I tried import { SMS } from '@ionic-native/sms'; in my ionic 3 chat application. But document.removeEventListener('onSMSArrive'); is not working.

here are the packages that I am using

"@ionic-native/sms": "^4.3.0",
"@ionic-native/core": "^4.3.0",
"cordova-sms-plugin": "^0.1.11",

The problem is when I come to my page 1st time it perfectly working and receives messages when I got SMS to the phone. But if I went back to another page and come back to the page I receives the same message twice in my function. I think event listener is not removing and when I navigate again to the page another listener is adding to the document.

Here is my code

I add event listener when page loads and I remove it when the page unloads.

public ionViewWillEnter() {

public ionViewWillLeave() {

Here is the startMessageListner() and stopMessageListner() functions in my service.

public startMessageListner()
    --- some works do here ---

public startListner()
    this.recieveMessage().then((message) => {
        --- receives message here and when after 
            navigating multiple times I receives 
            multiple same messages here---

public recieveMessage() {

    if (!window.SMS) { alert('SMS plugin not ready'); return; }

    window.SMS.startWatch(function() {
    }, function() {
        console.log('Not Watching');

    this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        document.addEventListener('onSMSArrive', this.resolveMessage(resolve));

    return this.promise;

public stopMessageListner()
    --- some works do here ---

public stopReciveMessage()
    // ***This one also not works***
    // document.removeEventListener('onSMSArrive', (event)=>{
    //     window.SMS.stopWatch(function() {
    //         console.log('Stop Watching');
    //     }, function() {
    //         console.log('Not Stop Watching');
    //     });
    // });


    window.SMS.stopWatch(function() {
        console.log('Stop Watching');
    }, function() {
        console.log('Not Stop Watching');

Please help me to solve this problem. This issue wasted my whole week. And still no luck :(

===Updated with comments===

all given links say that I have to pass exactly same function while removing event listener. In my case, I am passing this.resolveMessage(resolve) with resolve parameter when I am calling document.addEventListener. So I already tried it as follows and still it not solved.

  1. public recieveMessage() {
        --same content as above--
        let self = this; // I added this line for safe side
        this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            self.resolve = resolve;
            document.addEventListener('onSMSArrive', self.resolveMessage(resolve),false);
        return this.promise;
    public stopReciveMessage()
        document.removeEventListener('onSMSArrive', this.resolveMessage(this.resolve),false);
        window.SMS.stopWatch(function() {
            console.log('Stop Watching');
        }, function() {
            console.log('Not Stop Watching');

2. for same recieveMessage() in 1.

    public stopReciveMessage()
        document.removeEventListener('onSMSArrive', this.resolveMessage,false);

        window.SMS.stopWatch(function() {
            console.log('Stop Watching');
        }, function() {
            console.log('Not Stop Watching');

3. for same recieveMessage() in 1.

    public stopReciveMessage()
        let self = this;
        this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            document.removeEventListener('onSMSArrive', self.resolveMessage(resolve),false);
            window.SMS.stopWatch(function() {
                console.log('Stop Watching');
            }, function() {
                console.log('Not Stop Watching');

4. for same recieveMessage() in 1.

    public stopReciveMessage()
        let self = this;
        this.promise = (resolve, reject) => {
            document.removeEventListener('onSMSArrive', self.resolveMessage(resolve),false);
            window.SMS.stopWatch(function() {
                console.log('Stop Watching');
            }, function() {
                console.log('Not Stop Watching');



1 Answer 1


I agree it's a real pain to remove an event listener in typescript. I have solved it in Vue like this:

class App {


        this.mylistener = (e:Event) => this.logMessage(e,"hello")
        window.addEventListener('click', this.mylistener);

        window.removeEventListener("click", this.mylistener)

    logMessage(e:Event, str:String){
        console.log("click event was called")

This assumes the "created" and "destroyed" functions are called when your component is created and removed. First check if you can get a basic example working, and if yes, see how you can apply it to your SMS library - that library may have issues of its own.

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