I have a web directory where I store some config files. I'd like to use wget to pull those files down and maintain their current structure. For instance, the remote directory looks like:


.vim holds multiple files and directories. I want to replicate that on the client using wget. Can't seem to find the right combo of wget flags to get this done. Any ideas?

16 Answers 16


You have to pass the -np/--no-parent option to wget (in addition to -r/--recursive, of course), otherwise it will follow the link in the directory index on my site to the parent directory. So the command would look like this:

wget --recursive --no-parent http://example.com/configs/.vim/

To avoid downloading the auto-generated index.html files, use the -R/--reject option:

wget -r -np -R "index.html*" http://example.com/configs/.vim/
  • 70
    add -nH (cuts out hostname) --cut-dirs=X (cuts out X directories). it's a bit annoying to have to manually count directories for X..
    – lkraav
    Commented Nov 8, 2010 at 21:49
  • 6
    Why doesn't any of these work for w3.org/History/1991-WWW-NeXT/Implementation ? It will only download robots.txt
    – matteo
    Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 18:56
  • 50
    @matteo because the robots.txt probably disallow crawling the website. You should add -e robots=off to force crawling.
    – gaborous
    Commented Dec 16, 2014 at 18:57
  • 7
    If you don't want to download the entire content, you may use: -l1 just download the directory (example.com in your case) -l2 download the directory and all level 1 subfolders ('example.com/something' but not 'example.com/somthing/foo') And so on. If you insert no -l option, wget will use -l 5 automatically. If you insert a -l 0 you´ll download the whole Internet, because wget will follow every link it finds. stackoverflow.com/a/19695143/6785908 Commented May 29, 2017 at 11:06
  • 5
    why am I always getting an index.html file instead of the directory? wget -r --no-parent -e robots=off http://demo.inspiretheme.com/templates/headlines/images/ This command will only get an index.html file
    – shenkwen
    Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 20:51

To download a directory recursively, which rejects index.html* files and downloads without the hostname, parent directory and the whole directory structure :

wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=2 --no-parent --reject="index.html*" http://mysite.com/dir1/dir2/data
  • I can't get this to work: wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=3 --no-parent --reject="index.html*" w3.org/History/1991-WWW-NeXT/Implementation --cut-dirs=2 doesn't work either It only downloads robots.txt which actually is in the root folder. Whet am I missing?
    – matteo
    Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 19:04
  • 39
    @matteo try adding: -e robots=off
    – Paul J
    Commented Jan 8, 2012 at 4:04
  • To recursively obtain all the directories within a directory, use wget -r -nH --reject="index.html*" mysite.io:1234/dir1/dir2 Commented Sep 3, 2019 at 12:50

For anyone else that having similar issues. Wget follows robots.txt which might not allow you to grab the site. No worries, you can turn it off:

wget -e robots=off http://www.example.com/


  • 4
    When you are ignoring robots.txt you should at least throttle your requests. The behaviour suggested in this answer is highly impolite.
    – Nobody
    Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 9:22
  • 2
    @Nobody So what's the polite answer to this? Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 9:33
  • 1
    @PhaniRithvij Rate limit your requests, wget has parameters for it. Note that some people might still take issue, and considering the robots file is explicitly telling you that it's not allowed to do what you are currently doing, you might even get into legal trouble.
    – Nobody
    Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 19:10
  • I ran into an unhelpful robots.txt file while trying this out, but found a way around it without this option: the files I needed were also hosted on an FTP server, and running wget in mirror mode on the FTP server worked fine.
    – Gaurav
    Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 4:37

You should use the -m (mirror) flag, as that takes care to not mess with timestamps and to recurse indefinitely.

wget -m http://example.com/configs/.vim/

If you add the points mentioned by others in this thread, it would be:

wget -m -e robots=off --no-parent http://example.com/configs/.vim/

Here's the complete wget command that worked for me to download files from a server's directory (ignoring robots.txt):

wget -e robots=off --cut-dirs=3 --user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 --reject="index.html*" --no-parent --recursive --relative --level=1 --no-directories http://www.example.com/archive/example/5.3.0/
  • this didn't download all subdirectories for me
    – Tom
    Commented May 7, 2021 at 12:40

First of all, thanks to everyone who posted their answers. Here is my "ultimate" wget script to download a website recursively:

wget --recursive ${comment# self-explanatory} \
  --no-parent ${comment# will not crawl links in folders above the base of the URL} \
  --convert-links ${comment# convert links with the domain name to relative and uncrawled to absolute} \
  --random-wait --wait 3 --no-http-keep-alive ${comment# do not get banned} \
  --no-host-directories ${comment# do not create folders with the domain name} \
  --execute robots=off --user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 ${comment# I AM A HUMAN!!!} \
  --level=inf  --accept '*' ${comment# do not limit to 5 levels or common file formats} \
  --reject="index.html*" ${comment# use this option if you need an exact mirror} \
  --cut-dirs=0 ${comment# replace 0 with the number of folders in the path, 0 for the whole domain} \

Afterwards, stripping the query params from URLs like main.css?crc=12324567 and running a local server (e.g. via python3 -m http.server in the dir you just wget'ed) to run JS may be necessary. Please note that the --convert-links option kicks in only after the full crawl was completed.

Also, if you are trying to wget a website that may go down soon, you should get in touch with the ArchiveTeam and ask them to add your website to their ArchiveBot queue.

