I'm using Windows 10.

I can cut/copy/paste in cmd or shell but i can't do that with Bash. So, I must type url of github if I want to clone something from there

Almost of guides (Dr. Google) also say: Right click -> Properties -> Options -> tick Edit Quick Mode

But I can't do because I can't find out "Quick Edit Mode" or something like that.

Please help me.


Bash's Properties

  • Atleast in putty if you just select some text, it get's auto copied to the clipboard. I am not sure if MingW works the same way then you don't need a copy/paste/edit there, just select a portion of text > (right click > paste) or just right click.
    – user2031271
    Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 22:40

3 Answers 3


using your keyboard, you can hold down [Shift] and then hit the [Insert] key. [Shift]+[Insert]

EDIT: If this does not help, you may find a previous post useful: Copy Paste in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows


The solution that worked is for:

  • desktop keyboard: [shift] + [insert] keys to paste
  • laptop keyboard: [shift] + [0] keys to paste

NB: For laptops, the 0 Key at the bottom of the number pad on the upper-right corner of your keyboard will function as an Insert Key when Num Lock is turned off. That is why it is labeled with both 0 and Ins on the key itself.


To paste any URL or Text in gitbash, you can use " windows key + v " and select the text you copied to paste it in bash.

You just need to turn on the clipboard history for this to work, which can be done in clipboard settings.

As far as copy/cut is concerned I am also searching for that.

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