In this HTML page there is the following text within the <style> tag:

.listsg { ... }

What is the purpose of .listsg? A Google search didn't turn up anything.


2 Answers 2


It's a HTML class used for CSS styling, the name of the class could be whatever you want. For example:


<p class="listsg">Text</p> // this text will be in yellow color

And then you can style it in CSS:

.listsg {
    color: yellow;

I assume you thought "listsg" is a HTML tag. Here is more about classes and how they work: HTML Classes


As mentioned in this Stackoverflow answer, . is a class selector. So .listsg selects the class "listsg".

If you look further in the document, notice a line <div class="listsg" >. The purpose of .listsg { ... } is to assign style attributes to this div block, based on the text in between the braces (i.e. { and }).

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