i will discuss my case to make a good understand for my question at first i am getting data from my api client as my class :

 return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TestRespone>(responseContent);

so i get the data of my class : which is

public enum TestStatus
public class TestRespone
    public enum TestStatus{ get; set; }
    public string  Message { get; set; }

However i get the Teststatus from api as a string but i want to apply as an enum immediatly in my code : i wrote extra code :

 public static TestStatus ToTestStatus(this string s)
            switch (s)
                case "INITIALIZED":
                    return SignatureStatus.Sucess;

                case "SIGNED":
                    return SignatureStatus.Error;

my question is how to custmize public enum TestStatus to be immediatly an enum cause it alreay come as a sring ? i mean i get it from api as string but i want it in class like enum


2 Answers 2


No directly you can't do it, But if you must you should use Custom Contract resolver


I managed to create something similar to what you want but the clutter is huge:

public enum TestStatus {
    public static class Ext {
    public static TestStatus ToTestStatus(this string target) {
        TestStatus testStatus;
        var enumerator = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TestStatus)).GetEnumerator();

        while (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
            if ((testStatus=((TestStatus)enumerator.Current)).ToString() == target) {
                return testStatus;

        return TestStatus.Error; //some default;



TestStatus c = "Error".ToTestStatus();
TestStatus d = "Success".ToTestStatus();

Refined it a bit :D

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