When I specify an ancestor commit object in Git, I'm confused between HEAD^ and HEAD~.

Both have a "numbered" version like HEAD^3 and HEAD~2.

They seem very similar or the same to me, but are there any differences between the tilde and the caret?


17 Answers 17


Rules of thumb

  • <rev>~<n> goes backward n parents from rev, selecting the first parent each time.
  • Use <rev>^<n> to select the n-th immediate parent of merge commit rev.
  • Use ~ most of the time — to go back a number of generations and always choosing the first parent of merge commits, commonly what you want.
  • Use ^ on merge commits — because they have two or more immediate parents.
  • In my experience, selecting a particular immediate parent of a merge commit by its index order, e.g., B^3, is rare. It’s also error-prone. Just use a hash when you can.


  • Tilde ~ is almost linear in appearance and wants to go backward in a straight line.
  • Caret ^ suggests a merge commit: an interesting segment of a tree or a fork in the road.


The “Specifying Revisions” section of the git rev-parse documentation defines ~ as

<rev>~<n>, e.g. HEAD~, main~3
A suffix ~<n> to a revision parameter means the commit object that is the nth generation ancestor of the named commit object, following only the first parents. For example, <rev>~3 is equivalent to <rev>^^^ which is equivalent to <rev>^1^1^1

You can get to parents of any commit anywhere in history. You can also move back through generations: for example, main~2 means the grandparent of the tip of the main branch, favoring the first parent on merge commits.


Git history is nonlinear: a directed acyclic graph (DAG) or tree. For a commit with only one parent, rev~ and rev^ mean the same thing. The caret selector becomes useful with merge commits because each one is the child of two or more parents — and strains language borrowed from biology.

HEAD^ means the first immediate parent of the tip of the current branch (main in this example repository). HEAD^ is short for HEAD^1, and you can also address HEAD^2 and so on as appropriate. The same section of the git rev-parse documentation defines it as

<rev>^, e.g. HEAD^, v1.5.1^0
A suffix ^ to a revision parameter means the first parent of that commit object. ^<n> means the nth parent ([e.g.] <rev>^ is equivalent to <rev>^1). As a special rule, <rev>^0 means the commit itself and is used when <rev> is the object name of a tag object that refers to a commit object.

Example from Git’s Documentation

Chain these specifiers or selectors arbitrarily, e.g., rev~3^2 in English is the second parent of the merge commit that is the great-grandparent (three generations back) of rev.

The aforementioned section of the git rev-parse documentation traces many paths through a notional git history in which time flows generally downward. Commits D, F, B, and A are merge commits.

Here is an illustration, by Jon Loeliger. Both commit nodes B and C are parents of commit node A. Parent commits are ordered left-to-right.

G   H   I   J
 \ /     \ /
  D   E   F
   \  |  / \
    \ | /   |
     \|/    |
      B     C
       \   /
        \ /

A =      = A^0
B = A^   = A^1     = A~1
C = A^2
D = A^^  = A^1^1   = A~2
E = B^2  = A^^2
F = B^3  = A^^3
G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
H = D^2  = B^^2    = A^^^2  = A~2^2
I = F^   = B^3^    = A^^3^
J = F^2  = B^3^2   = A^^3^2

Run the code below to create a git repository whose history matches the illustration’s structure and makes A the HEAD commit. The resulting SHA-1 hashes on your machine will match the ones in this answer.

#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use subs qw/ postorder /;
use File::Temp qw/ mkdtemp /;

my %sha1;
my %parents = (
  A => [ qw/ B C /               ],
  B => [ qw/     D E F /         ],
  C => [ qw/         F /         ],
  D => [ qw/           G H /     ],
  F => [ qw/               I J / ],

sub postorder {
  my($root,$hash) = @_;
  my @parents = @{ $parents{$root} || [] };
  postorder($_, $hash) for @parents;
  return if $sha1{$root};
  @parents = map "-p $sha1{$_}", @parents;
  chomp($sha1{$root} = `git commit-tree @parents -m "$root" $hash`);
  die "$0: git commit-tree failed" if $?;
  system("git tag '$root' '$sha1{$root}'") == 0 or die "$0: git tag failed";