  • 1
    Thanks, @berezovskyi, this helped me get started really quickly.
    – NeilG
    Commented May 14, 2023 at 2:53
  • Would you suggest any update to this command with the -m mirror option, @berezovskyi ?
    – NeilG
    Commented May 14, 2023 at 3:06
  • @NeilG I don't recall why I ended up expanding --mirror into --recursive --level=inf, but I think it was interfering with some option (--no-parent or --cut-dirs=0, perhaps)? According to man, --mirror is ... currently equivalent to -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing. Commented May 15, 2023 at 16:47
  • Thanks @berezogzkyi, I've had opportunity to use it a few different ways since then and I also found I didn't actually want to use the --mirror option - but I can't remember why, either, lol. Just one of the packed options wasn't suitable. Regards.
    – NeilG
    Commented May 16, 2023 at 22:57
  • Also --compression=auto may be needed Commented Jul 14 at 8:59

If --no-parent not help, you might use --include option.

Directory struct:


And you want to download downloads/good but not downloads/bad directory:

wget --include downloads/good --mirror --execute robots=off --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=1 --reject="index.html*" --continue http://<host>/downloads/good
wget -r http://mysite.com/configs/.vim/

works for me.

Perhaps you have a .wgetrc which is interfering with it?


It sounds like you're trying to get a mirror of your file. While wget has some interesting FTP and SFTP uses, a simple mirror should work. Just a few considerations to make sure you're able to download the file properly.

Respect robots.txt

Ensure that if you have a /robots.txt file in your public_html, www, or configs directory it does not prevent crawling. If it does, you need to instruct wget to ignore it using the following option in your wget command by adding:

wget -e robots=off 'http://your-site.com/configs/.vim/'

Convert remote links to local files.

Additionally, wget must be instructed to convert links into downloaded files. If you've done everything above correctly, you should be fine here. The easiest way I've found to get all files, provided nothing is hidden behind a non-public directory, is using the mirror command.

Try this:

wget -mpEk 'http://your-site.com/configs/.vim/'

# If robots.txt is present:

wget -mpEk robots=off 'http://your-site.com/configs/.vim/'

# Good practice to only deal with the highest level directory you specify (instead of downloading all of `mysite.com` you're just mirroring from `.vim`

wget -mpEk robots=off --no-parent 'http://your-site.com/configs/.vim/'

Using -m instead of -r is preferred as it doesn't have a maximum recursion depth and it downloads all assets. Mirror is pretty good at determining the full depth of a site, however if you have many external links you could end up downloading more than just your site, which is why we use -p -E -k. All pre-requisite files to make the page, and a preserved directory structure should be the output. -k converts links to local files. Since you should have a link set up, you should get your config folder with a file /.vim.

Mirror mode also works with a directory structure that's set up as an ftp:// also.

General rule of thumb:

Depending on the side of the site you are doing a mirror of, you're sending many calls to the server. In order to prevent you from being blacklisted or cut off, use the wait option to rate-limit your downloads.

wget -mpEk --no-parent robots=off --random-wait 'http://your-site.com/configs/.vim/'

But if you're simply downloading the ../config/.vim/ file you shouldn't have to worry about it as your ignoring parent directories and downloading a single file.


To fetch a directory recursively with username and password, use the following command:

wget -r --user=(put username here) --password='(put password here)' --no-parent http://example.com/

This version downloads recursively and doesn't create parent directories.

wgetod() {
    NSLASH="$(echo "$1" | perl -pe 's|.*://[^/]+(.*?)/?$|\1|' | grep -o / | wc -l)"
    NCUT=$((NSLASH > 0 ? NSLASH-1 : 0))
    wget -r -nH --user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 --cut-dirs=$NCUT --no-parent --reject="index.html*" "$1"


  1. Add to ~/.bashrc or paste into terminal
  2. wgetod "http://example.com/x/"

The following option seems to be the perfect combination when dealing with recursive download:

wget -nd -np -P /dest/dir --recursive http://url/dir1/dir2

Relevant snippets from man pages for convenience:

       Do not create a hierarchy of directories when retrieving recursively.  With this option turned on, all files will get saved to the current directory, without clobbering (if a name shows up more than once, the
       filenames will get extensions .n).

       Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively.  This is a useful option, since it guarantees that only the files below a certain hierarchy will be downloaded.

All you need is two flags, one is "-r" for recursion and "--no-parent" (or -np) in order not to go in the '.' and ".." . Like this:

wget -r --no-parent http://example.com/configs/.vim/

That's it. It will download into the following local tree: ./example.com/configs/.vim . However if you do not want the first two directories, then use the additional flag --cut-dirs=2 as suggested in earlier replies:

wget -r --no-parent --cut-dirs=2 http://example.com/configs/.vim/

And it will download your file tree only into ./.vim/

In fact, I got the first line from this answer precisely from the wget manual, they have a very clean example towards the end of section 4.3.


Wget 1.18 may work better, e.g., I got bitten by a version 1.12 bug where...

wget --recursive (...)

...only retrieves index.html instead of all files.

Workaround was to notice some 301 redirects and try the new location — given the new URL, wget got all the files in the directory.


Recursive wget ignoring robots (for websites)

wget -e robots=off -r -np --page-requisites --convert-links 'http://example.com/folder/'

-e robots=off causes it to ignore robots.txt for that domain

-r makes it recursive

-np = no parents, so it doesn't follow links up to the parent folder


You should be able to do it simply by adding a -r

wget -r http://stackoverflow.com/
  • 9
    This doesn't really download a directory, but all files that it can find on the server, including directories above the one you want to download.
    – Luc
    Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 9:38

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