I'm using NavController. To go back I can use nav.pop(), but how to use nav.popTo() if I need go to the other page (not last)?

constructor(nav: NavController) {
this.nav = nav;


7 Answers 7


Here is the code to go up two levels, that is to the parent page of the previous page.


Pop to the root page.


you mast get index this.navCtrl.getByIndex(int i) and set it inside the popTo(), see the code bellow:

this.navCtrl.popTo( this.navCtrl.getByIndex(1));

with this example, you can pop two pages

  • Thankyou.. this.navCtrl.getByIndex(int i) is working in Ionic 3. Previously in Ionic 2 I was using this.navCtrl.popTo(0) and it stopped working when I upgraded to Ionic 3. Commented Apr 14, 2017 at 7:28

If you're lazy loading you'll need something like this:

let targetView = this._navCtrl.getViews().filter(view=> view.id == 'MyAwesomePage')
targetView.length ? this._navCtrl.popTo(targetView[0]) : this._navCtrl.pop()

Note that you may handle the off case with something other than just a pop()

If you want more control on which instance of the view you want to go to, you can try something like this:

let index: number;
let views: any[] = this._navCtrl.getViews()
let found: boolean = views.some((view, i) =>{
  index = i
  return (view.id == 'MyAwesomePage')
found ? this.navCtrl.popTo(views[index]) : this._navCtrl.pop()

You may getViews().reverse().filter() or views.reverse().some() to get last occurrences.

This is using Ionic 3 and Array.some() from ES5


nav.popTo() is for stepping back several levels in your page hierarchy.

For example, if your page hierarchy is login -> welcome -> article1 -> detail1 you might use something like:

constructor(nav: NavController) {
this.nav = nav;


To go back to your welcome page. See docs for further nav methods and details: http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/api/components/nav/NavController/#popTo

  • Hi can you show how to retrive that MyWelcomePage view? I have no idea how to retrieve the view that I want to go to. Commented May 12, 2016 at 1:07
  • Your MyWelcomePage needs to be ViewController type which was passed into your detail1-page via NavParams all the way from the welcome-page
    – macio.Jun
    Commented Sep 26, 2016 at 15:37

Why not just use Ionic's nav.setRoot(@component)?

Taking the above example, you could easily do

nav.push(welcome) -> nav.push(article1) -> nav.push(detail1)

and to go back to the welcome page, just simply nav.setRoot(welcomePage)

Edit: I think this resets the stack.


There is an Issue with ionic 2 popTo(). The Ionic Team is expected to fix it.

See Links below: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/viewcontroller-and-popto-ionic-2/53704



It's late but for someone who want it, see https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/blob/master/src/navigation/nav-controller.ts link.

abstract popTo(page: Page | string | ViewController, opts?: NavOptions, done?: TransitionDoneFn): Promise<any>;

So you can use popTo('pagename' or PageName or index) and with options too.

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