Is there a way to generate a random number based on a min and max?

For example, if min was 1 and max 20 it should generate any number between 1 and 20, including 1 and 20?


7 Answers 7

  echo rand($min,$max);
  • i thought that min and max for rand was the number of digits to use instead of numbers :) thnx
    – Val
    Commented Nov 13, 2010 at 17:50
  • Related: if PHP_INT_MAX < ($max-$min), you need to add intervals together, as described in this answer.
    – bishop
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 16:12
  • rand() before PHP7.1 is simply bad. It uses LCG algorithm which results with predictable output. It is also slow. Since PHP7.1 rand() is made an alias of mt_rand() therefore no longer bad. PHP7 also introduced cryptographically secure random_int(), however it should be avoided unless essential, since it's much slower than mt_rand()
    – xZero
    Commented Dec 13, 2018 at 9:17

In a new PHP7 there is a finally a support for a cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers.

int random_int ( int $min , int $max )

random_int — Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers

which basically makes previous answers obsolete.

  • 2
    That's great! But until webhosts support PHP7 more globally, this is not useful for anyone building products for distribution unfortunately. So the previous answers that ALSO work on PHP7 are still best practice. Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:32
  • 1
    @MattCromwell. I do not agree with you. Until hosting services support PHP7 we should use polyfill for random_int and random_bytes function - github.com/paragonie/random_compat. Commented Jan 8, 2017 at 19:41
  • I'm curious, is there ever a reason NOT to use random_int ? If it gives "better" random numbers, why not use it for non-crypto reasons? Commented Sep 21, 2017 at 16:13
  • 1
    @BrianLeishman I would rather use it for everything. The only downside that I can guess: it probably relies on the source of randomness and might fail if you are out of randomness. It might be more expensive (need to check) but I doubt that this one function makes a big difference Commented Sep 21, 2017 at 17:54
  • I do know that it's slower, but it's insignificant enough to not go back and change already existing random_ints to rands. Also, my use case is a retry algorithm, and I definitely don't want multiple failed functions clumping after sleeping because of predictable random ints Commented Sep 21, 2017 at 18:18

A quicker faster version would use mt_rand:

echo mt_rand($min,$max);

Source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mt-rand.php.

NOTE: Your server needs to have the Math PHP module enabled for this to work. If it doesn't, bug your host to enable it, or you have to use the normal (and slower) rand().


I have bundled the answers here and made it version independent;

function generateRandom($min = 1, $max = 20) {
    // Prioritize `random_int` for security
    if (function_exists('random_int')) {
        return random_int($min, $max); // more secure

    // Fallback to `mt_rand` if `random_int` isn't available
    if (function_exists('mt_rand')) {
        return mt_rand($min, $max); // faster

    // Use `rand` as a last resort.
    // Uncomment line below to warn about potential issues
    // trigger_error("Using less secure 'rand' function for random number generation. Consider upgrading your PHP version.", E_USER_WARNING);
    return rand($min, $max); // old
(rand() % ($max-$min)) + $min


rand ( $min , $max )



Docs for PHP's rand function are here:


Use the srand() function to set the random number generator's seed value.


Try This one. It will generate id according to your wish.

function id()
 // add limit
$id_length = 20;

// add any character / digit
$alfa = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890";
$token = "";
for($i = 1; $i < $id_length; $i ++) {

  // generate randomly within given character/digits
  @$token .= $alfa[rand(1, strlen($alfa))];

return $token;

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