I want to write some pre-defined texts to a file with the following:

text="this is line one\n
this is line two\n
this is line three"

echo -e $text > filename

I'm expecting something like this:

this is line one
this is line two
this is line three

But got this:

this is line one
 this is line two
 this is line three

I'm positive that there is no space after each \n, but how does the extra space come out?

  • 2
    I'm not sure but.. how if you just typed text="this is line one\nthis is line two\nthis is line three" in the same one line..? (without any enter) Commented May 29, 2014 at 8:49
  • 7
    Remove the \n on each line, you have already hit newline to move to the new line Commented May 29, 2014 at 8:50
  • You already given \n.So why you put next line in new line? Simply text="this is line one\nthis is line two\nthis is line three" Commented May 29, 2014 at 8:52
  • 1
    Removing the \n at the end of each line causes the output to all run together on a single line. Commented Oct 2, 2015 at 17:50
  • 41
    Aha: Putting double quotes around the "$text" in the echo line is crucial. Without them, none of the newlines (both literal and '\n') work. With them, they all do. Commented Oct 2, 2015 at 18:18

14 Answers 14


Heredoc sounds more convenient for this purpose. It is used to send multiple commands to a command interpreter program like ex or cat

cat << EndOfMessage
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
Line 3.

The string after << indicates where to stop.

To send these lines to a file, use:

cat > $FILE <<- EOM
Line 1.
Line 2.

You could also store these lines to a variable:

read -r -d '' VAR << EOM
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
Line 3.

This stores the lines to the variable named VAR.

When printing, remember the quotes around the variable otherwise you won't see the newline characters.

echo "$VAR"

Even better, you can use indentation to make it stand out more in your code. This time just add a - after << to stop the tabs from appearing.

read -r -d '' VAR <<- EOM
    This is line 1.
    This is line 2.
    Line 3.

But then you must use tabs, not spaces, for indentation in your code.

  • 70
    why do you have <<- instead of << on the first line of the 2nd and 5th code block? does - do anything special?
    – lkm
    Commented Jul 1, 2015 at 18:31
  • 70
    @sup3rman '-' Ignores leading tabs. See stackoverflow.com/questions/2500436/…
    – kervin
    Commented Aug 30, 2015 at 13:27
  • 12
    how can I make read exit with status 0? It seems like it can't find end of line (since it's -d '') and exits with 1 which doesn't help when you are in script. Commented Nov 30, 2015 at 16:52
  • 10
    @MishaSlyusarev use -d '\0' and add a \0 at the end of your last line Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 11:48
  • 20
    Using the -d option in read -r -d '' VARIABLE <<- EOM did not work for me.
    – dron22
    Commented May 12, 2016 at 11:58

If you're trying to get the string into a variable, another easy way is something like this:

USAGE=$(cat <<-END
    This is line one.
    This is line two.
    This is line three.


If you indent your string with tabs (i.e., '\t'), the indentation will be stripped out. If you indent with spaces, the indentation will be left in.


  • It is significant that the last closing parenthesis is on another line. The END text must appear on a line by itself.
  • When using this variable, to preserve non-readable chars (\t, \n) you must quote it. I.e. use echo "$USAGE" (not: echo $USAGE)
  • 4
    Is is that significant? Works on my mac with ) on the same line. I think it's because what goes between $( and ) is gonna execute in its own universe, and the actual command won't see ')' anyway. I wonder if it works for others too.
    – deej
    Commented Jan 17, 2017 at 17:40
  • 3
    @deej From the POSIX spec: The here-document … continues until there is a line containing only the delimiter and a <newline>
    – Fornost
    Commented May 12, 2018 at 18:56
  • 2
    @Fornost It does not contradict what I said
    – deej
    Commented May 12, 2018 at 21:34
  • 1
    You say that the actual command won't see ')', and I agree. However, the actual command will see if there is a newline or no newline after END. Bash gives me a warning: here-document delimited by end-of-file.
    – Fornost
    Commented May 15, 2018 at 18:25
  • 8
    It's important to note the difference between echo $USAGE vs echo "$USAGE" when using this.
    – Kashyap
    Commented Jul 3, 2020 at 21:41

echo adds spaces between the arguments passed to it. $text is subject to variable expansion and word splitting, so your echo command is equivalent to:

echo -e "this" "is" "line" "one\n" "this" "is" "line" "two\n"  ...

