This error appeared when trying to use the 'tmpdir' in a pytest test.

TypeError: object of type 'LocalPath' has no len()

2 Answers 2


'tmpdir' is of type <class 'py._path.local.LocalPath'>, just wrap 'tmpdir' in a string when passing to os.path.join


os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'my_test_file.txt')

  • 5
    Or even: str(tmpdir / 'my_test_file.txt') Commented Nov 20, 2014 at 21:09

Alternatively you can directly access the string form of LocalPath as an attribute.

  os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, 'my_test_file.txt')

I used to think that using the attribute access meant that you were not casting the object to a string thus being more efficient but I think I am wrong in that assumption however, I like this style a bit better it is easier to write IMHO

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