I am trying to set up an Azure SQL Database inside of an elastic pool. I'm not sure if I did it right. Here's my dashboard:

enter image description here

And here's the actual database:

enter image description here

What makes me wonder if the database is actually inside the elastic pool is what's circled in red in the above screenshot.

No elastic pool

Here's the server:

enter image description here

And here's the elastic pool:

enter image description here

Another clue that the DB is not in the pool is that the pool shows no usage.

So, I'm pretty sure I did something wrong. But I can't seem to figure out HOW to put the database inside the pool.



1 Answer 1


You can add database to elastic pool as long as they are on the same logical server. Here's the article. Search for "Move a database into an elastic pool". I cannot really copy text from there to here as there is no text, only a bunch of images.

  • btw, there also are ways to do that with powershell\cli\t-sql
    – 4c74356b41
    Commented Dec 8, 2017 at 20:35

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