$0 =~ s!^.*/!!;  # / fix Stack Overflow highlighting
my $repo = mkdtemp "repoXXXXXXXX";
chdir $repo or die "$0: chdir: $!";
system("git init") == 0                                      or die "$0: git init failed";
system("git config user.name 'Git User'") == 0               or die "$0: user.name failed";
system("git config user.email 'git.user\@example.com'") == 0 or die "$0: user.email failed";
system("git config init.defaultBranch main") == 0            or die "$0: default branch failed";

$ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = 'Mon Oct 29 10:15:31 2018 +0900';
chomp(my $tree = `git write-tree`);                             die "$0: git write-tree failed" if $?;

postorder 'A', $tree;
system "git update-ref HEAD $sha1{A}"; die "$0: git update-ref failed" if $?;
system "git update-ref main $sha1{A}"; die "$0: git update-ref failed" if $?;

# for browsing history - http://blog.kfish.org/2010/04/git-lola.html
system "git config alias.lol  'log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit'";
system "git config alias.lola 'log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all'";

The aliases in the new throwaway repo for git lol and git lola allow you to view history as below. git lol gives an ASCII-artish view of the current branch, and git lola does the same for all branches. In action:

$ git lol
*   0a92ac1 (HEAD -> main, tag: A) A
| * 00d2fb2 (tag: C) C
| |   
|  \  
*-. | 75e7e8a (tag: B) B
|\ \| 
| | *   f3fe76f (tag: F) F
| | |\  
| | | * c193a93 (tag: J) J
| | * 27c9a4e (tag: I) I
| * 63a46d4 (tag: E) E
*   d209203 (tag: D) D
| * ff7985a (tag: H) H
* 365f7d0 (tag: G) G

The output of git log shows child commits before their parents — or with time generally flowing upward, opposite to how it’s presented in the illustration. To make the output match the illustration, we’d like to toss in --reverse, but it isn’t compatible with --graph. In this case, a quick hack to reverse the lines of output with tac and flip the connectors in the graph makes time flow downward.

$ git lol | tr '.\\/' "'/\\\\" | tac
* 365f7d0 (tag: G) G
| * ff7985a (tag: H) H
*   d209203 (tag: D) D
| * 63a46d4 (tag: E) E
| | * 27c9a4e (tag: I) I
| | | * c193a93 (tag: J) J
| | |/  
| | *   f3fe76f (tag: F) F
|/ /| 
*-' | 75e7e8a (tag: B) B
|  /  
| |   
| * 00d2fb2 (tag: C) C
*   0a92ac1 (HEAD -> main, tag: A) A

The tags allow you to address commits by the same names from the illustration and check your understanding with git describe.

$ git describe A^
$ git describe A~^3~
$ git describe A~^3^2
$ git describe A^2~

We can even validate the illustration.

#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $verbose = 0;
my $pass = 1;

while (<DATA>) {
  my($commit,@revs) = split /\s+=(?:\s+=)*\s+/;
  my $result = "$commit:\n";    
  foreach my $rev (@revs) {
    my $status = "OK";
    chomp(my $describe = `git describe '$rev' 2>&1`);
    $status = "FAIL - [$describe]" unless $describe eq $commit;
    $result .= sprintf("  - %-7s (%s)\n", $rev, $status);
    $pass = 0 unless $status eq "OK";
  print $result if $verbose or $result =~ /FAIL/;
print $pass ? "PASS\n" : "FAIL\n";
A =      = A^0
B = A^   = A^1     = A~1
C = A^2
D = A^^  = A^1^1   = A~2
E = B^2  = A^^2
F = B^3  = A^^3
G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
H = D^2  = B^^2    = A^^^2  = A~2^2
I = F^   = B^3^    = A^^3^
J = F^2  = B^3^2   = A^^3^2

The “Specifying Revisions” in the git rev-parse documentation is full of great information and is worth an in-depth read. See also Git Tools - Revision Selection from the book Pro Git.

