So for example purposes, I have the following table:

|    |     A      |    B     |
|    |------------|----------|
|  1 |Description |Amount    |
|  2 |------------|----------|
|  3 |Item1       |      5.00|
|  4 |Item2**     |     29.00|
|  5 |Item3       |      1.00|
|  6 |Item4**     |      5.00|
|  7 |------------|----------|
|  8 |Star Total  |     34.00|
|  9 |------------|----------|

I want to create a formula in B8 that calculates the sum of the amounts if the description of that amount contains "**" (or some other denoting text). In this particular example I would like a formula that returns 34 since only Item2 and Item4 contain "**".

I tried to use something like this, but it only worked based on the value in A3:

=SUMIF(A3:A6, ISNUMBER(SEARCH("**", A3)), B3:B6)

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  • I'm not near excel right now, but would range.find do the trick? I believe it returns a range if found and null if not.
    – withoutIf
    Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 23:44

2 Answers 2


The asterisk is the wildcard symbol that can be used in Sumif(), so you may want to change the denoting text to some other symbols, for example @@. Then this formula will work:


enter image description here

If you want to keep the asterisks, the formula gets a bit curlier.


The two middle asterisks are escaped with the tilde character.

enter image description here


You can escape the wildcard character and turn it into a literal * by prefixing it with a swung dash (tilde, ~) and so leave your data unchanged:


IMO worthwhile because astrisks are relatively 'elegant'.

  • I know it's a long time ago but I still wonder: Why did you even post that ten months after my answer? That formula is an option in my answer, too, screenshot and all. Don't people read things anymore?
    – teylyn
    Commented Feb 15, 2017 at 19:04

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