I have an enum:

export enum PizzaSize {
  SMALL =  0,
  MEDIUM = 1,
  LARGE = 2

But here I'd like to use some pair of values: e.g. SMALL I would like to say that it has a key of 0 and a value of 100. I endeavor to use:

export enum PizzaSize {
  SMALL =  { key: 0, value: 100 },
  // ...

But TypeScript doesn't accept this one. How can I do this?


7 Answers 7


TypeScript supports numeric or string-based enums only, so you have to emulate object enums with a class (which will allow you to use it as a type in a function declaration):

export class PizzaSize {
  static readonly SMALL  = new PizzaSize('SMALL', 'A small pizza');
  static readonly MEDIUM = new PizzaSize('MEDIUM', 'A medium pizza');
  static readonly LARGE  = new PizzaSize('LARGE', 'A large pizza');

  // private to disallow creating other instances of this type
  private constructor(private readonly key: string, public readonly value: any) {

  toString() {
    return this.key;

then you can use the predefined instances to access their value:

const mediumVal = PizzaSize.MEDIUM.value;

or whatever other property/property type you may want to define in a PizzaSize.

and thanks to the toString() overriding, you will also be able to print the enum name/key implicitly from the object:

console.log(PizzaSize.MEDIUM);  // prints 'MEDIUM'
  • 5
    Way more elegant than the accepted answer but, the constructor should be private constructor(private key: string, PUBLIC value: any) {} to be able to use PizzaSize.MEDIUM.value or define a getter to it
    – Frohlich
    Commented Nov 29, 2018 at 13:57
  • 1
    True @Flohlich. Just added a getter to forbid change of such an enum constant. Commented Nov 29, 2018 at 15:28
  • 1
    this answer is unclear to me, can you show the enum declaration not just the PizzaSize class? Commented Dec 16, 2018 at 23:19
  • 1
    @Alexander Mills There is no enum declaration, that’s the point : as there is no support for object enum you have to emulate it through a class declaration. Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 7:50
  • 4
    Be careful using this approach if you clone your objects with Ramda/lodash, e.g R.clone({pizza: PizzaSize.MEDIUM}) or _.cloneDeep. Triple equals and switch statements won't work like they do with TypeScript enum
    – Drenai
    Commented Sep 15, 2019 at 15:56

Update: find @Javarome's answer below, which is more elegant. I suggest using his way.

If you need to use Type, try adding some code. usage: getPizzSizeSpec(PizzaSize.small).value

enum PizzaSize {
interface PizzaSizeSpec {
    key: number,
    value: number
function getPizzaSizeSpec(pizzaSize: PizzaSize): PizzaSizeSpec {
    switch (pizzaSize) {
        case PizzaSize.small:
            return {key:0, value: 25};
        case PizzaSize.medium:
            return {key:0, value: 35};
        case PizzaSize.large:
            return {key:0, value: 50};
  • Check out my recent answer, it also has the benefit of exhausiveness checks
    – blaineh
    Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 23:05
  • This answer is no way close to object literal enum. stackoverflow.com/a/51398471/2103767 is by far the best by @Javarome
    – bhantol
    Commented Sep 2, 2021 at 15:17

As of Typescript 3.4, you can use a combination of keyof typeof and const assertions to create objects that can have the same type safety as enums, and still hold complex values.

By creating a type with the same name as the const, you can have the same exhaustiveness checks that normal enums have.

The only wart is that you need some key in the complex object (I'm using value here) to hold the name of the enum member (if anyone can figure out a helper function that can build these objects in a typesafe way, I'd love to see it! I couldn't get one working).

export const PizzaSize = {
    small: { value: 'small', key: 0, size: 25 },
    medium: { value: 'medium', key: 1, size: 35 },
    large: { value: 'large', key: 2, size: 50 },
} as const

export type PizzaSize = keyof typeof PizzaSize

// if you remove any of these cases, the function won't compile
// because it can't guarantee that you've returned a string
export function order(p: PizzaSize): string {
    switch (p) {
        case PizzaSize.small.value: return 'just for show'
        case PizzaSize.medium.value: return 'just for show'
        case PizzaSize.large.value: return 'just for show'