You can see that a space will be added before "this". You can either remove the newline characters, and quote $text to preserve the newlines:

text="this is line one
this is line two
this is line three"

echo "$text" > filename

Or you could use printf, which is more robust and portable than echo:

printf "%s\n" "this is line one" "this is line two" "this is line three" > filename

In bash, which supports brace expansion, you could even do:

printf "%s\n" "this is line "{one,two,three} > filename
  • 2
    Thanks for explaining why mod sees extra space when using “echo” command. This answer also is working well when using in bash script (as oppose to interactive shell session). Feel like this is the real answer and should be an accepted answer.
    – onelaview
    Commented Oct 18, 2018 at 0:20
  • 2
    This should be accepted answer. All other answers provided tons of interesting other ways to solve OP's pain, but technically the question was "how does the extra space come out" and no one addressed this :-) !!! Thank you, Josh for making -1 mystery! Commented Jun 14, 2019 at 2:22

in a bash script the following works:


text="this is line one\nthis is line two\nthis is line three"
echo -e $text > filename


text="this is line one
this is line two
this is line three"
echo "$text" > filename

cat filename gives:

this is line one
this is line two
this is line three
  • 1
    It seems the alternative trick works while Shell Scripts but it does not seem to work for bash.
    – Macindows
    Commented Nov 27, 2019 at 22:34
  • 4
    @Macindows I seem to have forgotten the -e option for echo. Please try again.
    – Chris Maes
    Commented Nov 28, 2019 at 10:48

I've found more solutions since I wanted to have every line properly indented:

  1. You may use echo:

    echo    "this is line one"   \
        "\n""this is line two"   \
        "\n""this is line three" \
        > filename

    It does not work if you put "\n" just before \ on the end of a line.

  2. Alternatively, you can use printf for better portability (I happened to have a lot of problems with echo):

    printf '%s\n' \
        "this is line one"   \
        "this is line two"   \
        "this is line three" \
        > filename
  3. Yet another solution might be:

    text="${text}this is line one\n"
    text="${text}this is line two\n"
    text="${text}this is line three\n"
    printf "%b" "$text" > filename


    text+="this is line one\n"
    text+="this is line two\n"
    text+="this is line three\n"
    printf "%b" "$text" > filename
  4. Another solution is achieved by mixing printf and sed.

    if something
        printf '%s' '
        this is line one
        this is line two
        this is line three
        ' | sed '1d;$d;s/^    //g'

    It is not easy to refactor code formatted like this as you hardcode the indentation level into the code.

  5. It is possible to use a helper function and some variable substitution tricks:

    unset text
    _() { text="${text}${text+
    }${*}"; }
    # That's an empty line which demonstrates the reasoning behind 
    # the usage of "+" instead of ":+" in the variable substitution 
    # above.
    _ ""
    _ "this is line one"
    _ "this is line two"
    _ "this is line three"
    unset -f _
    printf '%s' "$text"
  • 3b is my preferred solution when wanting to preserve code indentation and string indentation independently, at least when I cannot use 2 in variable assignment, and is more readable than 3a. When I don't care I just keep the quoted string open over the several lines.
    – Pysis
    Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 16:04
  • Very nice answer especially 3b Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 11:34
  • 1
    "It does not work if you put "\n" just before \ on the end of a line." - is a great tip when using echo.
    – Noam Manos
    Commented May 26, 2020 at 15:57
  • 1
    printf saved me in a bare-bones docker container and no need for \n was really nice
    – Slate
    Commented Nov 3, 2020 at 16:41

The following is my preferred way to assign a multi-line string to a variable (I think it looks nice).

read -r -d '' my_variable << \


The number of underscores is the same (here 80) in both cases.

