How do you use the CSS content property to add HTML entities?

Using something like this just prints   to the screen instead of the non-breaking space:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: ' ';
  • 8
    In a different sense, adding content using CSS violates the separation of concerns, CSS is meant for style definitions alone. It is preferable to avoid from a accessibility point of view, as disabling CSS screws up the whole mark up. However, it is nice to add images using this technique.
    – questzen
    Commented Oct 10, 2008 at 8:03
  • 106
    It depends. In this case it's for presentation purposes. It would "violate" SoC to put " >" in the html
    – mathieu
    Commented Oct 10, 2008 at 9:11
  • 3
    Just a question, do you think that'd be better off as an ordered list? I mean, it is a list with an order isn't it?
    – alex
    Commented Mar 20, 2009 at 5:36
  • 4
    @questzen - I think it's perfectly acceptably (and good form) to use CSS :after to set, for instance, the asc/desc sort indicator on a sorted column.
    – Josh M.
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 1:18
  • 16
    I noticed people have gone crazy about the SoC principle. Heavens, what kind of content is a ">" sign for you?! Have mercy! it's just an icon in this context, a widget, a bullet, you name it. To me content is something I would like to be searchable.
    – user776686
    Commented May 9, 2014 at 10:06

10 Answers 10


You have to use the escaped unicode :


.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\0000a0';
  • 69
    The leading zeroes are superfluous, see CSS 2.1: 4.3.7 Strings. '>\a0' suffices. Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 19:35
  • 22
    @dlamblin Further, to avoid characters being interpreted as part of the escape sequence reliably, add standard white-space: '>\a0 bc' is displayed > bc. Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 19:41
  • 23
    My tool amp-what.com/#q=%3E provides a "CSS" mode. Choose "css" at the bottom of the page. Per CSS reference above, these need to be space delimited when they are ambiguous.
    – ndp
    Commented Feb 21, 2013 at 19:47
  • 1
    @mathieu Can you use 'content' to append image instead? Just wondering Commented Jul 11, 2013 at 14:27
  • 2
    @Adam, no, if you want to append an image, use "background-image" and display:inline-block; and width:123px; height:123px; (use exact width/height) Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 4:42

CSS is not HTML.   is a named character reference in HTML; equivalent to the decimal numeric character reference  . 160 is the decimal code point of the NO-BREAK SPACE character in Unicode (or UCS-2; see the HTML 4.01 Specification). The hexadecimal representation of that code point is U+00A0 (160 = 10 × 161 + 0 × 160). You will find that in the Unicode Code Charts and Character Database.

In CSS you need to use a Unicode escape sequence for such characters, which is based on the hexadecimal value of the code point of a character. So you need to write

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\a0';

This works as long as the escape sequence comes last in a string value. If characters follow, there are two ways to avoid misinterpretation:

a) (mentioned by others) Use exactly six hexadecimal digits for the escape sequence:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\0000a0foo';

b) Add one white-space (e. g., space) character after the escape sequence:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\a0 foo';

(Since f is a hexadecimal digit, \a0f would otherwise mean GURMUKHI LETTER EE here, or ਏ if you have a suitable font.)

The delimiting white-space will be ignored, and this will be displayed  foo, where the displayed space here would be a NO-BREAK SPACE character.

The white-space approach ('\a0 foo') has the following advantages over the six-digit approach ('\0000a0foo'):

  • it is easier to type, because leading zeroes are not necessary, and digits do not need to be counted;
  • it is easier to read, because there is white-space between escape sequence and following text, and digits do not need to be counted;
  • it requires less space, because leading zeroes are not necessary;
  • it is upwards-compatible, because Unicode supporting code points beyond U+10FFFF in the future would require a modification of the CSS Specification.

Thus, to display a space after an escaped character, use two spaces in the stylesheet –

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\a0  foo';

– or make it explicit:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\a0\20 foo';

See CSS 2.1, section "4.1.3 Characters and case" for details.

  • +1 for the "to display a space after an escaped character" trick, but have to mention that adding an nbsp and then a space kind of defeats the purpose of the nbsp ;)
    – TWiStErRob
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 12:44
  • @TWiStErRob No, a combination of a non-breaking space character followed by a breaking space character (or vice-versa) will display a gap about the width of two space characters, while two or more verbatim space characters will only display a gap of the width of one space character as the parser of the layout engine collapses consecutive breaking whitespace (including newline) into one space character unless the white-space CSS property declares otherwise. Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 5:48
  • yep, I know about collapsing, but the point of nbsp is that it's non-breaking, word chars are also non-breaking by default, so adding a breaking space next to a non-breaking one makes no sense, the end result will be breaking. I'm talking for white-space: normal.
    – TWiStErRob
    Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 10:07
  • @TWiStErRob Please read my answer more carefully. It is an example for “display[ing] a space after an escaped character”. The original code had a NO-BREAK SPACE character, so I used the escape sequence for it. You can choose any other escape sequence; if required, you can declare white-space: nowrap, too. Commented Jan 25, 2018 at 3:01

Update: PointedEars mentions that the correct stand in for   in all css situations would be
'\a0 ' implying that the space is a terminator to the hex string and is absorbed by the escaped sequence. He further pointed out this authoritative description which sounds like a good solution to the problem I described and fixed below.