Order of Parent Commits

In practice, treat parents’ order as arbitrary and query a merge commit’s metadata as below.

In our example repository, commit A is a merge commit. We know this because it has multiple immediate parents. The Merge header in the output of git show A displays its parents’ object names or hashes.

commit 0a92ac13d0abe16fc74d0b4c6fa67326fdbc112c
Merge: 75e7e8a 00d2fb2
Author: Git User <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Oct 29 10:15:31 2018 +0900


We can confirm the ordering by asking git rev-parse to show the immediate parents of A in sequence.

$ git rev-parse A^1 A^2

Querying the non-existent third parent of A results in an error.

$ git rev-parse A^3
fatal: ambiguous argument 'A^3': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

If you want to extract the parents only, use pretty format %P for the full hashes

$ git log -1 --pretty=%P A
75e7e8acabbf65d63c0525d95fe529730771e7a2 00d2fb266838e6111e68ab3bbce5c0b9f1035ec9

or %p for abbreviated hashes

$ git log -1 --pretty=%p A
75e7e8a 00d2fb2

or the ^@ suffix with git rev-parse as in

$ git rev-parse A^@
  • @GregBacon here's the question stackoverflow.com/q/62527864/2498327 Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 5:39
  • 3
    If above was a little hard to understand (it was for me), then this article is a little more easy to understand: salferrarello.com/git-head-tilde-vs-head-caret
    – MartinJH
    Commented Oct 4, 2021 at 8:36
  • Extra thought view for ~ (squiggle/tilde) is a line of waves (of commits) lapping at the shore, while ^ (caret) is multiple surf breaks along the same wave crest (forking and merging..). Whatever works for you - the one you think up will be most memorable to you ;-) Commented Jul 26, 2022 at 11:55

The difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ is well described by the illustration (by Jon Loeliger) found on http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-rev-parse.html.

This documentation can be a bit obscure to beginners so I've reproduced that illustration below:

G   H   I   J
 \ /     \ /
  D   E   F
   \  |  / \
    \ | /   |
     \|/    |
      B     C
       \   /
        \ /
A =      = A^0
B = A^   = A^1     = A~1
C = A^2
D = A^^  = A^1^1   = A~2
E = B^2  = A^^2
F = B^3  = A^^3
G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
H = D^2  = B^^2    = A^^^2  = A~2^2
I = F^   = B^3^    = A^^3^
J = F^2  = B^3^2   = A^^3^2
  • 29
    Just one question. How is it possible for a commit to have more than two parents? (See B - it's parents are D, E and F) I imagine that the only way a commit can have two parents is when it is a merge commit... but how can you merge 3 commits at the same time?
    – anonymous
    Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 14:01
  • 4
    Additionally, F = A^2^. Commented Feb 11, 2016 at 20:12
  • 9
  • 16
    @tsikov If you're on branch A, you can do git merge B C. That's a 3-way merge.
    – Julian A.
    Commented Dec 26, 2019 at 0:16
  • 6
    @tsikov @Julian A. Or in the case of this illustration, someone was on branch D, and ran git merge E F. The resulting commit was B.
    – M_M
    Commented Jul 13, 2020 at 11:18

Both ~ and ^ on their own refer to the parent of the commit (~~ and ^^ both refer to the grandparent commit, etc.) But they differ in meaning when they are used with numbers:

  • ~2 means up two levels in the hierarchy, via the first parent if a commit has more than one parent

  • ^2 means the second parent where a commit has more than one parent (i.e. because it's a merge)

These can be combined, so HEAD~2^3 means HEAD's grandparent commit's third parent commit.

