I am trying to understand what is the motivation behind using Python's library functions for executing OS-specific tasks such as creating files/directories, changing file attributes, etc. instead of just executing those commands via os.system() or subprocess.call()?

For example, why would I want to use os.chmod instead of doing os.system("chmod...")?

I understand that it is more "pythonic" to use Python's available library methods as much as possible instead of just executing shell commands directly. But, is there any other motivation behind doing this from a functionality point of view?

I am only talking about executing simple one-line shell commands here. When we need more control over the execution of the task, I understand that using subprocess module makes more sense, for example.

  • 6
    You basically hit the nail on the head. The OS level tasks you refer to are common enough that they warranted their own function instead of just being relegated to being called via os.system. Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 23:03
  • 7
    BTW, did you try to time execution time - os.chmod vs. os.system("chmod..."). I would hazard a guess that it will answer part of your question.
    – volcano
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 1:45
  • 63
    Why have print when you could os.system("echo Hello world!") ? Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 3:17
  • 25
    For the same reason you should use os.path to handle paths instead of manually handling them: it works on every OS where it runs.
    – Bakuriu
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 7:20
  • 52
    "Executing shell commands directly" is actually less direct. The shell isn't a low-level interface to the system, and os.chmod isn't going to call the chmod program the shell would. Using os.system('chmod ...') launches a shell to interpret a string to call another executable to make a call to the C chmod function, while os.chmod(...) goes much more directly to the C chmod. Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 4:38

6 Answers 6

  1. It's faster, os.system and subprocess.call create new processes which is unnecessary for something this simple. In fact, os.system and subprocess.call with the shell argument usually create at least two new processes: the first one being the shell, and the second one being the command that you're running (if it's not a shell built-in like test).

  2. Some commands are useless in a separate process. For example, if you run os.spawn("cd dir/"), it will change the current working directory of the child process, but not of the Python process. You need to use os.chdir for that.

  3. You don't have to worry about special characters interpreted by the shell. os.chmod(path, mode) will work no matter what the filename is, whereas os.spawn("chmod 777 " + path) will fail horribly if the filename is something like ; rm -rf ~. (Note that you can work around this if you use subprocess.call without the shell argument.)

  4. You don't have to worry about filenames that begin with a dash. os.chmod("--quiet", mode) will change the permissions of the file named --quiet, but os.spawn("chmod 777 --quiet") will fail, as --quiet is interpreted as an argument. This is true even for subprocess.call(["chmod", "777", "--quiet"]).

  5. You have fewer cross-platform and cross-shell concerns, as Python's standard library is supposed to deal with that for you. Does your system have chmod command? Is it installed? Does it support the parameters that you expect it to support? The os module will try to be as cross-platform as possible and documents when that it's not possible.

  6. If the command you're running has output that you care about, you need to parse it, which is trickier than it sounds, as you may forget about corner-cases (filenames with spaces, tabs and newlines in them), even when you don't care about portability.

  • 38
    To add to the "cross-platform" point, listing a directory is "ls" on linux, "dir" on windows. Getting the contents of a directory is a very common low level task.
    – Cort Ammon
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 22:24
  • 1
    @CortAmmon: "Low-Level" is relative, ls or dir are pretty high level to certain types of developers, just as bash or cmd or ksh or whatever shell you prefer are. Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 10:40
  • 1
    @phresnel : I never thought about it that way. To me, "direct call to your OS's kernel API" was very low level. I'm assuming there is a different perspective on this that is eluding me because I am (naturally) approaching it with my own biases.
    – Cort Ammon
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 15:46
  • 5
    @CortAmmon: right, and ls is higher level than that, since it's not a direct call to your OS's kernel API. It's a (small) application. Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 16:01
  • 1
    @SteveJessop. I called "getting the contents of a directory" low level. I'm not thinking ls or dir but opendir()/readdir() (linux api) or FindFirstFile()/FindNextFile() (windows api) or File.listFiles (java API) or Directory.GetFiles() (C#). All of these are closely tied to a direct call to the OS. Some may be as simple as pushing a number into a register and calling int 13h to trigger kernel mode.
    – Cort Ammon
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 16:10

It is safer. To give you an idea here is an example script

import os
file = raw_input("Please enter a file: ")
os.system("chmod 777 " + file)

If the input from the user was test; rm -rf ~ this would then delete the home directory.

This is why it is safer to use the built in function.

Hence why you should use subprocess instead of system too.

  • 26
    Or another way to look at it, what's easier to get right, writing Python programs or writing Python programs that write shell scripts? :-) Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 15:03
  • 3
    @SteveJessop, a colleague of mine was amazed that a small Python script I helped him write worked 20 (!) times faster tan shell script. I explained that output redirection may look sexy - but it entails opening and closing file on each iteration. But some love to do stuff the hard way -:)
    – volcano
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 19:46
  • 1
    @SteveJessop, this is a trick question -- you wouldn't know until runtime! :)
    – user1902824
    Commented Mar 3, 2015 at 3:19

There are four strong cases for preferring Python's more-specific methods in the os module over using os.system or the subprocess module when executing a command:

  • Redundancy - spawning another process is redundant and wastes time and resources.
  • Portability - Many of the methods in the os module are available in multiple platforms while many shell commands are os-specific.
  • Understanding the results - Spawning a process to execute arbitrary commands forces you to parse the results from the output and understand if and why a command has done something wrong.
  • Safety - A process can potentially execute any command it's given. This is a weak design and it can be avoided by using specific methods in the os module.

