Is it possible to define a range based on a value given in a cell.

So, for example: My selection is A1:A5 That are five cells. is it possible to let excel determine this by setting a cell value (like B1) to 5.

It for the purpose of easily changes a lot of ranges with one change in a cell value. So if I would change the cell value (B1) to 6. The range would automatically change to A1:A6

Even more specific, I would like to do it reversed.

Final example: Selection should be A6:A10 (this are the five cells). In B1 I have the value 5. If I change the value of B1 to 6. The range should change to A5:A10

Could somebody help me???

6 Answers 6


Say you have number 1,2,3,4,5,6, in cell A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 respectively. in cell A7 we calculate the sum of A1:Ax. x is specified in cell B1 (in this case, x can be any number from 1 to 6). in cell A7, you can write the following formular:


CONCATENATE will give you the index of the cell Ax(if you put 3 in B1, CONCATENATE("A",B1)) gives A3).

INDIRECT convert "A3" to a index.

see this link Using the value in a cell as a cell reference in a formula?

  • Italian version: =SOMMA(A1:INDIRETTO(CONCATENA("A";B1)))
    – jumpjack
    Commented Sep 3, 2016 at 15:54

You can also use OFFSET:


It moves the range $A$10 up by $B$1-1 (becomes $A$6 ($A$5)) and then resizes the range to $B$1 rows (becomes $A$6:$A$10 ($A$5:$A$10))

  • Italian version: =SCARTO($A$10;-$B$1+1;0;$B$1)
    – jumpjack
    Commented Sep 3, 2016 at 15:54

Here is an option. It works by using making an INDIRECT(ADDRESS(...)) from the ROW and COLUMN of the start cell, A1, down to the initial row + the number of rows held in B1.


A1: is the start of data in a the "A" column

B1: is the number of rows to sum

    – jumpjack
    Commented Sep 3, 2016 at 15:56

This should be close to what you are looking for your first example:


This should be close to what you are looking for your final example:


Based on answer by @Cici I give here a more generic solution:


In Italian version of Excel:


Where B1-C2 cells hold these values:

  • A, 1
  • A, 5

You can change these valuese to change the final range at wish.

Splitting the formula in parts:

  • CONCATENATE(B1,C1) - result is A1
  • INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(B1,C1)) - result is reference to A1



results in


I'll write down here a couple of SEO keywords for Italian users:

  • come creare dinamicamente l'indirizzo di un intervallo in excel
  • formula per definire un intervallo di celle in excel.

Con la formula indicata qui sopra basta scrivere nelle caselle da B1 a C2 gli estremi dell'intervallo per vedelo cambiare dentro la formula stessa.


Old post but this is exactly what I needed, simple question, how to change it to count column rather than Row. Thankyou in advance. Novice to Excel.


I.e My data is A1 B1 C1 D1 etc rather then A1 A2 A3 A4.

  • Is this a question or an answer?
    – Pang
    Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 1:22

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