  • 6
    Reading this followed by the picture from stackoverflow.com/questions/2221658/… made perfect sense.
    – kunigami
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 16:57
  • 13
    This answer made me distinguish between caret/tilde without number and with number! I thought ^^ was the same as ^2 but it's not . Commented Oct 16, 2018 at 10:44
  • 3
    branch^ and branch~ are the same thing. Well done for leading with that point - I came here wondering whether to type git reset HEAD^ or git reset HEAD~. If I'd read this answer first, I could have left a lot sooner.
    – M_M
    Commented Jul 13, 2020 at 11:28
  • 1
    This should be the answer because this answer zeros in on the only meaningful difference between ~ and ^ while cutting out all the fluff (though the other answers have useful graphs where you can mentally practice understanding and so also provide value).
    – Joe
    Commented Jun 29, 2022 at 1:22

My two cents...

enter image description here

  • 1
    And how H=A~2^2 not H=A~2^1? Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 14:11
  • 7
    If I had figured it out correctly, the commits A, B, D, G are on the same branch and the commit D is a merge of G and H, therefore having two parents. So the commit (H) from other branch is reference by ^2. Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 14:27
  • 1
    Thank you. How do I know whether G or H is the first or second immediate ancestor of D if I don't have a pretty graph? git cat-file -p D and look at the list of parents?
    – timgeb
    Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 6:50
  • 4
    The arrow ~2 is relative to commit A, not B, so it should start at A, not B.
    – Géry Ogam
    Commented Nov 14, 2022 at 11:46
  • Note) Regarding @MohammadFaisal's comment: According to Git glossary, 'branch' and 'branch head' have different meanings. 'branch head' is a named reference to the commit of a branch (like a pointer to a commit). However, many people use the term 'branch' to mean 'branch head'. Note that HEAD is a reference to one of the 'branch head's, except when it's a detached HEAD. Commented May 4, 2023 at 1:15

Here's a very good explanation taken verbatim from http://www.paulboxley.com/blog/2011/06/git-caret-and-tilde :

ref~ is shorthand for ref~1 and means the commit's first parent. ref~2 means the commit's first parent's first parent. ref~3 means the commit's first parent's first parent's first parent. And so on.

ref^ is shorthand for ref^1 and means the commit's first parent. But where the two differ is that ref^2 means the commit's second parent (remember, commits can have two parents when they are a merge).

The ^ and ~ operators can be combined.

enter image description here

  • 1
    note that in this diagram, time proceeds upwards (unlike the other diagrams on this page). Commented Mar 25, 2023 at 6:18


  • ~ specifies ancestors
  • ^ specifies parents

You can specify one or more branches when merging. Then a commit has two or more parents and then ^ is useful to indicate parents.

Suppose you are on branch A and you have two more branches: B and C.

On each branch the three last commits are:

  • A: A1, A2, A3
  • B: B1, B2, B3
  • C: C1, C3, C3

If now on branch A you execute the command:

git merge B C

then you are combining three branches together (here your merge commit has three parents)


~ indicates the n'th ancestor in the first branch, so

  • HEAD~ indicates A3
  • HEAD~2 indicates A2
  • HEAD~3 indicates A1

^ indicates the n'th parent, so

  • HEAD^ indicates A3
  • HEAD^2 indicates B3
  • HEAD^3 indicates C3

The next use of ~ or ^ next to each other is in the context of the commit designated by previous characters.

Notice 1:

  • HEAD~3 is always equal to: HEAD~~~ and to: HEAD^^^ (every indicates A1),

        and generally:

  • HEAD~n is always equal to: HEAD~...~ (n times ~) and to: HEAD^...^ (n times ^).

Notice 2:

  • HEAD^3 is not the same as HEAD^^^ (the first indicates C3 and the second indicates A1),

        and generally:

  • HEAD^1 is the same as HEAD^,
  • but for n > 1: HEAD^n is always not the same as HEAD^...^ (n times ^).

The ^<n> format allows you to select the nth parent of the commit (relevant in merges). The ~<n> format allows you to select the nth ancestor commit, always following the first parent. See git-rev-parse's documentation for some examples.


It is worth noting that git also has a syntax for tracking "from-where-you-came"/"want-to-go-back-now" - for example, HEAD@{1} will reference the place from where you jumped to new commit location.

Basically HEAD@{} variables capture the history of HEAD movement, and you can decide to use a particular head by looking into reflogs of git using the command git reflog.


