I have a jQuery dialog and I need to execute some_code() when I press Esc or click the Cancel button. The latter is easy to implement, I just add define a property of the buttons object:


  closeOnEscape: true,

  close: function(event, ui) {

  buttons: {
    "OK": function() {
    "Cancel": function() {

But how can I execute some_code() after pressing Esc? This function must not be called clicking the OK button, so I cannot simply place it in the close event.


1 Answer 1


After googling around without finding an answer, I started looking into close: function(event, ui) part and found the solution using event.originalEvent (JSFiddle):

close: function(event, ui) {
  // some_code();
  if (event.originalEvent) {
    // triggered by clicking on dialog box X or pressing ESC
    // not triggered if a dialog button was clicked

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