What you need to do is use the escaped unicode. Despite what you've been told \00a0 is not a perfect stand-in for   within CSS; so try:

content:'>\a0 ';          /* or */
content:'>\0000a0';       /* because you'll find: */
content:'No\a0 Break';    /* and */
content:'No\0000a0Break'; /* becomes No Break as opposed to below */

Specifically using \0000a0 as  . If you try, as suggested by mathieu and millikin:

content:'No\00a0Break'   /* becomes No਋reak */

It takes the B into the hex escaped characters. The same occurs with 0-9a-fA-F.

  • 8
    You just need to put a space after the escape sequence, as specified: '\a0 Break'. '\0000a0Break' is not reliable. Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 19:39
  • @PointedEars Interesting, so then this space is a terminator and does not get included into the string?
    – dlamblin
    Commented Jan 3, 2012 at 5:53
  • 2
    See CSS 2.1, section "4.1.3 Characters and case". Which also shows that your approach SHOULD be reliable per CSS 2.1. But I find the whitespace approach cleaner (upwards-compatible) and having a smaller footprint. Commented Jan 3, 2012 at 13:29

In CSS you need to use a Unicode escape sequence in place of HTML Entities. This is based on the hexadecimal value of a character.

I found that the easiest way to convert symbol to their hexadecimal equivalent is, such as from ▾ (▾) to \25BE is to use the Microsoft calculator =)

Yes. Enable programmers mode, turn on the decimal system, enter 9662, then switch to hex and you'll get 25BE. Then just add a backslash \ to the beginning.

  • 6
    While totally useful, it doesn't really answer the question so this would be better as a comment to the question.
    – dlamblin
    Commented Jan 3, 2012 at 20:51
  • 1
    Black right-pointing small arrow (▸ \25B8 ▸ ▸) ftw. Also, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_Shapes for more.
    – Joel Purra
    Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 3:02
  • 2Joel Purra, read Wiki on more time. you mistook the symbols.
    – netgoblin
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 15:16
  • @netgoblin: how so? I just happen to like black right-pointing small arrow.
    – Joel Purra
    Commented Apr 14, 2013 at 14:26
  • 1
    I use this graphemica.com where you can get the Decimal, Hexadecimal and so on
    – Mike
    Commented Oct 29, 2018 at 6:26

Use the hex code for a non-breaking space. Something like this:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '>\00a0';

There is a way to paste an nbsp - open CharMap and copy character 160. However, in this case I'd probably space it out with padding, like this:

.breadcrumbs a:before { content: '>'; padding-right: .5em; }

You might need to set the breadcrumbs display:inline-block or something, though.

  • 4
    Instead of pasting the nbsp, i'd stick to using an entity, so that it's clear to future maintainers that it's different to a space.
    – nickf
    Commented Dec 6, 2009 at 3:58
  • 2
    on the other hand, you dont do breadcrumbs as they are supposed to be, i.e: the > symbol should be inline with the breadcrumb, and not just a visual style. at least if you want google to see your breadcrumbs and list them under your listing in the search engine. Commented Jan 25, 2012 at 16:32

For Example :


Example: If you want select your character , I selected "&#8620" "&#x21ac" (We use HEX values)

.breadcrumbs a:before {
  content: '\0021ac';

Result: ↬

Thats it :)

  • i used content:'\10095'; . But the output is not showing. instead of the icon, it's showing rectangle.
    – kapil
    Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 6:28

I know this is an pretty old post, but if spacing is all your after, why not simply:

.breadcrumbs a::before {
  content: '>';
  margin-left: 8px;
  margin-right: 8px;

I have used this method before. It wraps perfectly fine to other lines with ">" by its side in my testing.


Here are two ways:

  • In HTML:

    <div class="ics">&#9969;</div>

This will result into ⛱

  • In Css:

    .ics::before {content: "\9969;"}

with HTML code <div class="ics"></div>

This also results in ⛱

  • The correct answer is .ics::before {content: '\9969';} Commented Jan 8, 2018 at 16:37
  • 1
    For the HTML you don't need the div class = ics. You can simply do &#<number>;. Also, watch out for if it is a hex number in which case you want &#x<hex number>; w3schools.com/html/html_symbols.asp Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 18:42

Just to make the answers here a little more complete. If you are using something like content: attr(aria-label);, then rather than using unicode escapes, you DO need to use HTML entities instead. For example, using &#10; to generate a line break.

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