0aee51f HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD@{5}
290e035 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD@{7}
0aee51f HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
290e035 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
9e77426 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
290e035 HEAD@{5}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
0aee51f HEAD@{6}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
290e035 HEAD@{7}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
9e77426 HEAD@{8}: reset: moving to HEAD@{3}
290e035 HEAD@{9}: reset: moving to HEAD@{1}
0aee51f HEAD@{10}: reset: moving to HEAD@{4}
290e035 HEAD@{11}: reset: moving to HEAD^
9e77426 HEAD@{12}: reset: moving to HEAD^
eb48179 HEAD@{13}: reset: moving to HEAD~
f916d93 HEAD@{14}: reset: moving to HEAD~
0aee51f HEAD@{15}: reset: moving to HEAD@{5}
f19fd9b HEAD@{16}: reset: moving to HEAD~1
290e035 HEAD@{17}: reset: moving to HEAD~2
eb48179 HEAD@{18}: reset: moving to HEAD~2
0aee51f HEAD@{19}: reset: moving to HEAD@{5}
eb48179 HEAD@{20}: reset: moving to HEAD~2
0aee51f HEAD@{21}: reset: moving to HEAD@{1}
f916d93 HEAD@{22}: reset: moving to HEAD@{1}
0aee51f HEAD@{23}: reset: moving to HEAD@{1}
f916d93 HEAD@{24}: reset: moving to HEAD^
0aee51f HEAD@{25}: commit (amend): 3rd commmit
35a7332 HEAD@{26}: checkout: moving from temp2_new_br to temp2_new_br
35a7332 HEAD@{27}: commit (amend): 3rd commmit
72c0be8 HEAD@{28}: commit (amend): 3rd commmit

An example could be that I did local-commits a->b->c->d and then I went back discarding 2 commits to check my code - git reset HEAD~2 - and then after that I want to move my HEAD back to d - git reset HEAD@{1}.

  • 1
    Thanks for this. Its basically a "goto" to the commit I was {N} times before. Very useful! Commented Sep 18, 2020 at 16:26
  • The HEAD@{N} notation doesn't seem to work on git 2.26, and I fail to find information as to why Commented Sep 19, 2020 at 15:45
  • 1
    Dont know why can't update previous comment,sorry for that. But above comment is true for tcsh, in case someone runs into same issue! On bash it works fine! On tcsh you need to enclose it in @{} in "" Commented Sep 19, 2020 at 16:23
  • Thanks this is super useful. There seems to be little resource about HEAD@{n} syntax. Any link to the document?
    – jdhao
    Commented Jan 8, 2022 at 16:51

An actual example of the difference between HEAD~ and HEAD^:




~ is what you want most of the time, it references past commits to the current branch

^ references parents (git-merge creates a 2nd parent or more)

A~ is always the same as A^
A~~ is always the same as A^^, and so on
A~2 is not the same as A^2 however,
because ~2 is shorthand for ~~
while ^2 is not shorthand for anything, it means the 2nd parent


HEAD^^^ is the same as HEAD~3, selecting the third commit before HEAD

HEAD^2 specifies the second head in a merge commit


OP: When I specify an ancestor commit object in Git, I'm confused between HEAD^ and HEAD~.

What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

The difference between HEAD^ (Caret) and HEAD~ (Tilde) is how they traverse history backwards from a specified starting point, in this particular case HEAD.

Tilde ~

<rev>~[<n>] = select <n>th generation ancestor, following only first* parents

Caret ^

<rev>^[<n>] = select <n>th parent of first generation ancestors

*First parent is always the left hand side of the merge, e.g. the commit on the branch that got merged into.

Joining ~ and ^ together

As seen in the illustration below the two selectors ~ and ^ can be used in combination. Also note that instead of using HEAD as a starting point, any regular reference can be used such as a branch, tag or even a commit hash.

Further more, depending on what ancestor is intended to be selected ^ and ~ can be used interchangeably as seen below in the table.

Illustration of relative references in Git

Source: A thorough rundown can be found in this blog post on the subject.

