null,
    navigatorExtras = null

  fun navigate(
    @IdRes from: Int,
    @IdRes to: Int,
    bundle: Bundle?,
    navOptions: NavOptions?,
    navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
  ) {
    if (navController.currentDestination?.id == from) {

  fun navigate(
    @IdRes from: Int,
    directions: NavDirections
  ) {
    if (navController.currentDestination?.id == from) {

  fun navigateUp() = navController.navigateUp()

  fun popBackStack() = navController.popBackStack()

Then in navigation code:

val navController = navControllerProvider.getNavController()
navController.navigate(from = R.id.main, to = R.id.action_to_detail)

  • Kotlin has extension functions exactly for that purpose, no need for a wrapper.
    – Nicolas
    Commented Aug 16, 2020 at 21:22
  • You cannot perform unit testing when you are using extension functions here and there. Alternatively, when you are using wrapper, you are introducing a seam in the component hence you are able to mock out components per your needs and perform pure unit testing.
    – azizbekian
    Commented Aug 17, 2020 at 8:24

I resolve this issue by checking if the next action exist in the current destination

public static void launchFragment(BaseFragment fragment, int action) {
    if (fragment != null && NavHostFragment.findNavController(fragment).getCurrentDestination().getAction(action) != null) {       

public static void launchFragment(BaseFragment fragment, NavDirections directions) {
    if (fragment != null && NavHostFragment.findNavController(fragment).getCurrentDestination().getAction(directions.getActionId()) != null) {       

This resolve a problem if the user click fast on 2 differents button


Update to @AlexNuts answer to support navigating to a nested graph. When an action uses a nested graph as a destination like so:


The destination ID of this action cannot be compared with the current destination because the current destination cannot be a graph. The start destination of the nested graph must be resolved.

fun NavController.navigateSafe(directions: NavDirections) {
    // Get action by ID. If action doesn't exist on current node, return.
    val action = (currentDestination ?: graph).getAction(directions.actionId) ?: return
    var destId = action.destinationId
    val dest = graph.findNode(destId)
    if (dest is NavGraph) {
        // Action destination is a nested graph, which isn't a real destination.
        // The real destination is the start destination of that graph so resolve it.
        destId = dest.startDestination
    if (currentDestination?.id != destId) {

However this will prevent navigating to the same destination twice, which is sometimes needed. To allow that, you can add a check to action.navOptions?.shouldLaunchSingleTop() and add app:launchSingleTop="true" to the actions for which you don't want duplicated destinations.


In order to avoid this crash one of my colleagues wrote a small library which exposes a SafeNavController, a wrapper around the NavController and handles the cases when this crash occurs because of multiple navigate commands at the same time.

Here is a short article about the whole issue and the solution.

You can find the library here.


Yet another solution to the same quick-click-navigation-crash problem:

fun NavController.doIfCurrentDestination(@IdRes destination: Int, action: NavController.()-> Unit){
    if(this.currentDestination?.id == destination){action()}

and then use like this:

findNavController().doIfCurrentDestination(R.id.my_destination){ navigate(...) }

benefits of this solutions is that you can easily wrap any existing call to naviagte() with whatever signature you already use, no need to make a million overloads


There could be many reasons for this problem. In my case i was using the MVVM model and i was observing a boolean for navigation when the boolean is true -> navigate else don't do anything and this was working fine but there was one mistake here

when pressing back button from the destination fragment i was encountering the same problem .And problem was the boolean object as I forgot to change the boolean value to false this created the mess.I just created a function in viewModel to change its value to false and called it just after the findNavController()


I got this same error because I used a Navigation Drawer and getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace( ) at the same time somewhere in my code .

I got rid of the error by using this condition(testing if the destination) :

if (Navigation.findNavController(v).getCurrentDestination().getId() == R.id.your_destination_fragment_id)

In my case the previous error was triggered when I was clicking on the navigation drawer options. Basically the code above did hide the error , because in my code somewhere I used navigation using getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace( ) The condition -

 if (Navigation.findNavController(v).getCurrentDestination().getId() ==

was never reached because (Navigation.findNavController(v).getCurrentDestination().getId() was always poiting to home fragment. You must only use Navigation.findNavController(v).navigate(R.id.your_action) or nav graph controller functions for all your navigation actions.


Throwing my answer into the ring that handles the two cases (double tap, simultaneous tap on two buttons) elegantly yet tries to not mask real errors.

We can use a navigateSafe() function that checks to see if the destination that we're trying to navigate to is invalid from the current destination but is valid from the previous destination. If this is the case, the code assumes the user either double tapped or tapped two buttons simultaneous.

This solution isn't perfect however as it may mask real problems in niche cases where we try to navigate to something that just so happens to be a destination of the parent. It is assumed though that this would be unlikely.


fun NavController.navigateSafe(directions: NavDirections) {
    val navigateWillError = currentDestination?.getAction(directions.actionId) == null

    if (navigateWillError) {
        if (previousBackStackEntry?.destination?.getAction(directions.actionId) != null) {
            // This is probably some user tapping two different buttons or one button twice quickly
            // Ignore...

        // This seems like a programming error. Proceed and let navigate throw.


I caught this exception after some renames of classes. For example: I had classes called FragmentA with @+is/fragment_a in navigation graph and FragmentB with @+id/fragment_b. Then I deleted FragmentA and renamed FragmentB to FragmentA. So after that node of FragmentA still stayed in navigation graph, and android:name of FragmentB's node was renamed path.to.FragmentA. I had two nodes with the same android:name and different android:id, and the action I needed were defined on node of removed class.


It occurs to me when I press the back button two times. At first, I intercept KeyListener and override KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK. I added the code below in the function named OnResume for the Fragment, and then this question/issue is solved.

  override fun onResume() {
        view?.isFocusableInTouchMode = true
        view?.setOnKeyListener { v, keyCode, event ->
            if (event.action == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {

When it happens to me for a second time, and it's status is the same as the first one, I find that I maybe use the adsurd function. Let’s analyze these situations.

  1. Firstly, FragmentA navigates to FragmentB ,then FragmentB navigates to FragmentA, then press back button... the crash appears.

  2. Secondly, FragmentA navigates to FragmentB, then FragmentB navigates to FragmentC, FragmentC navigates to FragmentA, then press back button... the crash appears.

So I think when pressing back button, FragmentA will return to FragmentB or FragmentC, then it causes the login mess. Finally I find that the function named popBackStack can be used for back rather than navigate.


So far, the problem is really solved.


If you click on too quickly , it will cause null and crash.

We can use RxBinding lib to help on this. You can add throttle and duration on the click before it happens.

 RxView.clicks(view).throttleFirst(duration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .subscribe(__ -> {

These articles on throttling on Android might help. Cheers!


I am calling the 2.3.1 Navigation and the same error occurs when the application configuration changes. When the cause of the problem was found through Debug, the GaphId in NavHostFragment did not take effect as the ID currently set by calling navController.setGraph(). The GraphId of NavHostFragment can only be obtained from the <androidx.fragment.app.FragmentContainerView/> tag. At this time, this problem will occur if there are multiple GraphIds dynamically set in your code. When the interface is restored, the Destination cannot be found in the cached GraphId. You can solve this problem by manually specifying the value of mGraphId in NavHostFragment through reflection when switching Graph.

try {
    Field graphIdField = hostFragment.getClass().getDeclaredField("mGraphId");
    graphIdField.set(navHostFragment, R.navigation.home_book_navigation);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {