Load and Finish time:

load and finish time

I was able to calculate Load time in Google Chrome using:

(window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd - window.performance.timing.navigationStart) / 1000; // seconds

I tried to find a value related to Finish time in window.performance.timing object but no luck. How can I calculate Finish time in the same manner as Load time?

I understand that Finish time can be dynamically changed/appended based on various reasons (e.g. user scrolling).

1 Answer 1


Check the source code for: Chromium NetworkLogView.js

In function _updateSummaryBar() from line 710 you can view the whole process of calculating the values for the summary bar. The calculation for Finish is the following from line 773: appendChunk(Common.UIString('Finish: %s', Number.secondsToString(maxTime - baseTime)));

Whereas, maxTime is the end time of the last fulfilled requesd and baseTime is the start time of the initial request.

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