// you can also just hardcode the strings,
// they'll be type checked
export function order(p: PizzaSize): string {
    switch (p) {
        case 'small': return 'just for show'
        case 'medium': return 'just for show'
        case 'large': return 'just for show'

In other files this can be used simply, just import PizzaSize.

import { PizzaSize } from './pizza'


type Order = { size: PizzaSize, person: string }

Also notice how even objects that are usually mutable can't be mutated with the as const syntax.

const Thing = {
    ONE: { one: [1, 2, 3] }
} as const

// this won't compile!! Yay!!
Thing.ONE.one.splice(1, 0, 0)
  • It does seem a little tricky. And it doesn't allow you to add functions to the "enum" values like the class does. But this give exhaustiveness checks where the class doesn't, so it's just a choice of tradeoffs I'm afraid.
    – blaineh
    Commented Sep 24, 2019 at 22:27
  • 2
    FYI my tsc 3.9.7 is complaining about order(PizzaSize.large) with Argument of type '{ readonly value: "large"; readonly key: 2; readonly size: 50; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '"small" | "medium" | "large"'. So it doesn't behave like enums in that way.
    – Basti
    Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 16:07
  • Yeah this solution isn't exactly like enums, it's just parallel, using the keys of a const object instead of an actual enum value. Pass order(PizzaSize.large.value) or order('large') and everything will compile. Doing that is just as typesafe as an enum.
    – blaineh
    Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 19:42
  • In terms of building the values of the enumerated objects in a typesafe way, the best I could think to do was to cast each declaration as I defined it. It's a little more verbose than I'd like, but it seems to get the job done.
    – Dennis
    Commented Sep 1, 2021 at 19:52
  • You can reference this pattern as enumeration classes
    – EliuX
    Commented Jul 14, 2022 at 14:47

I think to get to what you want, something like this will work

interface PizzaInfo {
  name: string;
  cost_multiplier: number;

enum PizzaSize {

const pizzas: Record<PizzaSize, PizzaInfo> = {
  [PizzaSize.SMALL]: { name: "Small", cost_multiplier: 0.7 },
  [PizzaSize.MEDIUM]: { name: "Medium", cost_multiplier: 1.0 },
  [PizzaSize.LARGE]: { name: "Large", cost_multiplier: 1.5 },

const order = PizzaSize.SMALL;
console.log(pizzas[order].name);  // "Small"
  • 1
    is there any way to make compilation fail if you add a value to PizzaSize if you forget to modify pizzas? Commented Aug 30, 2021 at 21:46

Object.freeze makes it read only and prevents more properties being added:

const pizzaSize = Object.freeze({
  small: { key: 0, value: 25 },
  medium: { key: 1, value: 35 },
  large: { key: 2, value: 50 }
  • 1
    Only first level. You should also freeze each deeper level. Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 5:08

You can use a typed const to achieve this:

export const PizzaSize: {
    [key: string]: { key: string, value: string };
} = {
    SMALL: { key: 'key', value: 'value' }

Optionally you can extract the type information to separate interface declarations:

interface PizzaSizeEnumInstance {
    key: string;
    value: string;

interface PizzaSizeEnum {
    [key: string]: PizzaSizeEnumInstance;

export const PizzaSize: PizzaSizeEnum = {
    SMALL: { key: 'key', value: 'value' }

Old thread, but I came up with something similar to @Jerome. It's my attempt at making a sealed class

module SealedPizzaEnum {
    abstract class PizzaBase {
      constructor(public topping: string) {}
    export type Spec = PizzaBase;

    export class Cheese extends PizzaBase {}
    export class ThreeMeat extends PizzaBase {
        addMoreMeat() {

function makeADaPizza(pizza: SealedPizzaEnum.Spec) {
    if(pizza instanceof SealedPizzaEnum.Cheese) {
    } else if (pizza instanceof SealedPizzaEnum.ThreeMeat) {

makeADaPizza(new SealedPizzaEnum.Cheese("pineapple"));
makeADaPizza(new SealedPizzaEnum.ThreeMeat("Onion"));

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