I am trying to run basic react-native app in my macOS. I installed node through brew .

My node version: v6.12.0
npm version :5.5.1

Then i installed reatc-native-cli using npm. Now when i try to create a project using react-native init it says react-native command not found.

I tried all solutions but no hope. as i am new bee to this react-native guide me solve this. Thanks in advance.

I tried all post including

react-native: command not found

  • 1
    What was the command used to install it? Did you use npm install -g and did it succeed without errors?
    – Vasan
    Commented Nov 29, 2017 at 10:16
  • Isn't React Native project create create-react-native-app <name>?
    – Zooly
    Commented Nov 29, 2017 at 10:17
  • Using appropriate version of npm will resolve the issue. Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 8:12

5 Answers 5


You should install React-Native CLI first before using "react-native init".

npm install -g react-native-cli

For more information of getting started React-Native in manual, please follow this Document


And select tab Building Projects with Native Code for manual create project without Expo

  • 1
    The question literally said "Then i installed react-native-cli using npm". Did you even read it
    – GeneCode
    Commented May 4, 2019 at 4:56

Steps to install React Native CLI in Mac OS:

  1. Run npm install -g react-native-cli

or sudo npm install -g react-native-cli 2. Once successful, get the installed path from the output:

/Users/jeemok/.npm-packages/bin/react-native -> /Users/jeemok/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/react-native-cli/index.js
+ [email protected]
added 78 packages from 28 contributors in 12.39s

In my case, my path is /Users/jeemok/.npm-packages/bin/react-native 3. Run export PATH="/Users/jeemok/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH" 4. Now you should be able to use the command react-native

Example to init a project

react-native init TodoApp
cd TodoApp
react-native run-ios

1.install -Xcode -Android Studio
2. react-native init FirstApp

  1. if hit the below error -bash:react-native:command not found

4. npm list -g | head -n 1
5. /usr/local/Cellar/node/8.1.4/lib U will found the file "react native"
6. open .bash_profile (if .bash_profile not exist setup .bash_profile) add the below in .bash_profile file export PATH=”/usr/local/Cellar/node/8.1.4/bin:$PATH”

  1. run the command to reload .bash_profile source .bash_profile

8.create your project
react-native init FirstApp


How I solved this issue.

  1. Call npm list -g | head -n 1
  2. Open .bash_profile in a code editor. It should be located at ~/.bash_profile
  3. Paste export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/node/10.12.0/bin:${PATH}" somewhere in it. Make sure you have the correct version in there. Also make sure PATH is wrapped in { }
  4. Save the file.
  5. Close your terminal and reopen. You should be good now.

How I solved this not found issue. For those who are still facing the issue, I am sharing my solution. I have setup a fresh react native project by running the following command.

npx react-native init AwesomeProject

we don't need to install


If you previously installed a global react-native-cli package, please remove it as it may cause unexpected issues.

as mentioned in the original docs.

just add npx at beginning npx react native link and it worked!

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