I have the following code that returns the number of nodes in a tree when a complete Binary Tree is layer layers tall:

public static long nNodesUpToLayer(int layer) {
        if (layer < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "The layer number must be positive: " + layer );

        //At layer 0, there must be 1 node; the root.
        if (layer == 0) return 1;

        //Else, there will be 1 + 2 * (the number of nodes in the previous layer) nodes.
        return 1 + (2 * nNodesUpToLayer(layer - 1));

The odd thing is, when I input 63 into the function (the minimum value that produces this), it gives me back -1. At 62, it gives back 9223372036854775807, so this seems to be caused by an overflow.

Shouldn't it give me back the minimum value of Java's long + the amount that it was overflowed by? Regardless of the input that I give it though (passed 62), it will always return -1 instead of a seemingly random number that I'd expect from an overflow.

I'm not entirely sure how to debug this, since it's recursive, and the value I'm interested in will only be evaluated once the the function has reached the base-case.

  • 3
    I will just leave this here and walk away...
    – user439793
    Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 20:36
  • 7
    @Snowman Thanks for the suggestion. Now I know that a tree of height 1000 will have 21430172143725346418968500981200036211228096234110672148875007767407021022498722449863967576313917162551893458351062936503742905713846280871969155149397149607869135549648461970842149210124742283755908364306092949967163882534797535118331087892154125829142392955373084335320859663305248773674411336138751 nodes. I'm actually amazed at how quick it was able to calculate that. I expected BigInteger to introduce massive overhead (or so I've heard), but that finished almost instantly. Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 23:10
  • 3
    the function is technically 2^(layer+1) - 1, so why do you write a recursive function instead of simply return (1L << (layer+1)) - 1? That's tens or hundreds of times faster. With that formula it's also easier to see why it overflows at layer = 63
    – phuclv
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 1:22
  • 2
    As I said above it's really just pow(2, layer) - 1
    – phuclv
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 3:47
  • 2
    No, there's no reason for me to downvote it. But personally to me a single-line expression is much more clearer than a long function
    – phuclv
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 4:06

3 Answers 3


You are correct, it is an overflow error of a 64 bit signed integer. The reason it goes to -1 instead of the minimum integer value is because you are doubling it, not simply adding one.

9223372036854775807 in Two's Complement is 63 1s:

0111 1111 ... 1111 1111

To double it in binary, simply perform a left shift:

1111 1111 ... 1111 1110

However, this number in Two's Complement is not twice 9223372036854775807, but rather -2. Then, of course, you add 1 to that before returning to get your -1 result.


Actually, it is returning you the correct amount. It's just that "the amount that it was overflowed by" is exactly right to make the answer -1 :)

Consider this:
The number of nodes in a complete binary tree is 2^n - 1 for n layers. Hence its binary representation is 0000...00111...111 where the number of 1s is precisely the number of layers minus 1. As soon as you reach the length of the long you're stuck at the truncated 11...11, which is precisely -1

  • 1
    I like this answer because it makes it very clear how the initial -1 comes about, and incidentally that it is not dependent on the size of the integer type being used. Once -1 has been reached, however, the recursion is no longer calculating the size of the tree, so I don't think you can extend this argument to subsequent cases. Instead, in those cases, it is clear that the recursion is simply calculating 1 + ( 2 * -1 ) repeatedly.
    – sdenham
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 12:35

I always prefer the visualizations with things like this.

                      (min long)
                     ^                                   ^
               (max long, n)                            -1

Where n is 9223372036854775807 - the value you have right before you multiply by 2. Instead of multiplication, though, think of it as addition. n + n. By seeing it on a number line, you can see that you'd end up at -2. You're basically overflowing past most of the negative numbers.

So that my answer contributes something meaningful compared to the others, one helpful tool in situations like this is to break your arithmetic into multiple lines in order to debug. You could write:

int a = nNodesUpToLayer(layer - 1);
int b = 2 * a;
int c = 1 + b;
return c;

You're essentially enforcing order-of-operations as you'd expect it(which may help you realize the program is doing things out of the order you want them in), but it also lets you go into the debugger and see the intermediate values of your calculations. Here you would have noticed b == -2. Why is b == -2? Well, it must be because 2 * a == -2, etc.

  • I was clueless and couldn't understand anything from other answers, until you showed the visualization! Thank you!
    – Alexus
    Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 23:18

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