How do I change the font of an Excel chart using VBA?

If I manually select the chart, and record a macro while I manually change the font name and size, I get the macro below. But when I immediately replay the macro, it throws a run-time error: "The specified value is out of range." So it looks like the macro recorder has a bug. Which means I can't figure out the code to change the font myself.

Sub Macro6()
' Macro6 Macro

    With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 1").TextFrame2.TextRange.Font
        .NameComplexScript = "Verdana"
        .NameFarEast = "Verdana"
        .Name = "Verdana"
    End With
    ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 1").TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 14
End Sub

enter image description here

I know that as an alternative, I could change the font of each individual element one at a time (title, axis titles, axes, ...) but this is tedious and leaves open the possibility of forgetting some elements (series point labels, trendline equations, ...).

I'm looking to change the "default" font of the chart, such that all its elements will have that font.


3 Answers 3


Indeed that a strange error... Did the same, but I went to the Object Browser (F2) with the objective to work around with Chart and not Shape.

After some trying, I got this one to work :

With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Graph").Chart.ChartArea.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font
    .Name = "Verdana"
    .Size = 14
End With

It's pretty simple, I tried more curious things (as there is a .Count property in TextRange2 class)

It is working just fine and does change the font of the entire chart,
you just have to know the name of your graph.

Alternatively, make sure the chart is selected, and use ActiveChart instead of ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Graph").Chart.

  • 1
    Just chiming in late to say thanks, and to mention that if you get a reference to a shape's .Chart property in PowerPoint, then .ChartArea.Format etc etc lets you access the chart's font properties there too. Much obliged. Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 21:21

The simplest way is:

ActiveChart.ChartArea.Font.Name = "Verdana"
  • This is simple and works, but why does .Font not show up in autocomplete after ChartArea? It isn't a documented member of the ChartArea object. This is rather inconvenient -- and the reason I and the other answerers didn't see this! Commented May 22, 2015 at 15:13
  • This use is deprecated, so IntelliSense doesn't show it. However, in the Object Browser, if you right click and select Show Hidden Members, you can see Font as a member of ChartArea. Commented May 24, 2015 at 0:16
  • 2
    Most "deprecated" VBA will never go away, since so much legacy code running the world's business relies on deprecated commands. Commented May 24, 2015 at 0:17

This was also recorded and works for me (while the chart is selected):

Sub Macro1()
    Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 14
    With Selection.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font
        .NameComplexScript = "Verdana"
        .NameFarEast = "Verdana"
        .Name = "Verdana"
    End With
End Sub

Not really a great difference to your erroneous code.

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