I want to create a script to fill a database for testing. How would I set a string to be hashed and the inserted into the database?

I have:

INSERT INTO `loop`.`User`
'[email protected]',
SHA2('testgZvTtlPtjGRqeMBaLji3HxoKB5EZCsNL', 256),
'[email protected]',

How do I hash the string and INSERT in same statement?

  • 1
    what error are you getting?
    – davejal
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 1:01

2 Answers 2


You can insert a SELECT instead of VALUES to run a function on one of the inputs:

INSERT INTO `loop`.`User`
'[email protected]',
SHA2('testgZvTtlPtjGRqeMBaLji3HxoKB5EZCsNL', 256),
'[email protected]',
  • Could you explain this a little more? I want to understand.
    – John Down
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 1:06
  • 7
    When you insert VALUES they have to be straight up values (strings, integers, etc.) rather than functions or subqueries that resolve to values. When using a SELECT statement, however, one is not constrained in this way.
    – wogsland
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 1:07
  • Thank you that makes sense!
    – John Down
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 1:10

If you already have the table filled by some content, you can alter it with the following :

ALTER TABLE `page` ADD COLUMN `hash` char(64) AS (SHA2(`content`, 256)) AFTER `content`

This solution will add hash column right after the content one, generates hash for existing and new records too without need to change your INSERT statement.

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