In Xcode 7.1 Simulator, when using ⌘+s to save screenshot to desktop, it saves the actual size of the simulator. For example, iPhone 6 Plus 100% scale simulator save screenshots as 1242 x 2208; 25% scale simulator save screenshots as 310 x 552.

Is there a way to make the simulator scale to 25% but still get original size of 1242 x 2208? The 100% simulator is just too huge on a 13" screen.

It used to save as original size regardless scale level, but in Xcode 7.1 it's no longer the case.

  • 1
    "The 100% simulator is just too huge on a 13" screen" Who cares? Just make it 100% for the one moment where you need to take the screen shot; then go back to 25%.
    – matt
    Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 19:15
  • This answer - stackoverflow.com/a/34003920/701926 will explain how to stop it saving out the scaled images so you don't have to mess around un-scaling it for each screenshot. Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 15:52

3 Answers 3


enter image description here

Uncheck "Optimize Rendering for Window Scale" option from "Debug" menu, if you want to save screenshot of actual device size 🖼📲 from iOS simulator.

Happy Programming!! 😀😊

  • 30
    That menu does not seem to exist anymore Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 9:29
  • @FranckJeannin did you find any solution for this? Commented Apr 28, 2020 at 21:33

@SamSol's answer may work for earlier versions of Xcode, but the debug window does not appear to be present in Xcode 11+.

Instead, I followed this suggestion from the Apple Developer forum:

  1. In the Simulator, go to Edit -> Copy Screen (^⌘C)
  2. Open Preview and paste as a new image (⌘N)
  3. Save the resulting image (⌘S)

The saved output image should have the desired resolution to be included on the Apple App Store.

  • 3
    it does not work for me :( size is always too small, does not matter if I copy screen, save screen, or even if I take a screen on my actual iPhone. Edit: Was a different problem. Was trying to upload 4,7" screenshot for the 5,5" display
    – Allisone
    Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 20:44
  • To take a screenshot of the iOS, watchOS, or tvOS device and save it to your Mac Clipboard

choose Edit > Copy Screen.

  • To save a screenshot of the iOS, watchOS, or tvOS device and of the external display as files

choose File > Save Screen Shot.

A screenshot of each open simulated device is saved to the desktop of your Mac.

  • 1
    The question indicates he knows how to do this - what he wants is for the simulator to not scale down the image when running the simulator at != 100%. Answer stackoverflow.com/a/34003920/701926 explains how. Commented Dec 9, 2015 at 15:53

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