Redundancy (see redundant code):

You're actually executing a redundant "middle-man" on your way to the eventual system calls (chmod in your example). This middle man is a new process or sub-shell.

From os.system:

Execute the command (a string) in a subshell ...

And subprocess is just a module to spawn new processes.

You can do what you need without spawning these processes.

Portability (see source code portability):

The os module's aim is to provide generic operating-system services and it's description starts with:

This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.

You can use os.listdir on both windows and unix. Trying to use os.system / subprocess for this functionality will force you to maintain two calls (for ls / dir) and check what operating system you're on. This is not as portable and will cause even more frustration later on (see Handling Output).

Understanding the command's results:

Suppose you want to list the files in a directory.

If you're using os.system("ls") / subprocess.call(['ls']), you can only get the process's output back, which is basically a big string with the file names.

How can you tell a file with a space in it's name from two files?

What if you have no permission to list the files?

How should you map the data to python objects?

These are only off the top of my head, and while there are solutions to these problems - why solve again a problem that was solved for you?

This is an example of following the Don't Repeat Yourself principle (Often reffered to as "DRY") by not repeating an implementation that already exists and is freely available for you.


os.system and subprocess are powerful. It's good when you need this power, but it's dangerous when you don't. When you use os.listdir, you know it can not do anything else other then list files or raise an error. When you use os.system or subprocess to achieve the same behaviour you can potentially end up doing something you did not mean to do.

Injection Safety (see shell injection examples):

If you use input from the user as a new command you've basically given him a shell. This is much like SQL injection providing a shell in the DB for the user.

An example would be a command of the form:

# ... read some user input
os.system(user_input + " some continutation")

This can be easily exploited to run any arbitrary code using the input: NASTY COMMAND;# to create the eventual:

os.system("NASTY COMMAND; # some continuation")

There are many such commands that can put your system at risk.

  • 3
    I would say 2. is the main reason.
    – jaredad7
    Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 23:11

For a simple reason - when you call a shell function, it creates a sub-shell which is destroyed after your command exists, so if you change directory in a shell - it does not affect your environment in Python.

Besides, creating sub-shell is time consuming, so using OS commands directly will impact your performance


I had some timing tests running:

In [379]: %timeit os.chmod('Documents/recipes.txt', 0755)
10000 loops, best of 3: 215 us per loop

In [380]: %timeit os.system('chmod 0755 Documents/recipes.txt')
100 loops, best of 3: 2.47 ms per loop

In [382]: %timeit call(['chmod', '0755', 'Documents/recipes.txt'])
100 loops, best of 3: 2.93 ms per loop

Internal function runs more than 10 time faster


There may be cases when invoking external executable may yield better results than Python packages - I just remembered a mail sent by a colleague of mine that performance of gzip called through subprocess was much higher than the performance of a Python package he used. But certainly not when we are talking about standard OS packages emulating standard OS commands

  • By any chance is that done with iPython? Didn't think you could use special functions beginning with % using the normal interpreter.
    – iProgram
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 12:06
  • @aPyDeveloper, yep, it was iPython - on Ubuntu. "Magical" %timeit is a blessing - though there are some cases - mostly with string formatting - that it cannot process
    – volcano
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 12:14
  • 1
    Or you can also make a python script and then type time <path to script> in terminal and it will tell you the real, user and process time taken. That is if you don't have iPython and you have access to the Unix command line.
    – iProgram
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 12:16
  • 1
    @aPyDeveloper, I see no reason to work hard - when I have iPython on my machine
    – volcano
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 13:06
  • True! I did say if you didn't have iPython. :)
    – iProgram
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 13:07

Shell call are OS specific whereas Python os module functions are not, in most of the case. And it avoid spawning a subprocess.

  • 1
    Python module functions also spawn new subprocesses to invoke a new subshell.
    – Koderok
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 0:20
  • 7
    @Koderok nonsense, module functions are called in-process
    – dwurf
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 3:32
  • 3
    @Koderok: the os module uses the underlying system calls that the shell command used, it doesn't use the shell commands. This means the os system call are usually safer and faster (no string parsing, boo fork, no exec, instead it's just a kernel call) than the shell commands. Note that on most cases, the shell call and the system call often have similar or same name, but there documented separately; the shell call is in man section 1 (the default man section) while the equivalently named system call is in man section 2 (e.g. man 2 chmod).
    – Lie Ryan
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 11:37
  • 1
    @dwurf,LieRyan: My bad! I had a wrong notion, it seems. Thanks!
    – Koderok
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 17:29

It's far more efficient. The "shell" is just another OS binary which contains a lot of system calls. Why incur the overhead of creating the whole shell process just for that single system call?

The situation is even worse when you use os.system for something that's not a shell built-in. You start a shell process which in turn starts an executable which then (two processes away) makes the system call. At least subprocess would have removed the need for a shell intermediary process.

It's not specific to Python, this. systemd is such an improvement to Linux startup times for the same reason: it makes the necessary system calls itself instead of spawning a thousand shells.

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