  • HEAD~ specifies the first parent on a "branch"

  • HEAD^ allows you to select a specific parent of the commit

An Example:

If you want to follow a side branch, you have to specify something like


^ BRANCH Selector
git checkout HEAD^2
Selects the 2nd branch of a (merge) commit by moving onto the selected branch (one step backwards on the commit-tree)

~ COMMIT Selector
git checkout HEAD~2
Moves 2 commits backwards on the default/selected branch

Defining both ~ and ^ relative refs as PARENT selectors is far the dominant definition published everywhere on the internet I have come across so far - including the official Git Book. Yes they are PARENT selectors, but the problem with this "explanation" is that it is completely against our goal: which is how to distinguish the two... :)

The other problem is when we are encouraged to use the ^ BRANCH selector for COMMIT selection (aka HEAD^ === HEAD~).
Again, yes, you can use it this way, but this is not its designed purpose. The ^ BRANCH selector's backwards move behaviour is a side effect not its purpose.

At merged commits only, can a number be assigned to the ^ BRANCH selector. Thus its full capacity can only be utilised where there is a need for selecting among branches. And the most straightforward way to express a selection in a fork is by stepping onto the selected path / branch - that's for the one step backwards on the commit-tree. It is a side effect only, not its main purpose.


~ means parent.

^ if it has two or more parents, like a merge commit. We can select the second of the parent or another.

So if just one thing like (HEAD~ or HEAD^), it has the same results.


If you're wondering whether to type HEAD^ or HEAD~ in your command, just use either:

They're both names for the same commit - the first parent of the current commit.

Likewise with master~ and master^ - both names for the first parent of master.

In the same way as 2 + 2 and 2 x 2 are both 4 - they're different ways of getting there, but the answer is the same.

This answers the question: What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

If you just did a merge (so your current commit has more than one parent), or you're still interested in how the caret and tilde work, see the other answers (which I won't duplicate here) for an in-depth explanation, as well as how to use them repeatedly (e.g.HEAD~~~), or with numbers (e.g.HEAD^2). Otherwise, I hope this answer saves you some time.


Simply put, for the first level of parentage (ancestry, inheritance, lineage, etc.) HEAD^ and HEAD~ both point to the same commit, which is (located) one parent above the HEAD (commit).

Furthermore, HEAD^ = HEAD^1 = HEAD~ = HEAD~1. But HEAD^^ != HEAD^2 != HEAD~2. Yet HEAD^^ = HEAD~2. Read on.

Beyond the first level of parentage, things get trickier, especially if the working branch/master branch has had merges (from other branches). There is also the matter of syntax with the caret, HEAD^^ = HEAD~2 (they're equivalent) BUT HEAD^^ != HEAD^2 (they're two different things entirely).

Each/the caret refers to the HEAD's first parent, which is why carets stringed together are equivalent to tilde expressions, because they refer to the first parent's (first parent's) first parents, etc., etc. based strictly on the number on connected carets or on the number following the tilde (either way, they both mean the same thing), i.e. stay with the first parent and go up x generations.

HEAD~2 (or HEAD^^) refers to the commit that is two levels of ancestry up/above the current commit (the HEAD) in the hierarchy, meaning the HEAD's grandparent commit.

HEAD^2, on the other hand, refers NOT to the first parent's second parent's commit, but simply to the second parent's commit. That is because the caret means the parent of the commit, and the number following signifies which/what parent commit is referred to (the first parent, in the case when the caret is not followed by a number [because it is shorthand for the number being 1, meaning the first parent]). Unlike the caret, the number that follows afterwards does not imply another level of hierarchy upwards, but rather it implies how many levels sideways, into the hierarchy, one needs to go find the correct parent (commit). Unlike the number in a tilde expression, it is only one parent up in the hierarchy, regardless of the number (immediately) proceeding the caret. Instead of upward, the caret's trailing number counts sideways for parents across the hierarchy [at a level of parents upwards that is equivalent to the number of consecutive carets].

So HEAD^3 is equal to the third parent of the HEAD commit (NOT the great-grandparent, which is what HEAD^^^ AND HEAD~3 would be...).

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