I have a SQL User-Defined Table Type. It used in many stored procedures.Now i need to change a column in that table type. I tried to drop and recreate the User-Defined Table Type.But SQL Server doesn't Allow that. It shows up following error.

Msg 3732, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Cannot drop type 'dbo.UserDefinedTableType' because it is being referenced by object 'SP_DoSomething'. There may be other objects that reference this type.
Msg 219, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The type 'dbo.UserDefinedTableType' already exists, or you do not have permission to create it.

How to alter the User-Defined Table Type without modifying all the Stored procedure that uses User-Defined Table Type ?

  • 3
    There's no quick fix. You have to drop all of the dependent objects first. Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 6:19

4 Answers 4


You have binding in SP_DoSomething stored procedure. The type you want to change is used in that stored procedure.

You need to save script of that procedure. Drop it. Change dbo.UserDefinedTableType and create procedure again.

There is a similar post here. Check is some of the answers can help you. Answer of @norlando seems promising.

  • Thanks. But your method is good if we have only one or two stored procedures.But what happens if more than ten stored procedures .. I'll go through the link . Commented Aug 4, 2015 at 9:30
  • 1
    I ageree, @Aslam Jiffry, but your initial question was why I get that error. I think I answer it. I think that the link will help you. Though be careful and create backup before making changes. Commented Aug 4, 2015 at 9:32

In total you should delete all Functions and Stored Procedures which use this User-Defined Table Type. Then you can drop User-Defined Table Type and recreate it. Then you should recreate all Stored Procedures and Functions which you deleted in previous step.

You can use this command for drop and recreate all SPs and Functions. I suggest you to run this command with Print line to create Drop(s) and Create(s) command. Then you can put between Drop(s) command and Create(s) command your modification.

Declare @fullObjectName NVarChar(1000) = 'ref.Employee'

Declare @CreateCommand VarChar(Max), @DropCommand VarChar(Max)
Declare @ProcList Table 
    RowId Int,
    CreateCommand NVarChar(Max),
    DropCommand NVarChar(Max)
Insert Into @ProcList
    definition As CreateCommand,
    'DROP ' +
                        CASE OBJECTPROPERTY(referencing_id, 'IsProcedure')
                        WHEN 1 THEN 'PROC '
                                        WHEN OBJECTPROPERTY(referencing_id, 'IsScalarFunction') = 1 OR OBJECTPROPERTY(referencing_id, 'IsTableFunction') = 1 OR OBJECTPROPERTY(referencing_id, 'IsInlineFunction') = 1 THEN 'FUNCTION '
                                        ELSE ''
                + SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) + '.' +
                + OBJECT_NAME(m.object_id)  As DropCommand  
FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies d
JOIN sys.sql_modules m 
    ON m.object_id = d.referencing_id
JOIN sys.objects o 
    ON o.object_id = m.object_id
WHERE referenced_id = TYPE_ID(@fullObjectName)

Declare cur_drop SCROLL Cursor For Select CreateCommand, DropCommand From @ProcList
OPEN cur_drop
Fetch Next From cur_drop Into @CreateCommand, @DropCommand 
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        --Exec sp_executesql @DropCommand
        PRINT @DropCommand
        Fetch Next From cur_drop Into @CreateCommand, @DropCommand 

Drop And ReCreate User Defined Table Type

Fetch First From cur_drop Into @CreateCommand, @DropCommand 
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        --Exec sp_executesql @CreateCommand
        PRINT @CreateCommand
        Fetch Next From cur_drop Into @CreateCommand, @DropCommand 

Close cur_drop
Deallocate cur_drop

The code below while incomplete should be a good start. Please note that among many other things:

  • you must adapt it (I am using user type, not table type) and test it.
  • It only handles procs.
  • If your procs definition start with alter, you need to add code and logic to control this and deal with it in the cursor (create empty proc first then alter).
  • Using it will also remove all granted rights on the procs.
  • ...

    Begin Try 
    Begin Tran
        Declare @procs Table(code nvarchar(max), pname sysname, pschema sysname)
    Declare @sql nvarchar(max), @code nvarchar(max), @pname sysname, @pschema sysname
    Declare cur_drop Cursor For
        Select sp.definition, obj.name, schema_name(obj.schema_id) From sys.sql_modules as sp
        Inner Join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = sp.object_id
        Inner Join sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities ('dbo.TestType', 'TYPE') as dep on dep.referencing_id = sp.object_id
        Where obj.Type = 'P'
    Open cur_drop
    Fetch Next From cur_drop Into @code, @pname, @pschema
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        Print 'Drop '+@pname 
        Insert into @procs(code, pname, pschema) Select @code, @pname, @pschema
        Set @sql = 'Drop proc ['+@pschema+'].['+@pname+']'
        Exec sp_executesql @sql
        Fetch Next From cur_drop Into @code, @pname, @pschema
    Close cur_drop
    Deallocate cur_drop
    -- Drop Type
    -- Create Type
    Declare cur_create Cursor For
        Select code, pname, pschema From @procs
    Open cur_create
    Fetch Next From cur_create Into @code, @pname, @pschema
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        Print 'Create '+@pname 
        Exec sp_executesql @code
        Fetch Next From cur_create Into @code, @pname, @pschema
    Close cur_create
    Deallocate cur_create
    End Try
    Begin Catch
    End Catch

You could automate the process of temporary deleting the dependencies and then re-creating them, so you shouldn't bother if you have many dependencies. For insrutctions on how to automate this process, see my answer here.

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