I'm trying out the basic tutorial for Node-webkit. The manifest includes options to make your app go fullscreen or even in kiosk mode, which is exactly what I need.

Sadly, the app does not open in fullscreen or kiosk mode no matter what I put in the manifest file.

I'm on Mac OS, I downloaded "node-webkit.app". I am compressing my manifest.json and index.html into a "app.nw" zipfile, and then opening that with the mac app. Is there anything I'm overlooking?

My manifest file:

      "name": "mydemo",
      "main": "index.html",
      "window": {
        "title": "baby's first node-webkit demo",

1 Answer 1


OK, so I'm answering my own question here... don't use:


Instead use


I was under the impression JSON always uses quotes around properties...

  • 1
    This helped us a lot, thank you :). But no, JSON properties can be integers, arrays, objects as well as strings. And booleans, yeah.
    – SáT
    Commented May 16, 2014 at 21:21

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