We're looking for a way to increase the padding (or margins) for a QListWidget we are using in our application. We'd like to increase this for all four directions to give the text in our list some extra space

I've looked at the documentation for both QListWidget and QListWidgetItem and can't find anything. For QListWidget there's setContentsMargins which is inherited from QWidget but that is for the widget as a whole (rather than individual entries).

What can we do to solve this? Grateful for help!

  • How are you creating the QListWidgetItem list for the QListWidget? Commented Mar 21, 2018 at 14:58
  • 2
    What about setContentsMargins and/or setSpacing?
    – G.M.
    Commented Mar 21, 2018 at 15:00
  • @G.M. setSpacing did the trick, thanks!
    – sunyata
    Commented Mar 21, 2018 at 15:11
  • Cant believe that it is 2024 and we still have to hack this using style sheets. Commented Mar 15 at 15:24

3 Answers 3


setSpacing(int) will increase the padding in all directions

(Thank you G.M. for your help!)

  • 1
    is it possible to increase only the bottom spacing (margin ?)
    – Aminos
    Commented May 20, 2021 at 15:29

how about this

ui->listWidget->setStyleSheet("QListWidget {padding: 10px;} QListWidget::item { margin: 10px; }");

we use css selector for thise

list = QListWidget()
list.addItem("item 1")
list.addItem("item 2")
list.addItem("item 3")

    QListWidget {
        background-color: red;

    QListWidget::item {
        background-color: blue;


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