I'm using Charles Proxy's handy Map Local tool to develop CSS documents. This way I can immediately see my edits without having to redeploy the whole thing which in the wonderful world of enterprise-level webapps saves a considerable amount of time.

I just discovered that Map Local doesn't work with the https protocol. I have no problems with http, everything works as expected.

I'm using Windows 7, and the problem is present with every browser.

What could be misconfigured?

  • what you mean doesn't work? I use it in both http/https without problems. explain yourself :)
    – Bladedu
    Commented Oct 20, 2010 at 15:45
  • 1
    Let's say I map http://domain/file to a local file. This works as expected. But https://domain/file wouldn't work, the original file would be used instead of the local one. The only difference between the two mappings is the protocol. Commented Oct 20, 2010 at 22:32
  • Have you added the same rule with HTTPS as the protocol?
    – Luke
    Commented Apr 19, 2013 at 6:17

2 Answers 2


Ensure that the host you're trying to map is enabled under (added to) Proxy > Proxy Settings > SSL > Locations.


Old post, @OpaCitiZen's answer is correct, however, in version v3.11.4 & v4, it's

Proxy > SSL Proxying Settings > Add (URL) and obviously make sure the checkbox for "Enable SSL Proxying" is selected


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