I'm designing a program which:

  1. Includes randomness
  2. Can stop executing and save its state at certain points (in XML)
  3. Can start executing starting from a saved state
  4. Is deterministic (so the program can run from the same state twice and produces the same result)

The problem here is saving the randomness. I can initialize it at start, but from state to state I may generate anywhere from 0 to 1000 random numbers.

Therefore, I have 3 options I can see:

  1. Store the seed, and number of times a number has been randomly generated, then when loading the state, run the random number generator that many times.
  2. On state save, increment the seed by N
  3. On state save, randomly generate the next seed

The problem with option 1 is the run time, and is pretty infeasible.

However, I'm unsure whether 2 or 3 will produce good random results. If I run two random generators, one seeded with X, the other seeded with X+1, how different will their results be? What if the first is seeded with X, and the second is seeded with X.random()?

In case it makes a difference, I'm using Python 3.

1 Answer 1


You can save the state of the PRNG using random.getstate() (then, e.g., use pickle to save it to disk. Later, a random.setstate(state) will return your PRNG to exactly the state it was in.

  • 4
    In numpy.random this functions are called get_state and set_state accordingly.
    – generall
    Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 8:25

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