
is a code that gives 0 or a +ve result

I use this across 1500 cells which makes the sheet gets filled with 0s

I'd like to remove the Zeros by using the following formula


This calculates every formula twice and increases the calculation time.

How can we do this in 1 formula where if the value is 0 - keep empty - otherwise display the answer

image 1

image 2

  • If cell equals 0, then leave it blank But with least calculations Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 20:15
  • Add conditional formatting?
    – tehhowch
    Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 20:30

3 Answers 3


I suggest this cell-function:


EDIT: I'm not sure what to add as explanation. Basically to replace the result of a complex calculation with blank cells if it results in 0, you can wrap the complex function in

IFERROR(1/(1/  ComplexFunction()   ))

It works by twice taking the inverse (1/X) of the result, thus returning the original result in all cases except 0 where a DIV0 error is generated. This error is then caught by IFERROR to result in a blank cell.

The advantage of this method is that it doesn't need to calculate the complex function twice, so can give a significant speed/readability increase, and doesn't fool the output like a custom number format which can be important if this cell is used in further functions.

  • Downvotes not by me, but I recommend to improve your code-only answer by adding some explanation. That would also help fighting the misunderstanding that StackOverflow is a free code-writing service.
    – Yunnosch
    Commented Apr 7, 2019 at 8:33

You only need to set the number format for your range of cells.

Go to the menu Format-->Number-->More Formats-->Custom Number Format...

In the entry area at the top, enter the following: #;-#;""

The "format" of the format string is

(positive value format) ; (negative value format) ; (zero value format)

You can apply colors or commas or anything else. See this link for details

  • Is there no equation based formula ... something like what iferror would do for error values - here we need it for "0" values Commented Mar 28, 2018 at 6:21

instead of your =COUNTIFS(Orders!$T:$T,$B4) use:

=REGEXREPLACE(""&COUNTIFS(Orders!$T:$T,$B4), "^0$", )

also, to speed up things you should avoid "per row formulae" and use ArrayFormulas

  • REGEXREPLACE returns a string. If OP wants to keep cell contents as numbers they must use VALUE(), and VALUE("") will return 0. Commented May 25, 2020 at 6:57

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