  • This is beautiful. Thanks!
    – saulius2
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 18:07

Hard to read:

This looks way too bash-like :) (hard to read) for my general taste:

cat << EndOfMessage
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
Line 3.

Better, easier-to-read:

Let's get something a little more Pythonic (this is still bash):

text="this is line one
      this is line two
      this is line three\n"
dedent text
printf "$text"             # print to screen
printf "$text" > file.txt  # print to a file

Ah...that's better. :) It reminds me of Python's textwrap.dedent() function which I use here.

Here is what the magic dedent function looks like:

dedent() {
    local -n reference="$1"
    reference="$(echo "$reference" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//')"

Sample output to screen:

this is line one
this is line two
this is line three

WithOUT calling dedent text first`, the output would look like this:

this is line one
      this is line two
      this is line three

The variable text is passed to dedent by reference, so that what is modified inside the function affects the variable outside the function.

For more details and explanation and references, see my other answer here: Equivalent of python's textwrap dedent in bash

Problem with your original attempt

OP's quote (with my emphasis added):

I'm positive that there is no space after each \n, but how does the extra space come out?

Your original attempt was this:

text="this is line one\n
this is line two\n
this is line three"
echo -e $text

...but your output had an extra space before the 2nd and 3rd line. Why?

By deduction and experimentation, my conclusion is that echo converts the actual newline at the end of the line (the one you got when you actually pressed Enter) into a space. That space therefore shows up before the line just after each \n in the text.

So, the solution is to escape the real newline at the end of each line by putting a backslash \ at the end of any line within the quotes of your string, like this:

text="this is line one\n\
this is line two\n\
this is line three"

echo -e "$text"

Do NOT put a space before those trailing backslashes (like this: text="this is line one\n \) or that space will go right back into your output and cause you the same problem with the extra space!

OR, just use my technique with the dedent function above, which also has the added functionality of being able to indent with your code to look really pretty and nice and readable.


I came hear looking for this answer but also wanted to pipe it to another command. The given answer is correct but if anyone wants to pipe it, you need to pipe it before the multi-line string like this

echo | tee /tmp/pipetest << EndOfMessage
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
Line 3.

This will allow you to have a multi line string but also put it in the stdin of a subsequent command.


As per @alphado's answer, and subsequent comments, this is what worked for me and gives 0 exit status.

read -r -d '\0' VAR <<- EOM
    This is line 1.
    This is line 2.
    Line 3.
  • <<- to ignore leading tabs
  • set \0 as explicit "end marker"
  • this also substitutes variables between the EOMs, so use \$ to print verbatim.

(Just putting this as a separate answer because it got hard to decipher this between all the comments, and did not want to change too much in original answer)


it will work if you put it as below:

AA='first line
\nsecond line 
\nthird line'
echo $AA
first line
second line
third line

There are many ways to do it. For me, piping the indented string into sed works nicely.

printf_strip_indent() {
   printf "%s" "$1" | sed "s/^\s*//g" 

printf_strip_indent "this is line one
this is line two
this is line three" > "file.txt"

This answer was based on Mateusz Piotrowski's answer but refined a bit.


Just to mention a simple one-line concatenation as it can be useful sometimes.

# for bash

v=" guga "$'\n'"   puga "

# Just for an example.
v2="bar "$'\n'"   foo "$'\n'"$v"

# Let's simplify the previous version of $v2.
v3="bar ${n}   foo ${n}$v"

echo "$v3" 

You'll get something like this


All leading and ending white spaces will be preserved right for

echo "$v3" > filename

Or keeping text indented with whitespaces:


sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*//' >filename <<EOF
    this is line one
    this is line two
    this is line three

Same but using a varible:


text="$(sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*//' << whatever
    this is line one
    this is line two
    this is line three

echo "$text" > filename



In bash and dash (the ones I tested, should work for yours), you can use some Python-style triple-quote strings:

echo """Hello

This outputs:

  • 3
    This is incorrect. The triple quotes does nothing for multi-line text that single quotes doesn't already do. The first two and last two quotes will just evaluate to an empty string.
    – rln
    Commented Nov 22, 2023 at 11:30

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