So you can set value of an ace editor with setValue but after setting the value, the editor will select the whole value of the editor. How do you disable this? This mean when I set value of ace editor to Hello world, it won't highlight Hello world


6 Answers 6


You can use the second parameter to control cursor position after setValue

editor.setValue(str, -1) // moves cursor to the start
editor.setValue(str, 1) // moves cursor to the end
  • 1
    This answer is now obsolete. Ace has changed since 2013. See Danial's answer: stackoverflow.com/a/65754932/8910547
    – Inigo
    Commented Feb 21, 2021 at 23:56
  • 1
    This is still correct in 2022 !!!
    – Eric
    Commented Feb 6, 2022 at 9:09

You can even use clearSelection() after you do an setValue();

editor.setValue("Hello World");
editor.clearSelection(); // This will remove the highlight over the text

I'm not sure if editor.setValue() is a remnant from the old days or what, but the proper way to set an editor's content is




This will NOT select the text, so there's no need to do any of the things mentioned on this page.

editor.setValue() explicitly selects all (and forgets to unselect it); but there's no reason to use it.

  • Well, Ace's own documentation still says to use editor.setValue() to set content. And it also says to use editor.getSession().setValue() to set a value and reset undo history, but that's about it. Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 4:53
  • Docs are best laid plans. The truth is that editor.setValue() is a function that calls session.setValue() and does a bunch of other stuff. The session function is the raw function
    – Danial
    Commented Jan 10, 2022 at 2:54

This works for me!

editor.setValue(editor.getValue(), 1);

I've been having your same issue.

Even though you can set the second parameter to either 1 or -1, I think you should also check this: https://ace.c9.io/api/editor.html#Editor.setValue

Editor.setWrapBehavioursEnabled(Boolean enabled)

Use this right after creating the editor.

This works very well for me. The difference between this method and the one shared by a user is that the caret's position is not changed, you can move it yourself using Editor.selection.moveTo(row, column), this way the user won't experience weird caret position changes when using, say, CTRL+Z to undo an action :)

  • 1
    This answer is not clear, do you mean that calling Editor.setWrapBehavioursEnabled(Boolean enabled) with some value just after the editor is initialized will prevent all text from being selected when calling editor.setValue?
    – Macario
    Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 23:46
 var prevtext = $("#editor").val();
 prevtext = prevtext + "<br/>";

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