Given a method defined on a (3rd party, so I can't just move it) Scala package object, like so:

package foo

package object bar {
  def doSomething(s: String): String = ???

I need to call doSomething from Java code. I know that in general, I can get at a Scala companion object's methods from Java using ScalaObject$.method(). However, the example above compiles to foo.bar.package$.class, and of course Java screams about package being a reserved word.

Is there a way to call this from Java directly?

2 Answers 2


The best I can come up with (works, but ugly) is to wrap doSomething in Scala code that's not in a package object, and then call the wrapper from my Java code.

object BarUtil {
  def wrapper(s: String) = foo.bar.doSomething(s)

and in Java

public String doIt(String s) {
    return BarUtil$.wrapper(s);

You can access the package object as foo.bar.package$.MODULE$ (note the dollar signs, do not remove them):


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